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A mind is a terrible thing to baste....

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    A mind is a terrible thing to baste....

    Thats what we do . We baste it with "good times" remembered hoping its going to taste and look better. The truth is for every 1 good time remembered there are a million times we had sooner forget. Tomorrow I am going to try an experiment I am going to take a bath and pretend it's a baptism. A clean start, I will forgive myself for past indecrections. Wash away the old Sean and dry off the new Sean and move on with a clean sheet. I am going to tell myself I am who I am (I sound like popeye I am human and have made mistakes but those mistakes cannot be changed only looked upon as scars on the knee of life. I will reach out for help and reach out to help. I will put me first, I will live my life with my experiences, strength and hope to help and be helped. I will no longer put on the mask of self pity and denial.
    P.S. I will let you all know how the baptisim go's maybe we can all have a mass baptism, start at 11.55pm new years eve and get out of the bath at 12.05am on new years day.Start afresh. Who's with me?
    BTW Best wish's to everyone for the new year, lets all make it a good one for everybody.
    It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice

    A mind is a terrible thing to baste....

    Nice post, Sean!


      A mind is a terrible thing to baste....

      good luck Sean...I think your words ring very true, you have a very unique way of describing things.I cant join in im afraid as I would look a little odd to 4 very bewildered kids but I love the idea.


        A mind is a terrible thing to baste....

        Hi Sean,
        I'm all on for starting afresh on New Year's day! May not join in the bath idea (my hubby would defo wonder what was going on) but happy to join you in spirit, at least from 11.55pm to 12.05am on New Years our time!
        Know what you mean about remembering all the good stuff, rosy tinted glasses and all that. Whenever I have felt tempted lately, I have just visualised some of my worst moments and that has helped me hugely not to go back there
        There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


          A mind is a terrible thing to baste....

          hi sean i did 10 months this year and went back,but im doin fine,i did state i mt see what i could do in this new year,2009 should prove intrestin,as far as the baptism,once was enuff,good luck to you will see wht you hav to say jan the 1st,gyco


            A mind is a terrible thing to baste....

            I think that's a fabulous idea. I have done similar things in the past. Once I physically went back to a location where a lot of pain had begun for me and had a little healing ceremony of sorts. I stayed for about an hour during which time I cried tears that came from my toes. I threw things and like an exhausted child, I was ready to collapse. That was when I prayed and let it all go.

            Great post.
            If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


              A mind is a terrible thing to baste....

              I think it is a wonderful idea!! I am with you! Nice hot bath in 2008 and get out purified in 2009. I love it! I just hope I can stay up that late LOL. I think for this, I will make the effort and stay up.
              If you want something bad enough - you can achieve it!


                A mind is a terrible thing to baste....

                Great idea Sean
                I will be with u in spirit, as I will be at work, and my patients would find it kind of odd to have the Nurse strip down and jump in their Think I could get fired for Happy New Year!!
                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                  A mind is a terrible thing to baste....

                  Sean thats a beautiful idea! I will be with you in spirit...I dont think I can wait until midnight to have a soak I am going for one NOW, but I am definitley going to apply the concept of washing away the old me...thank you.
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    A mind is a terrible thing to baste....

                    Great idea and post Sean! I'll too join you in spirit!

                    Your post was very inspiring

                    :beach: "You can't go uphill thinking downhill thoughts"
                    AF since 10/11/2008


                      A mind is a terrible thing to baste....

                      Great idea! I am in...east coast time. What a great idea.
                      "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                        A mind is a terrible thing to baste....

                        This is your brain on alcohol.....with a side order of bacon.....Ha! IAD.
                        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                        Dr. Seuss


                          A mind is a terrible thing to baste....

                          What an awesome idea. I am going to do everything in my power to stay awake and do this also. I believe the ceremony of some things can give you a sense of strength. Thank you for sharing this idea and please come up with more:catroll:

