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Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

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    Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

    Comrades! Ahoy there one and all. The end of a beautiful summer's day down here, I am starting to get as brown as a berry. It surely is a welcome change, I remember many a summer when I couldn't dress accordingly, as I was more often that not battered and bruised through drunkenness of one form or another....
    so very grateful to be sober today...
    Well this week will be a toughie for many of us - the big New Year's Eve thing, and all the crap that traditionally goes with it.

    I and a good-sized handful of other sober-ites have organised a bbq/picnic at one of the beaches here, just a potluck thing - mainly for sober solidarity. CHristmas has been successfully navigated for many of us, New Year's can be another true hurdle.
    Keep vigilant, soldiers...

    Well, I hope you are all well and ready for another day of AWESOME recovery - whatever it may bring....and always remember - NOTHING is SO BAD that a drink won''t make it WORSE!!!

    Ones- I hope you have had a fabulous sleep and your mood is lifting, hon
    *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*

    Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

    Good morning Kapo!
    What a great post to start the day!
    Totally jealous of your sunshine and warmth its layers all the way plus wooly hats...I could be beaten to a pulp and no-one would notice. :-)

    New years is gonna be fine for me I am so happy to say...all pressure is off and we are going to the coast to spend a few days with Richs mum and dad. A very laid back couple who are also a great laugh..and even lovelier is that they pamper me no end! Lucky girl here...If the weather is half way decent, New years day will be spent on the beach or around the coast blowing those cobwebs away and making plans to start anew....

    Your Barbie sounds like a great idea! One thing I want to do is meet some more recovering folk in the new year as I imagine there is definitely safety in numbers.

    So onwards and upwards, and yes, an awesome day for all..

    I too hope you are feeling brighter today Oney...
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

      Hey there Starts! Great to see you positive and "sunny" in your self! Rich's parents for New Years sounds ideal - you're on to it, darl! Hope you are having a fab Sunday morn so far xx
      *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


        Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

        hay Kapo & Starts, today is day 24 for me & I dont want to be worried about N/Y so this is my plan, i'm going out for dinner (will be driving so no Al) with a couple of friends, then go home till about 10pm then go to my back to my friends party (again driving) then home by 1pm ish this way i wont be tempted, I actually am not ineterested in drinking on N/Y's, but have my plan just in case i get tempted.
        hope all is well
        Progress, not perfection!!!
        A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


          Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

          Hey Witchy - damn good plan to have a plan! Good to see you, well done for the 24 days - gosh, isn't life so much better without the misery and anxiety alcohol brings! Enjoy the last of your Sunday mate
          *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


            Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

            Morning all, this was my first sober christmas in years (since i've been old enough to drink) and i feel so much better for it. Not waking up with a stinking hangover was so good. This time of year is always assoiciated with alcohol which makes it so difficult for those who don't drink. So well done to all who kept the beast at bay.

            I'm off to work now, running late but hey it's not as if my boss will even be there! He is just as late as me. I drove all the way to work yesterday only to sit outside for half an hour waiting for my boss to show up. After half an hour i wrote him a note (saying how useless he is in the nicest poss way), posted it through the door and went. Not happy!! So i'm not holding out much hope for him being there on time today!

            Catch ya all later

            Wish xx


              Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

              LOL Wishy - have a good day ay, and LOVE the colourful jiminy. I am heading for bed shortly ( am a tad sunburned) nicely tired. Nighty night / and have a good day all to come..
              *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

                Night Kapo, sweet dreams xx


                  Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

                  Morning troops. Seems everyone is in a good frame of mind.
                  For me, NYE will hopefully be spent with Erin, so i wont have any urges to drink. She is home today! YAY. Have missed her so much and cant wait to have our christmas day and let her open all her presents. Ive missed her terribly. Not sure what time shes back, so may not see her till tmr, but at least i know my babies coming home!
                  I am also slightly jealous of your weather Kap and witchy. If you want to send any of that sunburn over, feel free!
                  I am having my gallon cup of coffee this morning, so took a photo to show you all how big it is against a normal cup. I can fit a whole cafietere of coffee in it. YAY!!

                  Have a great day everyone. x Attached files [img]/converted_files/750826=4504-attachment.jpg[/img]
                  To Infinity And Beyond!!


                    Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

                    Im trying to give myself a mohican, but cant get the back done. Think ive shaved too much off there. Front looks cool though!!
                    To Infinity And Beyond!!


                      Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

                      But you are a slap head? How does that work?
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

                        My hair grows so quickly starts. In 5 days, i have about a cm of hair. It looks like this, but not quite as long!
                        To Infinity And Beyond!!


                          Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

                          Do you not get stubble itch?
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

                            Nah, i moisturize it! Get a bit of shaving rash, but i look after my bonce!!
                            To Infinity And Beyond!!


                              Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

                              Mornin troppers, I feel alittle better in the TUM TUM, this morning.The coffee smells good and maybe i will be able to eat some toast.
                              Everyone sounds in good other....except I am worried about Chef's head rash ????LOL
                              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

