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Prayers Please

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    Prayers Please

    I came to live in this Spanish Costa Brava resort town when i was 16- drawn by the booze, sunshine, and sense of freedom from a not too happy childhood- over the years I have seen there are 3 types of expats drawn to live here.

    Type A- the young ones like myself, who come in search of fun and adventure and end up staying. Many of us are alcoholic or become alcoholic simply due to the working in bars 9 hrs a day, 7 days a week. It starts of as great fun and before you know it you are hooked.

    Type B- the elder person who has maybe bought a holiday home here, and finds themselves in a position to retire- or reaches retirement age- many people live out a happy retirement here, but many others also succumb to AL- too much time on their hands and socialising is always done in bars, so it is very easy for a 'normal drinker' to become an abnormal drinker in a very short time.

    I have spent more than a quarter of a century working in bars here and observing the people who come and go, and pretty very well predict after their arrival where they will be in a year's time.

    Then we have Type C- these are the shady ones. They are people who turn up alone in their 30s and 40s- not an age to retire, and not an age where you are looking for teenage kicks. types Cs are fortunately quite rare- but if a type C turns up, you can be sure they have baggage and are basically running away from something- the most common something being a failed marriage, nasty divorce, and all sorts of stuff coming out of the woodwork. Type Cs tend to be heavy drinkers when they arrive and become even heavier in a very short time.

    Type Cs I have know have included a German who had hacked his mother to bits and put her pieces in a binbag in the cellar- Interpol picked him up one day while we were working behind a bar together, and somebody who was part of our social group (I am proud to say I never liked him, but others in our group did) who was stopped one night for drinking and driving and when the police put him through the computer it turned out he was wanted for assaulting young boys in the Manchester area. Enough said.

    Anyway, about 10 years ago, a type C suddenly turned up in the middle of winter- not a time to come to the Costa Brava to look for work. I was working in one of the only expat bars open at that time of year, and he was an everyday customer- and a huge drinker. He would get so blotto he could not find his way out of the door at the end of the night. He was a very good looking guy- around 35 then I guess. It did not take long to learn his story, he was from a small villiage in Yorkshire, had married young, and had a son. He worked as a builder and had a profitable company and a confortable life. However when his son was nine, he was struck down with meningitis and subsequently died.

    Although he and his wife tried to rebuild their lives the tragedy was too much for them, and they split up- hence his arrival here, and his obvious drowning his feelings into oblivion.

    Happily about a year after his arrival he met a Spanish girl- as I said he was/is a VERY attractive man but I guess most girls would not have been too interested because of his obvious drink problem. Within a year they were still together, and he seemed much happier- he was still occasionally out and about getting extremely drunk, but months would go by when I did not see him in town- whereas before he was a nightly player. They then announced that his girlfriend was expecting a baby. She had a lovely boy, I was thrilled for him- you could see the change in him. he had in the meantime managed to buy a plot of land when the prices were still reasonable and was building a family home on it.

    So that seems to be a happy ending- someone who had been through hell and back was finally getting his life together.

    I believe in God, or a higher power, but sometimes one wonders.

    Around the time I opened the shop I began to see him regularly again, he lives nearby and his wife was about to drop twins any moment. He was thrilled. I scrutinised him with my drinker's eye, but his eyes were bright, his complexion was clear, and i could see from his disposition he was no longer drinking like before- if at all.

    They had 2 twin boys around the end of October- one of them was born with a heart murmer.

    On Saturday they became worried about the boys as they both had colds and snuffles, and took them to a hospital half an hour from where we are. There are nearer hospitals but this one is renowned for it's excellent pediatric facilities.

    The twins were examined and the parents were told baby N could go home, but baby E would stay in overnight to be monitored. My friend was quite upset as this as baby N was the one with the heart murmer and requested both babies should stay. The doctor refused and was quite adament that baby N should go home.

    Well. mum stayed with baby E, and dad took baby N home. he fed baby N at 4am, and went back to sleep at 5am. Mum phoned dad at 8am as she knew he may not wake up, and dad went to baby N for the next feed. Baby N was dead. He has been cremated today without a service as baby E is also worsening, and has been transferred by helicopter to a more high tech hospital.

    I am sorry for this long post, but I am absolutely gutted that a man who had done so well in turning his life around has had this thrust upon him.

    Please say prayers- I must admit it is at times like this my faith wavers.

    Prayers Please

    Oh Marby, :l

    Be :h Attached files [img]/converted_files/751737=4642-attachment.jpg[/img]
    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


      Prayers Please

      Saying prayers and lighting candles :lilangel:
      That is heartbreaking...
      LTG AF January 13, 2011


        Prayers Please

        Marby...I am so sorry ...
        prayers are being said now...
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          Prayers Please

          Marby, my thoughts and prayers are with you and this dear family. No, life and god do not make sense at all sometimes. This example is all the more reason, to appreciate life and all of the good that we sometimes take for grated!

          xxx Kate
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            Prayers Please

            I am sure that group prayer makes a difference- I just cannot comprehend why this should happen.


              Prayers Please

              I am so sorry...I know that it makes no sense to us when BAD things happen to GOOD people.
              I will go out to our Chapel and send special prayers...Blessings be with you, sweet one...Please take care of you right now...then you will be strong to help others get thru this.
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                Prayers Please

                Very sad story Marby. My prayers are with this family and you.
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  Prayers Please

                  I don't know why..........I've read the book of Job and wondered ....the only thing I come up with is that we do come out of struggles either bitter or better.....
                  I pray "better" for your friend....
                  There is a DJ here that lost his two year old son in their pool last Jan. Watching and listening to how they are getting through this is just amazing.
                  Their other son was baptized in the same pool last summer. They would NOT let satan have the victory in their lives. The web site is The Award Winning Rick & Bubba? Web Site

                  "Be still and know that I am God"

                  Psalm 46:10


                    Prayers Please

                    Thanks Nancy, I haven't clicked on the link yet but I am about to now.

                    I just wonder why this man has had to go through the tragedy - and the alcoholism, and all the pain that brings, and come out the other side, just to have to go through it all over again.


                      Prayers Please

                      that is so sad..


                        Prayers Please

                        A Father's Heart: Rick Says Goodbye to Bronner
                        April 24, 2008

                        NewsChannel 19's Amber Stuart reports:
                        The weekend William Bronner Burgess fell into the family swimming pool, Rick was speaking to thousands of students in Pigeon Forge, Tennesee. The rest of his family and radio team were in Birmingham, AL.
                        "We were getting ready for bed on Saturday night and the phone rang," said Bill "Bubba" Bussey, Rick's radio sidekick. "And Betty went and answered the phone and I heard her scream. It was almost like she had been burned or something had fallen on her. You know, I jumped up. She comes running with the phone, says 'talk to Rick.' I get on the phone and there's nothing. The phone's dead."
                        Bubba continued to make phone calls and learned an ambulance was at the Burgess' home.
                        "I did get in touch with Rick on the way to the hospital," said Bussey. "He told us there had been an accident. I asked him how are you? He said I'm fine. I'm worried about Sherri."
                        Soon afterward, they all learned that two-year-old Bronner didn't survive. Bubba remembers with vivid detail what happened when he picked up Rick at the airport.
                        "He gave us some pretty good marching orders right out of the gate," said Bussey. "He said you know, we know what this is about and being believers and seeing the changes that have happened in his life and Sherri's and all of our lives over the past few years we knew it be spiritual warfare and not about accidents and pool safety."
                        In the quiet plane ride from Pigeon Forge, Rick had a conversation with God. He says it gave him the strength he needed as he walked in the hospital.
                        "I told everybody as I walked in the hospital that you need to know that with my soul, it is well. It is well. Now I need to go comfort my wife and we had that time together," said Burgess.
                        "This was the hardest thing I'd ever done," he continued. "To walk into that hospital walking back to my wife and the body of our child was the most difficult thing I've ever done. God literally carried me, I couldn't even feel my feet touching the floor because I was surrounded by God's comfort."
                        "The first thing I told my wife is the the first thing I told everyone else," said Burgess. "You know, this is going to be okay. There is no question where our son is, the Bible has told us that. We will miss him and wish we had more time with him, but now we have one that is safe at home."
                        Together, they stood over little Bronner's body and prayed.
                        "I acknowledged that my child was now with God and I looked around in the room and I said Satan, I know that you did this, and I know that it is was allowed, said Burgess. "And you thought that this was the right thing to do, but to attack this family and to do this was a huge mistake. God is going to be glorified and you lose."
                        "Be still and know that I am God"

                        Psalm 46:10


                          Prayers Please

                          Thanks SB. I tried to listen to the video on the link you gave but don't seem to have sound on the laptop- have an hour and a half to go in the shop then into bed and tomorrow is a new day.

                          I am going to listen to the videos in the morning and hopefully I will be able to pass something from them to the parents.

                          God- what a sad day.


                            Prayers Please

                            I don't know what to very sad. I'm so sorry even if he is a stranger to me.
                            NF since June 1, 2008
                            AF since September 28, 2008
                            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                              Prayers Please


                              This is such sad news and I will certainly pray that God will heal their hearts and that Baby E will pull through.

                              We all wonder about life's tragedies, but I too think they can be opportunities (if we let them) to become more compassionate and comforting to others around us. Look at how many parents after losing children to various illnesses or tragedies went on to become advocates for their cause, change laws for the better, become grief counselors to counsel and support others who suffer. It still doesnt answer all of our questions, but I hope your friend can overcome this whatever the outcome and find a way to help others instead of reverting back to the alcohol.

                              My brother and his wife lost their four-year-old little girl tragically one summer day when she drowned in a lake. Both thought the other was watching and turned an eye for just a moment. A moment was all it took. The grief, the trying not to blame... it such a tragedy, but with faith in God and that he would bring something good out of it, they have come out of it. My brother turned to alcohol for comfort, but was able to quickly see that it was soon to ruin his marriage if he did not get a grip. They went on to have another baby girl who is now eight years old and to see them now, you would never know what they had gone through. My sister-in-law now works as a Grief Counselor helping hundreds of others, and I am quite sure that she exudes a compassion she could have never learned from a textbook. I simply share this to encourage you, and maybe you could pass it along to your friend.

                              My prayers are with your friend.
                              If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.

