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Army Thread Tuesday Dec 16

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    Army Thread Tuesday Dec 16

    Aloha Soldiers, well the countdown on, Chrissy getting closer O2M!!!...

    Been a good day here - fairly sedate (not to be confused with sedated!)

    Yesterday I posted about how my dear teens and their peers were off skating for the weekend and obtained me a lovely stuffed santa, and that aforementioned Santa's removal was documented on front page of yesterday's paper....Well, here's a wee laugh for you to begin your day with (please excuse my natural anarchastic irreverence)

    This afternoon about 3pm, the coppers were at the door (even THEY were chuckling) with an search warrant for my house....Here is an exerpt:

    TO: Every Constable:

    I am satisfied on an application THAT there is reasonable ground for believing that there is (are) in any building, aircraft, ship, carriage, box, receptacle, premises or place situated at (My ADDY) athe following thing(s), namely: A five foot Santa Claus, The left hand of the statue of Mary.......

    I SHIT you all NOT!!

    Anyway, just thought I would post that for a bit of comic relief...hope everone good!


    P.S the copper actually apologised for taking my "CHristmas Present" away!:upset:
    *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*

    Army Thread Tuesday Dec 16

    Hey Kap
    There never is a dull moment with teenagers is there. Mine went missing for the day yesterday and was found in the bush with other undesirables and alcohol. Needless to say there was full scale war when we got him home - thank god our neighbour is dead. I mean deaf! The offending teen is all nice as pie today all yes sir no sir three bags full sir. Its a bit like an abusive relationship when they apologise for their behaviour and promise they wont do it again YOU FECKIN BELIEVE THEM! What is with that.... oh thats right its called unconditional love. Shame it only goes down the ways.


      Army Thread Tuesday Dec 16

      Kapo I am crying here :H So sorry you are minus your 5ft Santa hun...

      Boozy, great to see you and sorry the kids are not behaving the way they should!!! Sure you will sort them though :H

      I am late, pc is running like a snail again so will catch you all later..
      Have a great day all xxx
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Army Thread Tuesday Dec 16

        Hi all, just checking in. Still feeling ill and its hubbys birthday today. Hope everyone is well


          Army Thread Tuesday Dec 16

          Hi Sweets
          Sorry to hear you are not well. Its all good down under other than teen dramas! Its the summer school holidays here so will have to be vigilant with the teens as the devil finds work for idle hands.....


            Army Thread Tuesday Dec 16

            Kap, what did they think was in santa???why did he make front line news......god i need to start reading all the posts...and bh, my teen NEVER apoligises for anything, hes very arragant and thinks hes always right, he prob is you know because most of the time i havent a feckin clue one way or the other!


              Army Thread Tuesday Dec 16



                Army Thread Tuesday Dec 16

                Sorry, that caps thing again!


                  Army Thread Tuesday Dec 16

                  Boozey lol re the dead/deaf neighbour!!! Kids - you gotta love em!
                  Sweets, bummer you are still feeling crook - self-care darl, keep warm and cosy.
                  Limers LOL - re "what was in the santa" ! I live in an INCREDIBLY dull town, darlin, and just the pinching of the 5 foot fat bastard made the front page news....I know that is SAD, but it is a pretty good indication of how "sheltered" this town is.
                  Except apparently and asian exchange student got belted by his hosts somewhere near here for making too many toll calls (!!!!!!!!!!!!) Fuck - that made the paper too.

                  Unfortunately, as a result my son will face a court case in the New Year. ( I ASK you)

                  Other than that, a calm and serene day! But GOD, I adored the natural, REAL laughter I got out of some of today's events.

                  Happy day all awakening

                  *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                    Army Thread Tuesday Dec 16

                    no way...the ole cow is pressing charges....sure thats just wasteing time and mone...some peeps have zero sence of humour....cant you move???lol!


                      Army Thread Tuesday Dec 16

                      Jeez Kap
                      That is a very good point from Limers - did you actually check inside the santa? You could potentially use the left hand of the virgin mary to do this. The coppers did mention receptacles in their notice didnt they? hmmm that might be a clue. Perhaps it is like the Da Vinci code. You never know seeing as its Xmas if you had looked into santa's orifices you might have found some turtle doves, maybe a partridge, possibly a pear tree, a few french hens, a few maids a milking and a few lords a leaping.


                        Army Thread Tuesday Dec 16

               off to bed , this is too much for me at this time of the morning!


                          Army Thread Tuesday Dec 16

                          LOL limers! Ain't it a JOKE! I love the town I choose to live in (have only been here five years) but by God some of the locals are inbred retards. God Bless 'em! We are reasonably well-known as a "free-thinking" and fun-loving (read: a tad rebellious) family. I get on really well with the coppers though, they are pretty good. Just some of the locals are pretty narrow minded. I used to have bright blue hair, and a large-motored car and I have a tattoo or two, and have been known to be happily, if publicy there is a natural minor prejudice towards folk who don't know me...
                          Wouldn't change for quids. Just glad to be clean and sober and not losing the essence of my real self...more like gaining it, as there is no guilt or shame now.

                          Hey - I have nearly finished all my Chrissy Shopping and I only started a week ago!
                          *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                            Army Thread Tuesday Dec 16

                            L M A O BOOZE!!!!!

                            That was PRICELESS!!! Thanks!

                            Sorry Limers, 9.30pm here - so a tad exhausted and a weeny bit mad!! Have a nice rest
                            *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                              Army Thread Tuesday Dec 16

                              You cant be going back to bed already arent you only just up! What kind of example is that to be setting for the teens I ask ya.

