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Thrown shoes at President Bush..........

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    Thrown shoes at President Bush.......... I know a lot of us have hard feelings towards Pres. Bush but this is rediculas. Those ungrateful idiots..........all the American lives spent so they could express thier feelings and live in a Democratic Society.
    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
    Dr. Seuss

    Thrown shoes at President Bush..........

    The reason he still has his head is because of us. But he represents a smaller fraction of the new Iraq. President Bush showed that he can still dodge flying objects with the best of them.

    The Kool-aid drinking loons are loving it thinking its the best thing since sliced bread.
    Starting over again 09/06/11

    "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



      Thrown shoes at President Bush..........

      Yes, he is good at dodging....


        Thrown shoes at President Bush..........

        Yes, it is extraordinary that the Iraqi people are not displaying overwhelming gratitude to President Bush for the great blessings he has brought to their country... even, at the reasonable (???) price of so many lives lost (Iraqi, American, and those from other nations)...

        Let's hope that the people of other nations will not soon have to endure our savage methods of providing them with the gift of democracy...

        C'mon, now: Is there anyone here who truly believes that we invaded and are occupying Iraq in order to provide the Iraqi people with freedom and democracy???


          Thrown shoes at President Bush..........

          Work......regardless of how some of us feel about this war. American & Peace keeping forces lives were spent. If nothing else we got rid of that Dictator Hussien who killed thousands of innocent people.. I'm not here to discuss politics you can find another forum for that. I'm intersted in freedom and the price that was paid for it. IAD
          ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
          those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
          Dr. Seuss


            Thrown shoes at President Bush..........

            33 Days 10 Hours before Bush is finally out of office!!! Right now I, like so many others are wondering if Life and the Freedom that remains in the US can recover from all the damage done during the past 8 years that Bush has been in office!

            No, WIP, I do not now, nor have I ever believed that the US invaded and occupy Iraq to provide the Iraqui people with freedom and democracy. That has been a smokescreen perpetrated by the current administration when it was discovered that the original reason for the invasion, "Weapons of Mass Destruction" was a complete lie!!
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              Thrown shoes at President Bush..........

              I agree. There is a lot of oil in Iraq, and also large amounts of water. It is an incredibly valuable country. We came as colonizers, not as liberators. I am sorry people lost their lives; I do wish we valued lives more - our soldiers and the Iraqis.


                Thrown shoes at President Bush..........

                I was just many that have this point of view of the US coming to colonize Irag ever gave their life for this country ? Any of you served in the Military ? If you have I respectfully recieve your opion. IAD ( I served in Nam and DMZ Korea )
                ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                Dr. Seuss


                  Thrown shoes at President Bush..........

                  IAD;497264 wrote: Work......regardless of how some of us feel about this war. American & Peace keeping forces lives were spent. If nothing else we got rid of that Dictator Hussien who killed thousands of innocent people.. I'm not here to discuss politics you can find another forum for that. I'm intersted in freedom and the price that was paid for it. IAD
                  IAD, with all respect to you (and I mean that quite seriously), this thread you started is ALL about politics. It was a political decision that took us to Iraq, and it has been and is being marketed both as some kind of defense of the United States (nonsense!) and as a crusade to free the Iraqi people of a brutal dictator (double nonsense!). The United States is (supposedly) NOT in the business of using our military forces to depose the leaders of foreign governments, regardless of whether those governments are headed by dictators, by kings, queens, parliaments, or any other form of government.

                  The outrageous "price" we (and many others) paid was NOT a price that was paid for anybody's "freedom."


                    Thrown shoes at President Bush..........

                    Work.... make it political if you want too. I have'nt taken any sides. I think this war was a mistake ! Getting rid of Huessin was'nt. Just don't tell a Veteran that they're lives were spent in vane......IAD.
                    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                    Dr. Seuss


                      Thrown shoes at President Bush..........

                      Iad, none of those chickenhawks served, ever! They just sent others to die.


                        Thrown shoes at President Bush..........

                        IAD;497281 wrote: I was just many that have this point of view of the US coming to colonize Irag ever gave their life for this country ? Any of you served in the Military ? If you have I respectfully recieve your opion. IAD ( I served in Nam and DMZ Korea )
                        People serve their country in many ways. Some, by becoming teachers, some doctors and nurses, some as parents raising responsible adults, farmers who grow and raise food. The list goes on and on. Serving in the military is also one way of serving this country, not the only way. How anyone, who claims to "serve this country" can blatantly disregard the opinions and contributions of the citizens of that same country is ignorant. All law biding citizens who vote, are entitled to respect and to express their opinions.
                        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                        AF 12/6/2007


                          Thrown shoes at President Bush..........

                          Because you have to give up you own life to know what it means to be free in this country. Be a teacher, life and death sacrifice thier. K....IAD. Theirs a whole lot of people at Arlington National Cem. that knows what that means.
                          ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                          those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                          Dr. Seuss


                            Thrown shoes at President Bush..........

                            IAD;497281 wrote: I was just many that have this point of view of the US coming to colonize Irag ever gave their life for this country ? Any of you served in the Military ? If you have I respectfully recieve your opion. IAD ( I served in Nam and DMZ Korea )
                            IAD, Thank you for your service! My husbo served 2 years US Army and 20 years US Navy.
                            LTG AF January 13, 2011


                              Thrown shoes at President Bush..........

                              yes thank you for your service IAD
                              Gabby :flower:

