Just thought I'd check in and give you an update with things. Mediation has not worked out and it seems we have to go through the long and lengthy process of the courts. Both mediators felt certain 'legal' restrictions had to be placed within a court order for access that now involves Social Services over Jasmines safety in my presence!!.. YUP was made to feel like a real shit last Tuesday and BOY did it get to me. kind of got that attitude in my head for a brief moment that If I'm a shit then FUCK ME i'll show em what a SHIT really is!!!lol. Thankfully it was only fleeting although It did seem to send shockwaves through the system and my emotions over 'other' things surfaced. It was those that got the better of me I guess but thanks to Limers I didn't go OTT and get totally mashed and end up on a bender.
Rubes, One, starting,Cym, Wish, Sea, and all the rest of the crew I love ya loads and take care.
Love and Happiness