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Static Alcoholism

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    Static Alcoholism

    As another new year approaches, I was reminded of an inner resolution I made on New Year's Eve in 2005; I decided to give up drinking. The year 2005 was the year my chronic heavy drinking tipped over the precipice of youthful exuberance, and the last vestiges of self-control dissipated. I remember being scared for the first time in my life about my alcohol abuse, and resolving to do something about it. Only unfortunately, a small part of me didn't take it seriously. After several days of abstinence, the bargaining would start; "Just don't drink like you did before, "You've learned your lesson, exercise some self-control this time", "You deserve some alcohol tonight, but just tonight", etc, etc. Not surprisingly, with this attitude lingering, I found myself making the same resolution on New Year's Eve in 2006, and again in 2007. Now, as the end of 2008 approaches, I find myself stupefied that this problem has continued to persist. It is truly a static problem; when you've come as far as I have, it doesn't change. The main point of this post is to remind anyone in a similar situation that unless we commit to going AF seriously, and don't make any excuses, it is unlikely that things will change. Take it from someone who has largely wasted the last three years of his life getting loaded.

    Static Alcoholism

    5th, I agree, and I too made all kinds of resolutions, for years, and still kept on drinking and destroying myself. Like you say, making a commitment and taking it seriously are essential... So, what will you do differently, this time around? Got a good plan? Have you read through the "Tool Box" thread?

    best wishes,


      Static Alcoholism

      Wow 5th. You have said it so well for so many of us. And you're right, the problem doesn't change. But you can. Begin today.


        Static Alcoholism

        Hi 5th. Your words ring very true. I am not a resolution person, but I have noticed patters in my thinking in January. Also cause it's my birthday.
        Keep posting.


          Static Alcoholism

          I loved your post. I have spent the past several weeks thinking about my resolutions. I want to be a better person, and there are several things that I need to do to get there. I hope that by this time next year I can report back into you gals with success.


            Static Alcoholism

            CS, your birthday is on New Years day?
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Static Alcoholism

              Mine is January 8th if you need to put it on your schedule! Elvis and Chacha will be celebrating via old Elvis movies.


                Static Alcoholism

                This will be my first sober New Year in 15 years! I have made similar "resolutions" for the past (at least) 5 years. This year I decided to do something about my drinking problem BEFORE Xmas and New Year, it's working for me so far with 30 days sober today. Don't wait for New Year,

                DO IT NOW!
                Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
                Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


                  Static Alcoholism

                  5th that was a great post. We do need to keep promises and commitments to ourselves. We need to treat ourselves as we do others. We would never break a promise to another person and now need to hold that same respect for ourselves.
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    Static Alcoholism

                    I have to take ALCOHOLISM seriously and have a plan.
                    ALCOHOLISM IS NOT FOR SISSY'S !!! It is never truer than at this time of year.
                    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                      Static Alcoholism

                      Wow! I too could have wrote this! I have done the similar dance for the last several years. While I had several "lengthy slip episodes" in 2008, I rang in 08 sober and I intend to do the same this New Years!
                      "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                        Static Alcoholism

                        I also could have written this....I want my mind to be free of worrying constantly about "tonight I won't drink", only to do it anyway...some simple excuse always seems to overrinde my knowing better. So I have posted here today a thread titled SOBER...check it out it was inspirational to me and I hope to chant these words of encouragement as my new mantra riding the wave out!!!! Good luck to you! lets make 2009 the year of true accomplishment!


                          Static Alcoholism

                          As I sit here drinking my third glass of wine, I feel total failure. I really do want to quit drinking. I want to be happy. I want to be productive. I want to sleep. But, I am faced with getting old. I got to get my first senior meal at the pancake house. Lovely.

