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wierd dreams

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    wierd dreams

    Starting Day 6!!!! YEah For Me!!! i have never been a great sleeper and without drugs or alcohol don't sleep at all. So i have been spending these nights half concious and having these crazy vivid dreams and the strange thing is they are all about my 2 main Ex's ( i am now happily married and with mr. starfairy for the past 7 or so years) but here is the catch...they were both heavy drinkers as well. especially the last one in montana. we had a very bad co dependant alcoholic relationship. but they have been visiting me every night. what is the deal with that. i am experiencing some sort of cleansing or something?
    I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
    sober since 2/4/12

    wierd dreams

    Hi, Starfairy! Aren't those dreams unreal? I had some pretty bizarre dreams myself coming off of AL for the first few weeks. I also had dreams of an ex and they seemed so real.

    It could be a sign of cleansing. Or maybe some unresolved feelings? Not like you are in love or still want the person; maybe some resentment?

    Way to go with the 6 days! The sleep will come; and those bizarre dreams will subside.
    If you want something bad enough - you can achieve it!


      wierd dreams

      Starfairy, the dreams are crazy. I actually had a dream I was pursuing a co-worker who in my awake state would never even consider.

      Just laugh at them and enjoy that you even remember them!!
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        wierd dreams

        Starfairy, Good job on the 6 days. That's a huge step in the Right direction.It was about a month AF before most of the weird dreams stopped, for me.
        It happens to alot of people and i believe it is a part of the house clearing that we are doing, mentally.
        Maybe the consciousness needs to empty out some of the old filing system in oder to make way for the new more positive programing that we are putting in, every day we are AF.
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


          wierd dreams

          Yes, the dreams / nightmares are weird ... I think mine lasted until I was about 12 months af and then they sort of faded...
          ?We are one another's angels?
          Sober since 29/04/2007

