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Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

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    Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

    Where do you get them from and what do they look like?
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

      Its an innocent 'super smoothie' Had never heard of them, so thought id give it a go. they look like this
      Myrica rubra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      To Infinity And Beyond!!


        Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

        I like the innocent smoothies too, easy cos you dont have to chew...
        Yumberries look nice, might give then a go myself....
        thanks for that...not so useless after all...
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

          Yumberries, cy - the name alone has got me sold....

          Starts - I really did think I was going to buy a kilo of poppy seeds and take them tomorrow. I diddn't have a naltrex yesterday or today, so I thought the opiates would work, and my reasoning was, nothing would be open in the subsequent 4 days (i.e shops to buy more) la la la la la - just my addiction telling me UTTER lies as usual - as once the "phenomenon" of craving is activated I will do ANYTHING to get more, and if I can't get more then I have a drink and then it is TRULY all, quite simply, I said the Serenity Prayer, thought very hard about the time up I DO have, and took that dam naltrexone - so I am gauranteed to stay clean and sober throughout Christmas - like your good self, the supps etc are vital....

          *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


            Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

            Oh Kapo, you did great! I know what you mean about activating that, well done...yes, lets keep taking the really are a star you know xxx
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

              You're on, Starts, I will take mine every day from now....and you do too!!! Deal! And you are a Star too, thank you
              *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                Well........I have just had 2 bowls of rice krispies...
                Before that I had 2 pieces of toast and jam
                And then yogurt and apricots and figs...
                Not doing great on the healthy eating front at the moment but that will change next week.

                You are doing brill Oney, I can feel your improvement through your posts....does that sound daft? well its true, you are feeding your body and your mind....keep going girlie!
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                  I had.........

                  2 SLICES BROWN BREAD AT 9.30AM
                  bowel of porridge at 12pm
                  2 choc bikkies at 2pm(friday treat)
                  popcorn at cinema
                  bowel of soup and coleslaw on brown bread at 8pm


                    Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                    well at the weekend I ease up , i will eat an indian tomorrow and stuff. Im looking foreword to looseing weight with the not boozing Thers loads of cals in ritz .


                      Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                      thanks...lets hope I get it this time , if I dont im outta here.


                        Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                        Sorry, had to laugh - regular re-overies... sorry Kapo! :H
                        Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                          Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                          then I dont know, cant keep coming on here and getting nowhere , its not fair to those who are REALLY trying, at the mo im really trying so hopefully I can keep it up.


                            Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                            Thanks going to fight myself this! Really beat the shit outta me!(believe me , that will take some time!!) lol!


                              Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                              I was just scrolling through the threads, looking for something about diet, and discovered all of you. I'm just going to jump in. In a nutshell, I'd like to lose 10 pounds, and never get drunk or have another hang over again. I've been trying the South Beach Diet since January 1...Feeling a little deprived and irritable the last couple of days. Today I've had:

                              A cheddar and jalepeno frittata
                              2 cups of 1/2 caf. coffee with 1/2 and 1/2 (cheating on S.B.)
                              several glasses of water
                              V8 with All One Powder

                              About 50 pistachios (cheating again, limit is 30)

                              Sauteed Kale and broccoli in olive oil, with some sliced turkey and low fat cheese mixed in.

                              I'm wondering if I should ditch the diet plan and just eat healthy. But I do want to lose some weight. My drawers are full of size 6 clothes I can't wear right now.

                              I'm so impressed with those of you who are quitting smoking...I thank God I never started that. My husband went on Wellbutrin to quit years ago. It helped so much, and was the first thing that had after years of nicotine addiction. He never smoked, but he "dipped". Yuck.

                              Hang in there, everyone! Sara
                              "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                                Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                                Just finished a bowl of whole grain pasta salad...I filled it with tons of VEGGIES...
                                Did you eat your GREENS today ??
                                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

