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Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

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    Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

    I bet that site is so busy at Halloween...LOL!!
    LTG AF January 13, 2011


      Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

      marbella;504642 wrote: Sea, i would love to see your son's site?

      Sorry if you posted a link before- I am a bit behind these days.
      one2many;504651 wrote:
      Sorry scroll down on left hand side under colimns and click on Monster Of the Week.
      I've found Monster of the week, but there doesnt seem to be a clickable link- is it WOB????


        Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

        OK now I have found the clickable one- by Chris Disario?


          Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

          That's it.
          LTG AF January 13, 2011


            Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

            Oh Lord- Yes have just seen your comment.

            I hope your mum is proud- at least you have broken that chain- I don't think your little ones go to bed in fear.


              Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

              one2many;504660 wrote: Not a hope, think it is dreadful thing to do to a child, it was either that or you will be sent to a home.....
              That bought back mamories- when I was litle my dad used to come into my attic bedroom at night and tell me there was a bogeyman in the loft- (there was a tiny door right next to my bedroom door. I lived in terror from the age of about 4 to 6 when my parents divorced and we went to live with my mum in a town center slum without a bathroom.

              No wonder we turned to drink.

              What were these people thinking of???


                Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

                It's strange that it may of been the norm then to terrify your children. I am only hopeful that that 'fashion' no longer seems to be the norm. I was also threatened with homes- in fact my paternal grandma spent the first three years of my childhood trying to get me committed to a mental home because I always slept on the same side of my head- making it flat one side.

                But yes, until I was about 8, homes were an everyday threat when one did something 'wrong'.


                  Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

                  We had that same threat when I was 12. My mother wasn't handling the stress of my father working out of town very well. There was an orphanage by a market that we went to and she was going to take us there. She had all three of us pack our things one night and write letters to our grandparents saying we would never see them again.
                  Wonder why I am so protective of my grandkids????
                  LTG AF January 13, 2011


                    Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

                    I was a good child too. Seems that whenever something went wrong, all 3 of us got blamed. And for stupid shit too - like who ate the last banana for dad's lunch. I don't even like bananas...LOL!!
                    LTG AF January 13, 2011


                      Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

                      It's true...LOL!!
                      But those Twinkies she used to hide, that was another story...LOL!!
                      LTG AF January 13, 2011


                        Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

                        one2many;504675 wrote: Jesus, no wonder we drink.....I could never do that to my kids......I remember packing a pack and sobbing and my mother telling me to hurry up as the men from the home were coming...funny thing was ..I was a good child....
                        Yes I was too- I began coming into my own and rebelling about the age of 11. In his nicer moments my dad used to tell me that I was a good girl.

                        I am so sorry they did that and I cannot help but blame them for some stuff- I am sure they would be quite horrified to be reminded of it now anyway. (Dad is dead).

                        It is very hard going through all that old crap- but I think it is helpful to realise we were not bad, and not to blame.

                        You haven't felt great over Xmas Oney- was reading the older threads- do you think it was all these memories surfacing?


                          Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

                          Hi everyone. Erin just phoned, and is home and had a brilliant time. Going to see her tmr and cant wait!
                          just watched the latest Indiana Jones film. always loved the other films, but was a bit dissapointed by this one. Adam would love it though oney.
                          Ive really got to make an effort to get fit next year, as my belly growth is beginning to depress me!
                          To Infinity And Beyond!!


                            Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

                            Hi Chef! Glad to hear about Erin :h
                            LTG AF January 13, 2011


                              Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

                              Oh well, not much to miss there- I felt great waking up each of those days and functioning as normal...without the guilt and feeling like shit- but it may have been missing the booze to hide some blue feelings.

                              But the main thing whatever it was- we got through it!!

                              We were just little kids trying to find our way- I do think my own parents weren't shown an example themselves- and probably they weren't either- thank god I broke the chain and never had children. I never let my dogs be scared, cold, hungry, blah blah blah either.

                              Well have to go now- I am in the shop since 1pm now it's 8.15pm - thanks all so much as usual for your company!

                              Will log back in tommorow afternoon if poss.

                              Love to you all.


                                Army Thread Sunday 28 Dec

                                Take care Marbella!
                                LTG AF January 13, 2011

