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Subscriber Secrets

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    Subscriber Secrets

    Not a big huge deal or anything, but I thought I'd put this out there because I've caught myself being distracted by it more and more the more I visit and read and participate here.

    I'm a long time lurker, and gain much for free here. I'm grateful and appreciative. I hope to contribute someday and I will.

    For the most part, I never really paid attention much to the "secret" exclusive area with whatever added features "subscribers" get for signing on as paying members. But as I log on daily now, I scroll past the subscriber area and more and more I wonder what the heck are they saying and sharing in there? And why do they feel the need to hide it from the rest of us?

    Is it beneficial to them? Is it just "oldies" who are friends and who enjoy the intimate privacy away from the rest of us newly coming on board? It's probably no big deal at all. But it is exclusive. And it is private from many. And it must be doing somebody some good? But it's also ANYbody who makes it a choice to contribute financially to the site (others obviously contribute in other, non-financial ways).

    I dunno. Perhaps I'm just convincing myself that being an outsider is where I'd prefer to be even if I contributed financially to this site and this MWO effort -- more than whatever the subscriber fees are. It would be my nature to copy and paste all the "inside" stuff for everyone else.

    I'm certain I'm missing the "benefit" of what a private area offers.

    Over the years I've earned some humility and realize that if I'm thinking or feeling something .... I'm probably not the only one. Dangit.

    So I'm just looking for feedback on what is just an increasingly nagging "sense" about scrolling past something that is there.... SOMEthing that is worth something to those there? But not worth sharing with all?

    I thank each and every struggling, endeavoring, searching, trying soul who posts here. It's just that I particularly appreciate the posts and sharing I can see.

    Sorry if I'm stepping on toes.

    Subscriber Secrets

    I had a lot of problems with paying for subs yet not being allowed in and finally unsubscribed. Lot's of people feel more at ease opening up in subs where it is a little more assured those there are not trolls or random web surfers. Try it, you might like it : )
    Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
    - George Jackson


      Subscriber Secrets

      MyHeartIsDrenchedInWine;499305 wrote: I had a lot of problems with paying for subs yet not being allowed in and finally unsubscribed. Lot's of people feel more at ease opening up in subs where it is a little more assured those there are not trolls or random web surfers. Try it, you might like it : )
      Oh I'm almost certain I would (like it).

      But then I'd be conflicted inside knowing there are "me's" out there wondering why I'm not including them.


        Subscriber Secrets

        I wonder how folks like Lushy, and Tawny, and Irishlady, and others who know who they are, think about this?

        Would they have ever stuck around at a place that had an exclusive "area" for "them" ... ??

        Again, not to stir something that isn't worthwhile. But to ward off brewing thoughts and concerns.


          Subscriber Secrets

          Good morning, early bird! Yes, Tiresias, curiosity exists, here too. I'm nibby. However, it is my understanding that a subscriber option, with appropriate fee, became necessary, due to the increasing costs of maintaining the web site. RJ - or anyone else may add more here, who can explain the specifics of this.

          I am an oldie and have not subscribed. Not because I don't want to support the site - it definately has provided life changing support and influence while finding my way to sobriety. I joined when there was no subscriber area, and am most comfortable here. This is where we find those who are new to MWO. This is where I feel I can offer support and continue to receive the the support that I need, as well. So, here's to choices. Subscribers ~ and non subscribers ~ all good! That's me, the neutral "facilitator" Tiresias. Glad you are here. :h
          "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


            Subscriber Secrets

            I am a subs....the ONLY reason...and I MEAN only reason I am is because this site literally saved my life and I want to help financially support it to keep it ALIVE. If we don't RJ will not be able to keep it open. I post MUCH MUCH MUCH more in general. Many days I post absolutely nothing in subs. It is 9.95 a month, to ME that is a very small price to give back to a site that has given me so much. I know not everyone can do that, but I can, so I do. Personal choice is all. I am a very open person so I say what I pretty share openly throughout the entire site.
            Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


              Subscriber Secrets

              bestlifeldms;499555 wrote: Good morning, early bird! Yes, Tiresias, curiosity exists, here too. I'm nibby. However, it is my understanding that a subscriber option, with appropriate fee, became necessary, due to the increasing costs of maintaining the web site. RJ - or anyone else may add more here, who can explain the specifics of this.

              I am an oldie and have not subscribed. Not because I don't want to support the site - it definately has provided life changing support and influence while finding my way to sobriety. I joined when there was no subscriber area, and am must comfortable here. This is where we find those who are new to MWO. This is where I feel I can offer support and continue to receive the the support that I need, as well. So, here's to choices. Subscribers ~ and non subscribers ~ all good! That's me, the neutral "facilitator" Tiresias. Glad you are here. :h
              You are wiser than a woman should be allowed to be.

              And I just demonstrated why a man can't hold a candle to your ... ability to step back.

              But I'm a tickler for details, ya know? And you aren't "in" there. And my "not wanting to stir up much" question is just why and what.

              Even if I paid, and I plan to (contribute to the site), I can't imagine posting something just for someone who paid money to see what I said. I sense I'm way off on this.

              But if you "paid" would you hang out where others couldn't see you unless they paid? I may be influenced a bit by the Sidney Poitier book I just read. I dunno. I really expressed my concerns because I didn't want it to drive me away.


                Subscriber Secrets


                Wow, you make subcribers sound so negative, why? Anyone can join, and those that do join will not find anything that is "Secret". Most of us also post on the general board as well as subcribers. I look at these areas as "different neighborhoods" each with its own flavor. As in any neighborhood, one will find different personalities, some who have been friends for a long while, some who are new and feeling their way around and others who are happy just saying hello to everyone. These same traits exist in both areas of this board. Even in the General area, there are those who are more confortable posting to certain people, those that they feel they have a things in common.

                For those that might feel badly about "not fitting in" or "not being part of the in crowd", I would ask, is this because of our own insecurities and inability to just "Be" or is it truly the fault of Others?

                These are just my thoughts on this matter!

                Wishing all Health, Happiness and Sobriety!
                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  Subscriber Secrets

                  I am a subscriber but pay little attention to where i am posting.I read a thread and if it speaks to me, I respond, regardless where or who posted it.Maybe some think that's rude but I trust my gut on these things.i subscribe because i think it is the LEST I can do to help continue RJs work...I admire her and truly believe this site saved my life...
                  sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                    Subscriber Secrets

                    I don't think you can ask people for money and not provide a service, which is what RJ has provided with the subscriber section. Value for money. In addition to the members area there is also a games area and a daily crossword. I'm a subscriber but I post all over the board, including the mods thread even though I'm not a modder. Why don't you give it a whirl for a month Tiresias?
                    vegan zombies want your grains


                      Subscriber Secrets

                      I'm not a subscriber, but I think it is great that RJ makes this an option. As I see it, this creates a smaller group that can support each other better. More games and all is another bonus. At the same time, the larger site is availabe for free to all who come. To me, this seems like the best of all worlds for everyone. Thank you, RJ, for your kindness.
                      My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                        Subscriber Secrets


                        Hi, and thank you.

                        We established the Subscriber service to help support the site. Our technology expenditures have risen dramatically, as have the costs of marketing this forum to those in need. Over the years we’ve added a number of features, available to everyone, because we feel they are really helpful. But they do cost money.

                        Early on, many individuals expressed a desire to help support the site financially, and we experimented with various methods. Some worked, others not so much. :-) We eventually added the Subscription service, following an established model for online communities. It allows us to offer enhanced forum features and free products, such as my book, nutritional supplements, and other perks.

                        We’ve tried hard to ensure that the Subscription forum is not viewed as a clique, and I don't believe Subscribers see it as such. In fact, I find Subscribers are some of our most dedicated members, eager to reach out and lend a hand.

                        We're doing our best to provide an online community that provides value and is sustainable in the long term. To that end, we are grateful to every one of you who provides support, however you choose to do it.

                        All are welcome here.

                        Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


                          Subscriber Secrets

                          That is consistent with some of the pm's I've received in response to my comments.

                          Thank you and that makes much sense.

                          Sometimes I guess I just have these awful immature little questions that creep in on me.


                            Subscriber Secrets

                            RJ has just about said it all. When I joined subscribers it wasn't because I wanted to belong to a secret society or a special clique, it was because I had taken so much from this place to help me get back to a normal alcohol free life that I wanted to put something back and paying a subscription four times a year enables me to do that.
                            A F F L..
                            Alcohol Free For Life


                              Subscriber Secrets

                              I subscribe to support the site. I had no idea there was a secret society or special clique I was missing. I truly enjoy the extra PM space and I need my pencil to write...LOL!!
                              I read and post to what catches my attention - doesn't matter where it's posted. I LIVE in general discussion and public chat.
                              My support comes from across the boards and around the world :h
                              LTG AF January 13, 2011

