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Stopping Antabuse - when can I drink again

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    Stopping Antabuse - when can I drink again

    I have been taking Antabuse now for 8 days now! I am really not coping with not drinking and feel that either I drink or I take a handfull of pills - I cannot handle this depression and the realities of life right now.

    The reality for me is right now I want to drink - and thats it!

    How long after stopping Anabuse can I drink without being sick?

    Stopping Antabuse - when can I drink again

    Lyndieloo, you really do sound very depressed. Have you seen anyone about the way you feel? Problem is, alcohol is a depessent in itself and in the long run things will get worse.

    Before going back onto alcohol, why not take yourself of to a doctor or a therapist?


      Stopping Antabuse - when can I drink again

      Hi Veritas

      I have been to my shrink and he has pescribed Ativan and Stresam and I am also hectic anti depressants. Neither of which are taking away the flight and flee feeling.

      You see alcohol is not my main problem. My husband was an alcoholic for many many years and got sober 5 years ago. We are currently going through a VERY nasty divorce and he has made allegations that I abuse alcohol when I have my two girls (nothing like a reformed drunk they say). I do have the odd drink but not that would put my kids at risk. Due to his allegations the interim custody report which I received just before Christmas is that my girls are put into his care and I get supervised visits. This is until the final hearing at the end of Feb 09. Until then i have to make 100% that I dont drink (as I have to have ad hoc blood tests) so I put myself on Antabuse.

      I know drinking is not worth loosing my girls over but I just feel like giving up - I am emotionally, physically and financial broken. When I left him he swore he would get his revenge - well he has.


        Stopping Antabuse - when can I drink again

        Hey Lindie. Drinking will not help your situation. You know that. Your children need you in the best shape you can be for them. Begin to rebuild yourself. One step at a time. I can't imagine what you are going through. Never experienced it (divorce) myself but you sound so down and I don't know how to help you except to try to encourage you to get healthy to prepare for your custody battle. Forget the alcohol.


          Stopping Antabuse - when can I drink again

          Lynd, im so sorry to hear how you are feeling. it really sounds you have hit rock bottom. I was in a very similar postion a month ago. I came to a cross roads. I had a choice, and it was my choice and mine alone. I either carried on drinking, lost my daughter and family or i stopped and started to rebuild my life. There was no futher going down. Id reached the bottom of the barrel so to say.
          My finances were and still are up the creek. I had to stop for my daughter and for myself.
          Lynd, he has got his revenge, yes, but he will be rubbing his hands with glee when he sees you drinking and nearer your death bed and further from your children every day.
          You say that alcohol is not your main problem, but without it what negatives are going to happen. It is because of alcohol that you are in this situation Lynd, and by drinking things are not going to get better.
          What is alcohol going to achieve here? Are you going to let it beat you. Its your choice, not the bottles.
          Now, its not going to be easy, and the first week will be hard, but once you give in to temptation, and realise that you DONT want to drink, rather than knowing you CANT things will start to fall into place.
          You have stopped at the crossroads Lynd, and its your choice which way you turn. Were all here for you to give you help and support. I wish you all the luck in the world, and am so hoping that we can start this journey together today so that we can still be here in 2009, with our families.
          Its amazing how the coin can turn with a little effort. A month has been a lifetime in my life. It can in yours too.
          All my love and support. Cym.
          To Infinity And Beyond!!


            Stopping Antabuse - when can I drink again

            Thanks Cymru. I know what you say makes sense - I haven not had a drink now in 11 days but dont feel any better for it yet. I think all the stress and axiety I am going through is just so hectic.

            I have never been one to loose faith and give up but I just cant seem to ever imagine feeling better or my situation getting better. The pain in my heart and the sorrow and anguish I feel is just so strong I cant breath. All I do is cry or sleep - I managed today to get up and come to work because I had to - but I am sitting here like the dead.

            I just wonder what I have dont in my life to warrant such pain - I just want serenity.


              Stopping Antabuse - when can I drink again

              Hi Lynd. What a very hard situation you are in and your ex certainly is not making this any better on you. Maybe he is doing this on purpose to see if you will break and drink again thereby making his case stronger for custody.
              Can you go back to your doctor for different medications to help with the depression and anxiety? There has got to be something out there that can work for you, something to give you your serenity. Just don't give up searching for the answer.
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                Stopping Antabuse - when can I drink again

                don't give up the fight!

                Lindie--do NOT give in to the bastard--and I mean the alcohol. He is just as bad and evil as your soon to be ex. Whatever your troubles--and you seem to have a lot right now--your focus HAS to be your children. They are what should keep you going and make you fight. Go--right now--and look at their beautiful faces. Give them a hug. Tell them you love them.

                Do this EVERY TIME you want a sip of AL--if you have to, paste pictures of your kids all over the place--even on any booze you might have in the house. But you should get rid of all the booze so you are not tempted. Put a picture on the steering wheel of you car if you need to so you don't go to the store.

                Exercise--that is great for elevating your mood. Take a walk with your children, or turn up the music and have a dance party with them--shake your bootie until you sweat and are tired and crave a big glass of water. This is good for you and the kids.

                Whatever you do--do not give in. Come here, talk to us, be strong.


                  Stopping Antabuse - when can I drink again

                  my dear i would suggest ,seeing youve come this far checking yurself into a hospital.rt now youve suggested taking a handful of pills,thts a threat,been there,theyll take care of you untillyou are better,or until you want to be released,somtimes treatment for some is a good idea.i do wish you well and i hope thts not to harsh,gyco


                    Stopping Antabuse - when can I drink again

                    Thanks for the responses. Unfortunately they have gone to their dad for a couple of days - but going to do the photo thing!!!

                    Can do hospital things as I dont have medical insurance and our government hospitals here will kill you sooner than heal you believe me!

                    I have to just breath and get through each minutes until I can take some sleeping tables and sleep for the rest of the night - its the only safe place right now.


                      Stopping Antabuse - when can I drink again

                      The other major factor in my life is my ex has now started dating/sleeping with my neighbour who lives directly across the road from me. To add insult to injury we had become a very good friends whom I confided in. I now have to watch them all drive off in his car as one happy family while I sit home and cry alone.

                      I am getting it from all sides, the courts wanting to give him custody, stopping drinking, seeing him with another woman, my girls having another mother, getting through Christmas alone and having to still face new year. I have no money and no family. Gosh this summary has really put it all into persective - just take that handfull of pills - why not.


                        Stopping Antabuse - when can I drink again

                        Is there a counselling helpline that you can talk to right now? I am always so afraid to give bad advice but remember that your two little girls love you and need you. Ring somebody and talk. Go to bed tonight with a sleeping tablet and sleep. Everything will seem better in the morning.


                          Stopping Antabuse - when can I drink again

                          You have some choices here, in the midst of this terrible situation: I hope you make good ones, for your sake and the sake of your children. Remember: one year from now, everything will be different, and you will be in a position in which you have either wrecked yourself and your life, OR you will be in a situation in which you can have a good, healthy relationship with your children... Drinking right now would be the best and quickest way to guarantee that your life goes down the tubes... Do NOT let your husband and his choices, call the shots about all this... It's up to you to be a grown-up, to take responsibility for living a life that will allow you to be a good mother, no matter what your husband does. No custody decision is ever final; get your act together, and you can be a part of your children's lives. Or not. You will always be glad you made the right choices...


                            Stopping Antabuse - when can I drink again

                            Lyndie, I hope that you are sleeping right now. We can all hear that you are in a lt of pain. Sometimes it's all that can help before the next step.
                            This really is, one step at a time. When things were had for me, I would remind myself, "this too shall pass". It did not make me feel better, but it did help to take the next step.


                              Stopping Antabuse - when can I drink again

                              OK. This guy is a looser. The girls do not have another mother. You are their mother. Please don't loose sight of that. Keep strong.

