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Army Thread 27th December

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    Army Thread 27th December

    Good morning troopers!

    Good Chrissy everyone?
    I am sorry I've been a bit quiet, but christmas is always incredibly tough emotionally for me...I really didnt want to bring the thread down so thought it best to stay away...
    Feeling a lot brighter now its over, really need to find a strategy to get through this season without falling apart....I have tried a number of things, helping out at charities, getting blind drunk, getting high....none of them really help me. I think the only thing that might is going to the Outer Hebrides for a week...but then that would piss off the family :H
    Never mind...alls well once again....

    Kapo, I read about Vea...I am so sorry to hear that...Must have been such a blow for are you doing now?

    Wippy, it sounds like you made it through with style! So pleased for you! I need some of your attitude I think...

    Oney, enjoy your "me time" girlie, that is just so important for our wellbeing.

    KP and Wishy...sounds like you had fun! Even though you ate rather alot!

    Evie, hope you are feeling better after the oysters! Cannot believe that, what bad luck!

    As you can see by my avatar...I managed to pack a fair bit away too....time to get my training plan sorted me thinks....

    Anyway, I hope all have survived the silly season and are feeling healthy??

    See ya later...
    Love starts xx
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    Army Thread 27th December

    Oney, I have just seen your text...thank hun..I am so sorry you were worried x
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Army Thread 27th December

      Hi ya Starts
      I am home and awake. I took the night off because I have my dog with me for the weekend!!! We are spoiling her rotten. I just want to have a place where she can live with me. The Ex is not taking good care of her. She is laying beside me with her head on my pillow, snoring away. Makes me so happy to have her. I hate this Condo crap!! I am glad Christmas is over too. We are exchanging gifts with my sis and bil tomorrow and that will be the end of it. LOL at your avator. I have eaten way too much junk myself. I am supposed to go and have blood work done. I think I will hold off a bit.
      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


        Army Thread 27th December

        Morning starts and sea. Very cold here this morning, but im feeling good, so happy days!
        Starts...great to hear from ya, and you really shouldnt worry about posting, especially when your feeling down. Its why were here, and i didnt feel great christmas morning, but after a couple of positive posts i felt better. Think there were alot of us feeling down christmas day for one reason or another.
        well, ive got nothing really planned today. Going to watch MOTD and a film on my new toy, but other than that my plan is to chill.
        Have a great day everyone.x
        To Infinity And Beyond!!


          Army Thread 27th December

          Hiya Sea and KP!
          Thanks for that KP, I know I shouldnt worry about it, just tend to bury myself when things get tough...BAD STARTING....

          Sea, look after that doggy, it breaks my heart to hear of any animal suffering...

          I am going to lunch at my mums today and going to walk there with the dogs...there is a beautiful route we can take that heads down into the vallley and follows the river through to the next village. The dogs can be off their leads nearly all the way and go in the water if they want. Not that either of them swim, but they like to paddle.
          Yesterday, we did about 7 miles walking to the next town along an old disused was lovely, cleared my head a treat. The dogs were knackered too, Larry was too tired to eat his bone out in the garden so as a treat he was allowed to bring it in and eat it in his bed )
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            Army Thread 27th December

            Morning all, back to work today, only for a few hours. Just to clean the restaurant after xmas as it will be a mess. Not much planned after that. Need to sort out erin's ipod so Cy can use his and erin can use hers on the same pc.

            Starts ... Glad you feeling better today and i hope you have a lovely day x (whats up with the avatar, so funny!!! LOL)

            Hi Sea ... Good to hear from you and hope you have a fab weekend with your doggie x


              Army Thread 27th December

              Hiya Wishy! Yep, have a chillin day...recharge those batteries in time for Erins Chrissy!
              Avatar is to remind me that I really dont need to eat for a month!
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                Army Thread 27th December

                HELLO ALL , STAYED UP ALL HOURS WATCHING DR. ZHIVAGO, had to miss the end as it was getting late so will have to rent it on dvd. Had a great afternoon in my mums ith my sis and her kids , we played head bandz and charades and all had a good laugh.Missed corrie so will be watching the reply soon and then were off to the movies to see bedtime stories , God I love christmas, its such a nice break from the ole routine! Oney, are you off shopping tomorrow?


                  Army Thread 27th December

                  lovely, Gordon was clled in to work yesterday so I had peace then too! Crocodile dundee 2 on tonight, cant wait!!


                    Army Thread 27th December

                    Hi oney and leeky. Sent ltg a pm this morning, but havent heard anything.
                    To Infinity And Beyond!!


                      Army Thread 27th December

                      one2many;503620 wrote: Anyone hear from LTG? Just seen her posts on last nights thread?????
                      Mornin Troops, We are alive, but not yet well...
                      Thanks for the heads up on LTG...I will check it out.
                      Anyone hear from HIPPS ????
                      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                        Army Thread 27th December

                        Good to hear from you Evie. Hope by the end of today your feeling better. x
                        To Infinity And Beyond!!


                          Army Thread 27th December

                          Mornin Chef, Dr. said 2 or 3 days and we will feel better...
                          Not soon enough for me.
                          heard from the hipster????
                          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                            Army Thread 27th December

                            No, havent heard from him. Ill send him a text now.
                            To Infinity And Beyond!!


                              Army Thread 27th December

                              Come downs from drugs are the worst. I have felt so low after at times.
                              To Infinity And Beyond!!

