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    So as I go thru my morning ritual of how tonight I won't drink.......I call it "morning motivation only to be followed by evening loss of inspiration". I wish I could figure out why. But this AM I sign on the computer to find an interesting article headlined on the front page of TIME titled.....over coming addiction:why falling off the wagon isn't fatal. Of course this title captures my attention, as this is good news for someone who falls off daily.....right? This is my alcoholic logic at its best. Anyway I read thru this article and find it quite interesting. I suggest others do the same.... just go to TIME magazine and it should be one of the headlines. I thought though I would briefly post here the interesting facts and points made that I am hoping to gain some inspiration from........and would like to share as so many of us struggle.....

    "Marlatt uses the acronym SOBER to instruct patients on how to deal with a slip, or fight off the urge to do so. The "S" stands for stop: Pause for a moment and consider what you are doing. "O" means observe: Think about what you are sensing, feeling and experiencing, and what events led to the situation. "B" is for breathe ? take a few deep breaths. Then, Expand your awareness and remind yourself of what will happen if you keep repeating the unwanted behavior and how you will feel afterward. "R" stands for respond mindfully: Remember that you have a choice, that you are not powerless and that you don't have to continue the undesired behavior."

    "Marlatt teaches a technique called "urge surfing" as a way to cope. "The urge is like a wave," he says, "It goes up and down. You don't try to get rid of it, but accept it and let it pass." People tend to think that urges will escalate infinitely if they don't yield to them ? but in fact, like a wave, they rise to a peak and then fall. That is, even if you don't give in, the urge dissipates.

    Indeed, because of the way the brain is wired, each time an addict lets an urge pass without engaging in the unwanted behavior, it weakens the neural connections that underlie the desire; each time he or she rewards the craving with the bad habit, the brain pathways, and the addiction, are strengthened. It helps for people to remind themselves that if they can resist an addictive urge this time, it will become easier and easier to do it again in the future"


    Gumby, this is fantastic stuff! Marlatt's work has been VERY helpful to me and to many others! I am so glad you posted this, and that Time Magazine is doing an article about it!



      Great post. Thanks :lilangel:
      LTG AF January 13, 2011



        Good stuff! I will be "riding the wave" thru the Holiday! Thanks!
        "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale



          That is really good. Thanks for sharing it.
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



            Great info. thanks for that.
            To Infinity And Beyond!!



              Thanks, I will check the TIME web site for this.
              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.



                This info really helps me. Thanks for posting the info. I'll check out the TIME website as well.



                  Me too -- that really helps and makes sense about the neural connections. Thanks for the info and I will check Time.



                    Gumby, Thank you for that post I will look for the Time article. That makes sense.

                    AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                    Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:



                      My trigger seems to be breathing!



                        Thanks so much

                        What a great help for me also. I believe there are no coincedences and at therapy on Monday, my therapist was telling me about how one "rewires the brain" so to speak.

                        How we are hard wired in many ways b/c of our pasts, addictions etc. and that with each time we are triggered or have "the urge" we can stop and do things differently instead of repeating the same behavior. That is how we eventually rewire. Sounds kind of like what you mention about the article.

                        Going to TIME right now and will print the article as I gather my motivational tools for 2009

                        Thanks again
                        __________________________________________________ _

                        Love yourself enough to walk away from what no longer serves you.



                          LOL KTB! NowandZen, I love your quote!



                            This is great, Gumby, thanks! Maybe one for the toolbox?
                            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad



                              Don't take this the wrong way KTB. But your post made me laugh

                              I'm sorry I have had a bad day. And anything that can make me laugh I so appreciate.
                              AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                              Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:

