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Army Thread Saturday 20 December

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    Army Thread Saturday 20 December

    Night Starting!
    Evielou, you sound good tonight! :h
    LTG AF January 13, 2011


      Army Thread Saturday 20 December

      How's it going with your iPod, Oney?

      I'm amazed to hear the Scientologists were wiling to stop taking money from Mark, they are notorious for NEVER letting go of people. Did he end up going into hospital?

      I had a long run this afternoon (on the treadmill, 2 entire miles! ha! I am very very slow) and then a lovely nap on the couch.


        Army Thread Saturday 20 December

        Hi WIP! Nice to see you :h
        LTG AF January 13, 2011


          Army Thread Saturday 20 December

          Hi, LTG, how's it going?


            Army Thread Saturday 20 December

            Pretty good here in TX. Cold one day, warm the next. How did things go with the estate sale? Sorry to bring that up but know it is something you had to deal with. That stuff is never fun.
            LTG AF January 13, 2011


              Army Thread Saturday 20 December

              I did some reading up on the Scientologists and published some stuff on my blog. They are truly horrible people (the ones who are in charge) and they have destroyed many lives. Good for the Irish for giving them enough hell to make them back down a bit... We are still coddling them in the USA, they have the status of a CHURCH which they feckin' well are NOT.

              Yeah it takes a new iPod an hour or two to charge; I really don't think you have to charge it fully before you play with it, though...


                Army Thread Saturday 20 December

                You can go ahead and start putting music on it and all...


                  Army Thread Saturday 20 December

                  Yep I do enjoy quiet time to myself... I seldom have an afternoon nap but today was perfect for it, gray and cold outside, nothing I really had to do; nobody to wake me up, the worst that usually happens is one of the dogs thinks she hears something outside, and barks a bit... or a cat drapes herself across me, which is nice and warm...


                    Army Thread Saturday 20 December

                    There's some good stuff about them on YouTube. There have been a number of suicides of the people they take in and begin to trade, and many families broken up over them... For someone like Mark with paranoid schiz, they are pure poison, playing right into his pathology...


                      Army Thread Saturday 20 December

                      This one is good

             539E3&playnext=1&index=4[/video]]YouTube - Scientology: Inside the Cult


                        Army Thread Saturday 20 December

                        I have heard nothing but bad things about Scientology and the only person I have dealt with that believes in it is John Travolta, back in the late 90's. Although I worked well with him and his agent, I would say stay clear of that cult. I do not believe it to be a religion. It's a belief for those graspping for something...IMHO.
                        LTG AF January 13, 2011


                          Army Thread Saturday 20 December

                          This one is really good, too:

                [/video]]YouTube - The Un-Funny TRUTH about Scientology


                            Army Thread Saturday 20 December

                            Yeah, LTG, the guy who founded it was a hack science fiction writer, decided it would be smart and profitable to create a "religion" -- and he did. And it was profitable, too! Amazing. It shows how tolerant we all are about bizarre "beliefs" that are labelled "religious" and also how people can be induced to believe things that are utterly insane and ridiculous, with enough social pressure ("brainwashing").

                            I think some of the celebrities who get involved are shielded from some of the worst of the craziness in Scientology, and are just used for their money and their names... but it seems that Tom Cruise is fully bought into all the "thetans" stuff etc. ... I don't know about Travolta, there is less written about his involvement....


                              Army Thread Saturday 20 December

                              When I met and dealt with Travolta, no problems. The problems that I come across are with family and my oldest son being gay. Like that matters to me. He is my son and I love him no matter what - unless like he should murder someone. We all believe in our own things and life takes us where it may, right?
                              LTG AF January 13, 2011


                                Army Thread Saturday 20 December

                                Im back. whats wrong with the ipod oney?
                                To Infinity And Beyond!!

