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Missing the kick

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    Missing the kick

    Hi and a very happy Xmas to you all. I don't know if anyone else will know what I'm talking about but here goes...

    OK I'm missing the 'kick' of swigging spirits. I don't want to get drunk in the slightest and I don't mean the feeling of alcohol, I just mean the feeling on the back of your throat when you down spirits.

    Is there anything non-alc I can drink that gives you the same feeling? Don't tell me chilli sauce!!

    Ok I know it's probably a weird one, but I'd be very happy to get a substitute that gives a similar feeling. Is there an alc-free vodka/brandy etc or am I just dreaming?

    Thanks all.
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    Missing the kick

    Dont think they do an lac free vodka or brandy. Had a look, but it doesnt seem to exist.
    To Infinity And Beyond!!


      Missing the kick

      Kimberley;499507 wrote: Hi and a very happy Xmas to you all. I don't know if anyone else will know what I'm talking about but here goes...

      OK I'm missing the 'kick' of swigging spirits. I don't want to get drunk in the slightest and I don't mean the feeling of alcohol, I just mean the feeling on the back of your throat when you down spirits.

      Is there anything non-alc I can drink that gives you the same feeling? Don't tell me chilli sauce!!

      Ok I know it's probably a weird one, but I'd be very happy to get a substitute that gives a similar feeling. Is there an alc-free vodka/brandy etc or am I just dreaming?

      Thanks all.
      Ya know .. I really don't think there is such a thing. There may be, ... but I just don't know it.

      I'm no one ... NO one .. to give any advice on anything. But ... I'd say just close your eyes and summon .... ask ... ask for .... plead ... for your imagination. And dance. And feel that feeling you want to feel IN your heart and brain.

      Good luck and Happy Holidays.


        Missing the kick

        If you mean the "taste", one thing I've done is mix a drop of mint extract into my "mix". My spouse says "that makes everything taste like cough syrup". I think that's the point.

        1 drop peppermint or spearmint extract per 2 cups/500ml of mixer; 2 drops per quart/liter.


          Missing the kick

          I found that tonic water with a lemon or lime wedge really does it for me. I am not big on carbonated drinks however, but I do get satisfaction sipping this drink.

          I have no idea if they sell non-al vodka. I wouldn't be surprised now a days.

          I do know that they do sell non-al cider. Maybe that would help you?


            Missing the kick

            I understand the KICK FEELING that you're speaking of.
            I use strong tasting sodas such as Vernor's Ginger ale or Sarsaparilla over crushed ice.i also always have Ginger and Licorice ALTOID MINTS and strong flavored Jelly Bellies..these are the closest that I have come to giving my taste buds the Kick that they crave.
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              Missing the kick

              I don't think there is a substitute. That kick IS the alcohol, the ethanol.

              You're doing brilliantly though! Is Christmas getting to you?
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                Missing the kick

                the kick

                Okay, I know this will sound REALLY weird...try radishes!
                They are pretty and bright red. They are crunchy. Thay have a kick to them. And they are low fat and high in vitamins that are good for you. I know it is not a drink--but they keep my mouth busy and tingly. :nanner:

