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My trigger called, OH HELP!!

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    My trigger called, OH HELP!!

    My estranged husband just left a message on my answering machine. I can't call him
    I know talking to him will only make things worse! And I don't have enough
    Clonazepam to deal with him. I am opting to just send him a letter. That way I don't
    forget anything.

    My mom is worried I will get upset the way I did last time he contacted me, but
    there was more going on than him bugging me to be friends. My Cat Chetser got
    sick, and when he would no longer eat I was snowed in and I couldn't even get him
    to the vet, the poor thing died and I can only hope and pray he didn't suffer.

    On top of all that last night the awning on my back porch colapsed under the weight
    of all the snow we have here in eastern Washington. CRAP:upset:

    Now the challenge is not to drink.
    AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
    Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:

    My trigger called, OH HELP!!

    kitkatsue--I am so sorry to hear about Chester. I am sure he did not suffer. Be strong. I am praying for you. There are a lot of people here that can offer more encouragement than I and say just the right thing to help you. Just know that I am thinking of you today and will keep you in my thoughts.

    Love -lostintexas


      My trigger called, OH HELP!!

      Thank you!! lost in Texas.

      He has called me two more times and left messages. I just really don't need this today.
      AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
      Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


        My trigger called, OH HELP!!

        Dear Kitkat! Awwe! I am so sorry about your sweet kitty. Do everything you can to remember all the bad stuff about your ex. Also, do all you can to remember, all the bad stuff about how you feel when you drink. Write it down. Remind yourself that you are much better off now, than then. You can do this!
        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


          My trigger called, OH HELP!!

          Hi Kit!
          I know you have like 100" inches of snow out there, but is there anyway for you to get out of the house for a bit - just a bit? If not, turn the ringer off the damn phone and dive into a movie or a book. Don't let these calls haunt your day and sidetrack your sober thoughts, okay Hun?
          LTG AF January 13, 2011


            My trigger called, OH HELP!!

            Kit, I am so sorry to hear about your beloved cat. Did you see the post called Sober? It has some advice from a Time mag article, it may help you keep your thoughts together. You are in my prayers, please keep the faith. You have 19 days under your belt and made it thru a holiday, focus on that accomplishment!

            "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


              My trigger called, OH HELP!!

              dear Kit

              I am so sorry you are going thru this and so sorry to hear about your cat. Just remember he passed when he was with the person he loved most. I feel that he didn't suffer.

              Is there any way you can turn off the ringer to the phone? at least you won't hear the calls. I take clonazepam (sp) too. It helps me a lot.

              If it helps to talk, please do.

              take deep breaths and know that this is just a thing. Not a biggie. get grounded and know that nothing or no one can hurt you.

              hang in there

              love n/z
              __________________________________________________ _

              Love yourself enough to walk away from what no longer serves you.


                My trigger called, OH HELP!!

                I know the pain you are experiencing. This past summer, I lost two pets whom I adored. Jenny, my 13-year-old chihuahua died in my arms after I held her for three days. Then Brodie, my year old pit bull, pain in the ass though he was--I still adored him, got away from my husband on their nightly walk and was immediately hit by a car and killed. Of course, I dulled the pain with AL, and to top it off, my best friend from Baton Rouge, LA and her boyfriend arrived that same evening. I don't even remember that weekend. I know Don cooked steaks and presumably they were wonderful. My advice is don't give in. Stupid for me to say since I am on my 3rd glass of cabernet. I just know that when the pain in my broken ({drunken stupor} metal infused) wrist stops, I will be able to get with the program again. AND, I really want to, and I will.
                Then, of course since I am obviously an addictive personality, I have the issue of cigarettes. Been smoking for a LONG time. Problem is, I like smoking; I like drinking. I come from a long line of drug/alcohol abusers. My grandmother never touched a drop of alcohol, but had no problem with taking cold medicine to make her sleep. My Dad and his Dad were alcoholics; my Mom was addicted to Vicodin. She supposedly had rheumatoid arthritis. I never really believed that


                  My trigger called, OH HELP!!

                  Thank you!! Everyone for your kind responses !!

                  I had Chester for about 9 years. I look at pictures of him and I cry. When my cat, Christafur
                  died about 10 years ago, I went on one hell of a bender,I had him for 21 years . Dido when my cat Oreo died.

                  I will read the Time article !

                  I went outside and shoveled snow, some guys came by to help with our front awning, so we don't end up trapped in our home. Payday is coming up tomorrow and that is when I am most vulnerable to give in and go to the liquor store. Thats not what I want, I want to stay sober. I want a healthy New Year !! It feels like the odds are against me but if I give in I'm only feeding the problem!

                  Again thank you everyone for your support, I hope I can be of support when you need it!!:l

                  AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                  Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                    My trigger called, OH HELP!!


                    Baton Rouge? I am from New Orleans. I KNOW yall must have tied one on.

                    I am sorry to hear about your pets. The only thing that sucks about having them is when they leave you. It is a heartbreaker. I had francine for 16 years and nursed her for 2 when she developed Crohns disease. I would go home from work 3 times a day and poach fish for her b/c all she could have was protein. Then it was trips to the doc for IV fluids b/c she dehydrated so easily. She was not in pain and my vet told me that he admired me so much for the love and caring I provided. She was my baby b/c I don't have children and I would have done the same for my child. The vet came to my house to put her down b/c we knew it was time. It was that telepathy thing. I woke up one morning and she was laying in the hallway looking at me. I knew w/o a doubt she was saying "mom, it's time". I held her and she passed. I didn't think I would ever get over it and swore I would never have another cat. Yeah right.

                    I waited over a year and adopted 2 b/c I wanted them to have each other. I named them Yin and Yang. They are about 6 now and are so close. Not litter mates but sisters through and through. They went through Hurricane Katrina with me, evacuated, lived in Texas, went back to N.O and finally went as my carry on luggage when we moved to CA.

                    The vet here says they are 2 of the most well adjusted and happy cats she has ever seen.

                    Love is a big thing. It makes all the difference in the world and has no boundaries. Or at least it shouldn't.

                    Sorry I rattled. Just got off on the pet thing.

                    Have a great day
                    __________________________________________________ _

                    Love yourself enough to walk away from what no longer serves you.


                      My trigger called, OH HELP!!


                      Thanks for the rattling on, it helps ! My Chester was sickly as a baby his mommy abandoned not long after his eyes opened, so I bottle fed him and when he got older he seemed fine, til this last month.

                      Losing him and everything else, I just feel like there is to much on my plate. But I'm sure nothing like Katrina. I'm glad you and you babies made it through.
                      Thank you for your post!
                      AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                      Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                        My trigger called, OH HELP!!


                        The ringer is off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                        I have had it with him!!!!!!!!!!

                        19 and hopefully counting.

                        Thank you again everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                        AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                        Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                          My trigger called, OH HELP!!

                          sad to hereof yur delema kit kat,you did do somthin rt hung the phone up,you folks got all the snow,but i am canadian,i do wish you well,i think you need a body guard,hav a great new year my dear,gyco


                            My trigger called, OH HELP!!

                            dang i feel like a king hahahaha


                              My trigger called, OH HELP!!

                              Thanks Gyco !!
                              AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                              Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:

