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It's good to be back...

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    It's good to be back...

    Hi everybody, It has been about 8 months since I last posted on here and my old screen name is no longer available. I used to have the screen name of stayingsoberonedayatatime. UKsean is so much easier to type not to mention quicker. A lot has changed over this time, and some things remain the same. First and foremost I am still sober and it has been over 15 months since I last took a drop of alcohol ( yea me) I am still living in a sober studio apartment run by the great state of Montana. For those of you not familiar with the set up as long as I stay sober, keep to a few rules (no alcohol,drugs(including prescription narcotics on the premises) and keep myself available to random U.A. testing I can live there as long as I wish. (rent is a very resonable amount also).
    A few things not going too well have been my health issues. I have been diagnosed as having C.O.P.D. which is a nice way of saying I have emphysema. It is not too bad right now , but I still have to live with the knowledge that it will be an issue in later life. (I am trying to quit smoking again after failing to kick the habbit once more) It is extremely hard to quit EVEN after finding out that I have C.O.P.D. and its something I have to keep working on. The Doctors also tell me that also due to smoking that I also have P.A.D. (There will be a spot quiz later on all these initials ) Pheriferal Artery Disease(please excuse me if the spellings are not acurate) is a narrowing of the arterys that has been causing pain and discomfort in my lower extremeties, mainly legs and feet. These past 3 weeks I have not been able to work as the pain in my feet has been so bad it is impossable to be on my feet for any length of time. I am waiting to see a specialist to get this taken care of with a plan of action. However Wednesday was in fact a day of discovery, It whent like this; I had bills piling up as you can imagine with not working for 3 weeks and being new to the job I am not eligable for sick pay. I was paying weekly for a lovely flat screen T.V. and paid in full. I needed money to pay bills and was left with no choice than to get a loan against the T.V. at a local pawn shop(I got $200 for it) as I was bending down to pick it up I got this awful pain in my back, it got worse as the day whent on and ended up in the E.R. the Doc said he thought it was all related to this trouble in my legs and feet. I when to bed Christmas eve(in no pain due to a shot he gave me) however when I awoke Christmas morning I could not move or get out of bed. I laid there until Friday afternoon as I live alone and have no family here who check on me, BUT HERES THE RUB. I am having pain shooting down my left buttock and down my left leg THATS GREAT!!! why is it great?? because it looks like this is not circulation or neuropathy but....Siatica that would explain the pain in my feet and legs. So although in a lot of pain right now it may be an outcome better than one that was a possability with which was worse. So I have to be happy for the fact it is not more serious (not to mention how happy I was I had a vase at the bedside table which doubled as a loo while stuck in bed )EWWWWW sorry.
    If I can make it to Monday and get to my Doc and get this sorted out quickly I can get back to work come up with the $250 by Feb 24th and get my T.V. back.(It's a $700 T.V. )There it is Seans life for the last 8 months or so. I hope to see everybody on here soon (I have to write in shifts as my arse cant stand sitting for long periods of time )
    Take care everybody and hope to see you soon.
    P.S. Remember "It's nice to be important, but more important to be nice"
    It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice

    It's good to be back...

    Hi Sean
    We have not met. I have been around since last July. I love this place!!! I am sorry that you are in pain. I have had sciatica. It is so painful. Very happy that it is not something more serious. I am a smoker too, and I really must quit. My daughter (who is 20), and also smokes, and I are going on Chantix next month and we are going to try to quit. I look forward to getting to know you. Great job on all of the AF time.
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      It's good to be back...

      Hi Sean, your post has made me smile! Why? Because through all your hardship there is a positve side to it and you can see it!
      You have no idea how great it is to read that! I am so sorry about your health issues though, my mum has emphysema and I know how tough it is (I have asthma so can relate to the breathing too)
      Great going on the AF time that really is something to be so proud of.
      I hope your doc can sort you out soon
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        It's good to be back...

        Thanks to Seacailin and starting over,

        For the kind words. I am having a real hard to this morning. I am having severe spasms down my back and leg(this is some of the worst pain I have ever had . Seacailin I too have a prescriptionof chantix and plan to start in the new year maybe we do this together and be each others coach and support?. I just had a couple more spasms and one almost took me down my knees almost gave way. I may break down and go to the E.R. as I live alone and worry that if I get a spasm that makes me fall I may end up in a bad situation.
        So stay tuned peeps.
        Will be back later.
        It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice


          It's good to be back...

          Oh Sean, get yourself to the ER. Please dont leave yourself in agony any longer
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            It's good to be back...

            I would definitely recommend that you get checked out. You definitely need some anti-inflammatories and a muscle relaxant. I am a Registered Nurse so am not just talking out my I will need all the help that I can get getting off the smokes. Thank u for offerring your support.
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


              It's good to be back...

              Hello Sean ~ nice to meet you. Take care of yourself and be well.:l
              You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                It's good to be back...

                Off to the E.R.

                O.K. I am a sucker for the advice of a nurse( I think it's Florence Nightingale syndrome ) so as soon as I can get hold of someone to get me to the E.R. ( I dont think I should drive myself)
                I will keep you all up to date.
                Thanks for the support and kind wish's.
                Sean x
                It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice


                  It's good to be back...

                  Lol Good Sean
                  Let us know how u r. I will be here watching football all day.
                  "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                    It's good to be back...

                    Good luck with the Chantix you all, I used it and I think it is a MIRACLE drug. I used the online support website as well and found it to be helpful.
                    vegan zombies want your grains


                      It's good to be back...

                      I just read the post I hope Sean found someone to take him to the ER.

                      Sean, hang in there! Hoping your feeling better real soon !!

                      AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                      Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                        It's good to be back...

                        Hi Sean,
                        Thank you for introducing yourself. You have a great attitude. Congratulations on your sobriety! I look forward to seeing you on the boards. I hope you get your health squared away. I hope you get to the ER and get feeling better. I am concerned about you being home alone and falling! You need to get some help and find out what is wrong.

                        JMO. You may consider telling the physicians in the ER about your situation with AL and the restriction of narcotics in your current living situation. They may be able to treat your pain with strong anti-inflammatories which can be given IV or IM in the ER which are quite effective. You may even put a call into the supervisor of your living facility and let them know what is going on with your back. I would keep everyone "in the loop" in case you have a ruptured disc or something which would require surgery or narcotics for pain. If your physician knows your history of addiction so they can possibly use other medications, i.e. non-narcotic anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxants, etc. and limit the narcotic use if need be. You have worked SO HARD!!!! I would hate for you to have a setback.

                        Good luck and keep us posted!!! The main thing is to get yourself feeling better! Please let us know how you are doing.


                        " little by little, we travel far "
                        - Tolkein


                          It's good to be back...

                          Let us know how you are doing,Sean
                          Toughen up!


                            It's good to be back...

                            Hi Sean,

                            It was nice reading your post, it's good to meet you, and I sure do hope you feel better and get a ride to the ER soon.

                            Take care,
                            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                              It's good to be back...

                              Back from the E.R.

                              First of all thank you to all of you for your great advice, and your heart felt hopes.
                              I just returned from the E.R.
                              I did talk with the Doctor about my reluctence to take narcotics considering my alcoholism abuse/recovery.
                              He was extremely caring and I was impressed with the level of dignity and respect he afforded me.
                              After much discussion I accepted his suggestions and recomendations to go ahead and let him administor the pain killing shots (Delodin, Valium and Prednisone.) Prednisone being the first of a regiment of steroids I will be taking.
                              He put it to me that not taking the correct medication to help with the pain can be as big a trigger as taking the Narcotics. (This I have to agree on)
                              He told me to keep an eye on a couple of things that may indicate a more serious problem than a "normal" siatic condition.
                              He believes that if I adhere to the steroid plan I will find that this problem will be treated successfully.
                              I am to stay off my feet for 3 to 4 days and slowly ease my way back into a regular routine, returning to work on Sunday the 4th of January ( My normal work week is Sunday through Thursday
                              I also did something that I think will be an excellant way of handling the situation with the medications.
                              I took them to the Share House. ( I will explain the Share House in a posting I am thinking of putting together to explain my story and my recovery) I will have the staff give me each days medication amounts.
                              This will help avoid any temptation to abuse these medications and keep me on the correct path.
                              So things are looking better, I can see a light at the end of the tunnel (and its not a bloody train coming )
                              Thank you everbody for reading my posting. I look forward to getting to know one and all of you better on this
                              Kiss to all the ladys hands X
                              It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice

