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60 days today and depressed

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    60 days today and depressed

    Hi everyone, don't mean to sound ungrateful but thats how I feel, alittle depressed. I have been at this for about 2 years and managed 30 days back in May. I now with the help of my therapist, this site and AA have managed 60 days. I really miss alcohol though. I was wondering if anyone knew if these feelings would pass or any ideas how to get them to pass. I'm not talking stress or trigger drinking, I'm talking the holidays, relaxing, the taste or it and all that stuff. Someone set me straight, Please !!!!!!!!!!

    60 days today and depressed

    Kat, could it be that you are romanticizing, or idealizing, your memories of alcohol? That's certainly not uncommon... our entire western society does it for us, and we get easily seduced... If we allow ourselves to indulge in fantasies about whatever positive aspects we can recall, or dream up, or imagine, about alcohol... then we are in deep trouble, because we have turned a corner in our minds into the arena of distorted thinking. The trick is to notice when that is happening, and step back. Go back to your list of reasons why you want a life free of alcohol, and your list of reasons why alcohol was damaging you, your life, your relationships... spend some genuine time working on that...


      60 days today and depressed

      Why did you quit? That's what you have to remember.....the misery, the god awful hangovers, being controlled by alcohol.....

      Do you really miss that?

      Remember why you quit......



        60 days today and depressed

        Great Info above Kat.....and has seemed that the 60 day mark as well as some of the others leave us feeling as you do today.......but it will pass, and the longer you life without AL, the more quickly these moments pass and then nearly disappear!! I say, nearly because we always have to be on guard.

        Remember, early on in particular, we are still learning to deal with both the good times and the bad without the buzz and numb!! But, we are also living without the regrets and the constant hangovers!

        Hang In There!!
        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007


          60 days today and depressed

          I wrote myself a letter, when I was feeling the lowest of lows when drinking. All I have to do is pull out that letter, and I snap right out of it. I remember how hopeless life was. I also remember, feeling un-alive, empty, sad, sick, tired, hopeless, ashamed, afraid, unproductive... I can remember unexplained bruises, broken bones, trips to the emergency room that resulted in stitches... I have disappointed my loved ones, broken promises, set a terrible example... I didn't live up to "The Best that I Could Be"... I could go on...
          "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


            60 days today and depressed

            Wow guys, I should have posted earlier. I wish I was'nt at work cause I'd sure love a good cry.

            WIP thanks, "romanticizing, or idealizing" That is the phrase I was looking for. I heard it once but could not remember. This evening would be a great time to spend some geniune time as you said and remember why I am here. Thank you.

            Chief, Thank you as well. While I am having that genuine time I will be sure to write down my reasons and how it made me feel when I was drinking.

            KateH1, "we are also living without the regrets and the constant hangovers!" I think that should be something I repeat over and over like, " Theres no place like home." I cannot wait for the feelings to pass more quickly. I guess I have to remember this is my first AF holiday season.

            Bestlifeldms, Thanks as well, I really need to get my journal out and learn to use it. I only have a few entries but have been told how helpful it was to look back on.

            God Bless you all, I really needed that today. I was feeling alittle frustrated as my AA group has people who have been sober for 10+ years (not all but alot) and I think some of them forgot what the early days felt like. I am also fairly new to my group so I have not had a chance to hear everones story. Thanks again


              60 days today and depressed

              Wonderful advice..

              When I was in therapy we were required to write out our life story and read it to the group.
              Most people burn theres after reading it as a way of letting it go.I kept mine and from time to time when I get those urges/cravings or drinking thoughts I go back and read it just to remind me of the hell I whent through and how I want to avoid that again.
              Speaking of those drinking reminders I do put them into two categorys; there are
              urges/cravings, these are the hand wringing God I need a drink kind, and then there are those drinking thoughts as I call them they are the boy it would be nice to just relax with a couple of brews right now. If I get the urge/cravings I work hard at going to a meeting or talking to a fellow alci and this helps. With the latter I tell myself these are just that "thoughts" and all thoughts pass eventually. One of the mosti mportant thing is not to feel guilty for having these urges,cravings or thoughts. It is natural everybody gets them weather sober 60 days or 60 months. The mosti mportant thing is to look at them, aknowledge them and wave bye bye to them.
              Congratulations on your fantastic achievment and lets just get through today AK ok? :goodjob:
              Best wish's, Sean...
              It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice


                60 days today and depressed

                UKSean, Thank you. I was feeling alittle guilty. I will definetly watch out for the two types of cravings. I'm not sure which one I am more scared of. Stress drinking or relax drinking. I don't ever want to know.

