A few things not going too well have been my health issues. I have been diagnosed as having C.O.P.D. which is a nice way of saying I have emphysema. It is not too bad right now , but I still have to live with the knowledge that it will be an issue in later life. (I am trying to quit smoking again after failing to kick the habbit once more) It is extremely hard to quit EVEN after finding out that I have C.O.P.D. and its something I have to keep working on. The Doctors also tell me that also due to smoking that I also have P.A.D. (There will be a spot quiz later on all these initials

If I can make it to Monday and get to my Doc and get this sorted out quickly I can get back to work come up with the $250 by Feb 24th and get my T.V. back.(It's a $700 T.V. )There it is Seans life for the last 8 months or so. I hope to see everybody on here soon (I have to write in shifts as my arse cant stand sitting for long periods of time

Take care everybody and hope to see you soon.
P.S. Remember "It's nice to be important, but more important to be nice"