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Can`t sleep `cos my gob is killing me.

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    Can`t sleep `cos my gob is killing me.

    Would be funny if it weren`t mouth is bloody killing me.

    Day 19 as a non-smoker and am tickled pink........have committed to NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF, but........despite me having nothing but praise for the nicotine gum.......the bloody stuff is causing me suffering........the insides of my cheeks are killing me, as if the skin has come off, either with all the bloody chewing or I have become sensitive to the the strong 4 mg one. Anyone experienced this? An suggestions for relief ? The gum is fab, but for this..........

    Star x
    Formerly known as Starlight Impress.

    Can`t sleep `cos my gob is killing me.

    Star very good on day 19 VERY GOOD quitting cigs was so hard for me. So anyway what is a gob?
    Gabby :flower:


      Can`t sleep `cos my gob is killing me.

      Is the hole in my face that so often landed me in trouble throughout my drinking career, gabby. I talked such a lot of crap when drunk :H

      Star x
      Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


        Can`t sleep `cos my gob is killing me.

        LMAO Starllight!! I used to literally burn my mouth out with the extremely high alcohol consumption near the end of very long benders.... the doc prescribed me a liquid medication that I would use about 5mls of, swish it around my mouth and then spit out - it was very relieving and soothed my sore GOB no end. Sorry as I cannot remember what it was called. Much empathy with you, darl....Or else you could gargle asprin...
        Worth a try..
        *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


          Can`t sleep `cos my gob is killing me.

          Thanks.........ain`t got no aspirin here though. Am feeling like a big baby, hurts, so am allowed, right??? :H Am going to try to get some shut eye and phone doc in morning.........kinda wary of doing so gum and I make a good team lol

          Star x
          Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


            Can`t sleep `cos my gob is killing me.

            I empathise with you - I was unable to eat bread and many other those days I would also be shaking INCREDIBLY with DTs - and they would give me warm soup or milk drinks, 1/2 full and with a lid and a straw!!! Shite, I have come a wee way since those hellish days of withdrawl.
            *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


              Can`t sleep `cos my gob is killing me.

              Hope get a rejeuvenating rest, Star x
              *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                Can`t sleep `cos my gob is killing me.

                Hi Star! Totally know where you're coming from here! I have had many an ulcer from the gum, it does burn a bit...I have only ever had the 2mg...but it does get better I think your mouth hardens to it...Well, I havent had a sore gob for a few years now!
                I put bonjella or something on mine, it numbs for enough time to get a bit of gum going!!
                Hope yours gets better soon hun x
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  Can`t sleep `cos my gob is killing me.

                  Well done on 19 days NF Star!!

                  Have you tried rinsing your mouth with a teaspoon of salt dissolved in warm water? I know it helps my BIL.... worth a try.
                  "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                    Can`t sleep `cos my gob is killing me.

                    Good for you Star, congrats on the 19 days.....use patches for a while until your gob's not sore anymore.

                    Sober since 30/06/10


                      Can`t sleep `cos my gob is killing me.

                      I dont know anything about the gum as I never had this plenty others though...bite my nails to the quick...but wanted to say how proud I am off you!!!!
                      Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                        Can`t sleep `cos my gob is killing me.


                        No experience with this, but, if you just put the gum in your mouth, and consiously don't chew, I would think you would still get the same effect. It may not help if the ingredients of the gum are irritating the tissue on the inside of your cheeks, but soundls like the chewing may be doing it. Either way, it is worth a try. Contratulaitons on kickin the butts in the butt! Whatever it takes! Have you thought about Chantix? Good luck!
                        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                          Can`t sleep `cos my gob is killing me.

                          Hope you're feeling better, Star.....

                          I'm so proud of you.



                            Can`t sleep `cos my gob is killing me.

                            Good Job on the 19 Days Star!!!

                            Sorry about your mouth hurting....sounds truly painful......hope you are feeling better today!

                            XXX Kate
                            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                            AF 12/6/2007

