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Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

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    Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

    Come on girlies, its weigh in day!


      Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

      We are having sheppards pie as our first meal of the day....
      To Infinity And Beyond!!


        Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

        Oney, your been very nice to me, I will try and be nice to you too, your a great pal...


          Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

          oh I will do it...! Lol!


            Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

            you can pick up every lb I loose and put it on you!


              Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

              Shepards pie & salad for us tonight also - although I might just have the salad - haven't managed to get to the chemist but weighed myself on my neighbours digi scales this morning and things are worse than I thought -10.10 - I was just over 10.7 on my own scales yesterday but of course I was in my nudlums and my neighbours have suffered enough abuse from me over the years without presenting myself myself to them this morn in my birthday suit -shite that means I'm supposed to lose what like 17lbs by Feb. 27th - maybe this wasn't such a good idea, I can't believe I've put on so much especially with no booze (except last weekend of course), but I did in fairness eat a load of crap. Well wanky Tuesday has turned into black Tuesday for me. Right off to the school in a few mins and by jesus I'll give that ol dear on the crutches a run for her money today
              Sorry for going on but god I'm depressed now
              There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                Does it count that I was late weighing in and had eaten toast and ham and loads of tea & coffee?, yesterday it was first thing?? ok, excuses, excuses
                There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                  Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                  weigh yourself first thing in the morning on a didgi scales, If I weighed myself on a house scales I know id be over 10 stone!! And weigh first thing, not after brekkie. Buy a digi scales!!
                  And give the ole bag a nudge into the ditch..who does she think she is anyway!!


                    Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                    Of course it makes a difference, I only had 2 cups of coffee on me, I know if I weighed now id be at least 10 stone.


                      Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                      Will weigh myself at the chemist digi scales first thing tomorrow before eating anything ok?
                      Thank you all for trying to cheer me up!!:l
                      For now I will delude myself into thinking that I am about 10 and a half which makes it a stone to lose
                      Catch you all later
                      There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                        Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                        do that, good idea. You will be much happier about it tomorrow and I know , 2-3 weeks in you will loose alod at the same time, thats what happens me, nothing for the first week or two and then I weigh myself and 4-5 lbs have gone. The day will come, soon, dont give up!


                          Regualr meals for healthy reoveries! Mind, body and soul!

                          Bandy..whats the news?

