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Bee Sting

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    Bee Sting

    Well, I managed to injure myself once again. Drunk, broke my left wrist. I was so proud that I had not broken any bones for over a year. BUT, I did it again. The pain is bad--not a lot of meat on the wrist. It feels like bee stings. The docs don't want to give me pain meds. I haven't been drinking so much, but now I have no pain meds and guess what, wine is my pain med; once again. Being an alcoholic sucks. Kay

    Bee Sting


    So sorry to hear about your wrist -- that must be so painful. Why wont they give you pain meds? Does your doctor know about your alcohol issue? Even so, I am surprised they will not give you some to last for the first few days even?

    Hopefully the pain will not get any worse, and I would imagine if you really push they will give you something?

    I hope this will be the last of any broken bones for you and the wake up call that you need once and for all.

    All my best to you for a speedy recovery.
    If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


      Bee Sting

      Sorry to hear of your injury. Advil works really well for breaks, helps with the pain and is an anti-infamatory so, it aids in curbing the swelling. Beats the hell out of a hangover!

      Good Luck!
      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

      AF 12/6/2007


        Bee Sting

        I am sooo sorry that you broke your wrist..I know it must be PAINFUL but I am sure Alcoholism hurts even WORSE.I know that it sure has hurt me.I wish you a speedy recovery from both of these painful things...Blessings to you.
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


          Bee Sting

          They have given me pain meds, but they seem to think that I should be better. AND they also seem to be afraid that I will be an addict, which is probably true. I take Advil. But honestly the bee sting pain is horrible. Sometimes I think I am rejecting the metal in my wrist. I have really skinny wrists. No meat.

