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This is in relation to my post on need help ASAP yesterday

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    This is in relation to my post on need help ASAP yesterday

    So he forgave me for the mess i made of myself on xmas night...he's trying his hardest to learn about and deal with my bipolar. we were going away together for new year and now he's going alone cause he needs space...all this said with him crying his eyes out. i respect and understand that he needs to do that but im gonna miss him so much and feel so alone. This is a real turning point for me...while he's away i will be going cold turkey, im so scared cause i know how horrid it is an i dont wanna end up in hospital again....but i have no choice but to do this, the rest of my life depends on it, i cant believe im at this point again
    "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky

    This is in relation to my post on need help ASAP yesterday

    Lou, I read your last post after the Xmas thing. It sounds like your partner truly cares about you. It sounds like giving you some space to sort things out is a healthy thing to do. The only person that can turn this drinking problem around is we ourselves. Others can support us, but they cannot do this for us.

    Are you afraid of ending up in the hospital due to physical withdrawal? If so, see a doctor for help before attempting cold turkey. Just one more thought, be willing to give him his space right now, without guilt. Take the steps you need to take, in time, it will change your life for the better. Honest!

    Best Wishes,
    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

    AF 12/6/2007


      This is in relation to my post on need help ASAP yesterday


      I can relate to the feeling like a failure when you fall of the wagon I am really not proud of how the month of December started for me. I'm not bipolar but I do suffer from severe depression, and sleepless nights thus the feeling I should mix Ambien and alcohol, DO NOT TRY THAT AT HOME, that landed me in the hospital. Which my poor mother had to deal with. So not only do I need to quit for me but for mom.

      Do this for yourself, and the ones you love. I won't try to tell you not to weight yourself down with guilt cause I haven't figured that out but I do know I can't do anything about the past ( HINT HINT)

      Anyway you are not alone but you probably already knew that:l

      Take care!

      AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
      Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


        This is in relation to my post on need help ASAP yesterday

        Hi Lou,

        Why would you end up in a hospital again, do you mind my asking? Would it help you to keep a journal of your feelings while your partner is away. There is so much love in your post. He loves you, yes, give him space. Trust yourself. You can do this.

        Take care, :l
        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad

