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Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

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    Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

    As far as the smoking goes....posting this with one hanging out me gob - but is 3rd for the day and 3pm, so I am ok with that!

    Lunch: Yummy eve apple, raw carrot, wholemeal bread sandwich with salami, cheese, cucumber lettuce....Muffins in oven!! Bran/rhubarb and strawb preserve/dried apricots....they be ready in 5. I MAY NOT BE ABLE TO POST HONESTLY just how many I sample but will try,

    four cups coffee to date for day
    I cup of tea
    3 glasses water (not shot glasses lol)

    Oh - and about 8 ritz crackers

    We are on the ball, guys!
    *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


      Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

      Sampled two muffins. Big ones. Well, sampled one, and ate the other with the knowledge it was going to be delish. I'm OK with that...if a tad full...
      *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


        Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

        its 6.30am here and I have had one cup of coffee and 2 pieces of nicotine gum!!! Not great eh ))
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

          Ahh Starts - it's early, AND you chewing the gum, not PUFFIN the fag, darl - so that's pretty cool!
          *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


            Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

            Breakfast of a bar of Cadbury`s fruit and nut choccie :H. Having my first nic. gum of the tea yet.........somehow gum and tea don`t go well together lol

            Star x
            Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


              Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

              Starlight Impress Forever;496781 wrote: Breakfast of a bar of Cadbury`s fruit and nut choccie :H. Having my first nic. gum of the tea yet.........somehow gum and tea don`t go well together lol

              Star x
              Starlight! You are dead right there!
              *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                Wednesday dins: beef mince with mushrooms, onions and beans (and pasta saucy stuff)...
                1 x real strong "cowboy" coffee, 1 cig....

                Just now: 7 x toffee lollies....( four at once, then three at once...hoping phone did not ring)
                *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                  Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                  museli for brekkie, stilton and crackers for lunch, (the stilton was meant for christmas but hey) and, as it was chips last night we are having lasagne and salad for tea. tried to make a syrup pudding, you know the ones where you boil them on the hob? well, it exploded goo everywhere so yoghurt now for dessert! I am feeling a little better muscle wise today so have done 10 mins jogging on the wii - next time i'll put my sports bra on lol!


                    Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                    Woke up for the loo approx 3am, had every intention of raiding biscuit tin, but toooo dam tired to get lid off. Grateful for that.

                    Today so far (9.20am)
                    I cup tea
                    I walk to beach
                    I coffee
                    I cig

                    So I do belileve , O2M, you win in the healthy stakes dear!!!
                    *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                      Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                      I adore Liver and onions ( with bacon) .... thanks for the inspiration, that will be dinner tonight!
                      *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                        Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                        I have just stuffed myself silly on fish and mashed potato with half a tin of beans and a round of bread and butter. I feel so stuffed now!!!

                        Oh and lunch was just a sausage roll.

                        Only 2 cups of coffee today and NO red bull!!


                          Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                          Today was a bit better!
                          sausage roll
                          fresh minestrone soup
                          Organic chicken breast, chips, yorkshire pud(4) and gravy
                          2 funsize packs of skittles
                          4 cups of coffee
                          water and squash
                          Better than yesterday!!
                          To Infinity And Beyond!!


                            Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                            No, only 2! One normal, and one sours!
                            To Infinity And Beyond!!


                              Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                              What guy?!?!?!?!What film?!?!?!

                              Fuel today:
                              Breakfast: 1 cup tea/1 cup coffee/1 cig
                              2pm: Boysenberry muffin (bought from gas station so: Tastless fluffy muck with teaspoon of coloured jam on top)
                              4pm: Muesli bar/apple
                              BUT WAIT FOR IT!!! New Creation:

                              Dins: Toasted seaweed wrap (Japper thing) with avocado spread on it then chicken, beef, onions, mushrooms and corn all wrapped up like tortilla thingy....Not Bad

                              Total cups of coffee: 6
                              Water: one bottle filled from tap (500ml)
                              Cigs so far (8.45pm): 6
                              *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                                Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                                Kap, that doesnt sound too the sound of the seaweed wrap (minus the beef and chook though)
                                For me so far....
                                1 paracetomol, 1 nurofen, 2 cups of coffee, 3 nico gums, 1 glass of orange juice and a tablespoon of All One powder...
                                Oh yes, 2 tabs of Prozac :-)
                                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

