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Opinions needed...anyone

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    Opinions needed...anyone

    Typically I am not one to ask for opinions, but this particular circumstance has stumped we go.
    I work in the health care industry, a RN.....and recently I had a run in with a fellow employee. A very bizarre one to say the least. This individual is disliked by many and pretty much the bully on the block. She essentially came from behind me and grabbed me by the hair and said a few profanities into my ear. I think this is called assault...... To long to explain what lead up to this but I can tell you what I did was for the good of a patient and the patients family and it casued her to have to work a little harder, something she doesn't care to do.
    Anyway i thought on this for a weekend and felt this behavoir was I went to my boss to report it. I discovered that despite our best efforts it seems bullies still have their way in this society. After her being suspended, with talk of her being fired, it turns out she is "really sorry" and she is returning to work in a week. I am sure she was sorry after getting into trouble. I found this out late today...I was really set back by this. I emailed my boss and told him I will not work with her, told him this is not a threat.... but I will seek employment elsewhere. After further thinking on this I fear she has done exactly what she set out to do...... get rid of the 'threat"at the risk of sounding narcissitic I will tell you I am well regarded at work by most and I feel I may be a threat to her...I try my damdest to not get tied up in BS like this at work but at some point we must put our foot down. So Now I am running from a job, because this person attacked has me pissed off!! What would you do......


    Opinions needed...anyone

    Wow! Gumby,

    I don't know what I would do, probably would have been weak and become physical when she pulled my hair. At least it is on record, but, not good enough. If she treats co-workers like that, maybe someone needs to investigate the treatment the patients are receiving when she is alone with them.



      Opinions needed...anyone


      thanks, can you stand it...Im flabber gasted...did I spell that right....really. I work in a big professional enviroment, right, even if it wasn't. So I only work in this area one day a week, so the loss isn't great. It is the point. She is so disliked by so many...and these people where interviewed and spoke their minds, what little they had left after working with her. Yes I m still numb from the experience.....and pissed.......and Iam not like this really! Anyway thanks for your advice!


        Opinions needed...anyone

        Hummmm Gumby.
        I don't know but I have posed your question to someone I know in the medical field that manages nurses.
        I'll let you know what she says........

        My very first thought is to not let her control where you work...Refuse to be bullied....
        If you have stood up for the good of your patient, then be proud of yourself and be strong.
        If she is really sorry , then her actions will show it.
        I know that nurses are in demand but your work history is important too.
        Don't let her run you off from a job you like.....

        Just my 2 cents.....will let you know when I hear more from experts.

        "Be still and know that I am God"

        Psalm 46:10


          Opinions needed...anyone

          Oh, My God! I would of clocked her one! You really held yourself together and good for you for reporting her.

          I would go above and beyond your supervisor. Seriously. What she did was assault, not to mention harrassment with her prophanities! Holy Cripe.

          Stand your ground. No matter what happens if you take this to a higher level I highly doubt she will EVER do it again if she is not dismissed or placed on probation.

          I would be furious!
          If you want something bad enough - you can achieve it!


            Opinions needed...anyone

            Wally you are probably right...this is the only thing I can think of is three strikes and your out...the truth of it all is the patients and I mean this whole heartedly are out...her nursing care sucks, and is very driven by how much work she has to do. The harder she has to work the more the patients pay with her shitty attitude. I am ashamed that no one cares about this, or at least not in the way they should. Anyway I am rambling because I am so bewildered....the other question is can I refuse to work....yes, can I afford to not work no. But I do have another position at the hospital and I could get another. I feel I do not want to work for a department/hospital that supports this type of nursing care! Whew!!IDK


              Opinions needed...anyone

              Tough one, Gumby... my guess would be that she will self-destruct pretty soon, and be gone... And, of course, you want to be careful not to jump out of the frying pan into the fire, into another hospital. Some of them, as you know, are really brutal on their nursing staff... Maybe your DON, or HR person, is just afraid that there is no way to substantiate your allegation? Maybe they are just storing up enough stuff to use to fire her?


                Opinions needed...anyone

                Jewel....Ya know the whole "should of clocked her" thing came my mind.... I was standing there with my hair in her fist and my first thought was this going on, then she said a sentence and my next thought was at what point do I hit her, because I am not violent person...and she caught me off guard big time, I didn't and I am thankful for that...I acted appropriately in an otherwise very inappropriate situation,never new i had it in me...but it has turned out to be one of the smartest things Idid it was merely a reaction to a situation I have never been in......southern belle, yeah I would appreciate any input....thanks


                  Opinions needed...anyone


                  You employer is required to provide you a safe working environment and if you are forced to work with her again, I think you have a legal case. I would contact your State Labor Board for free advise.

                  What a bitch that woman is!


                    Opinions needed...anyone

                    Oh, you did the right thing! I probably would of froze right there and done nothing. I am just floored though. WTF is right.

                    I can go and clock her one if you want me to? J/K Actually, I would.

                    I am not violent, but that is bullshit.

                    Good for you for remaining mature about the whole thing. You will come out on top, without a doubt.
                    If you want something bad enough - you can achieve it!


                      Opinions needed...anyone

                      OMG, what a fruitloop, can you lay an assault charge with the police, that might give your case more weight. Good Luck, no-one should ever have to put up with that kind of outrageous behavior from a work collegue.
                      Progress, not perfection!!!
                      A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


                        Opinions needed...anyone

                        It really is difficult facing up to a bully. You did well.

                        I agree, she's likely to self destruct. The question is, how do you manage the situation?
                        It sounds as if you feel really let down by the system. I can certainly understand your anger and disappointment.

                        My question to you would be, "what do you want to get out of this, and what would it take to get it?"


                          Opinions needed...anyone

                          Gumby, sounds like you handled a bad situation very well.
                          If any part of you wants to keep this work, then stand up for yourself and take things further.

                          Your place of work obviously think there was substance to your allegation as they suspended her and now she is returning 'very sorry'. Perhaps you could take some legal advice and see how you feel after that. Or you could re-state your feelings that you do not want to work with her. Keep yourself where you are at work and have her 'moved'.
                          Let us know what happens!

                          Sober since 30/06/10


                            Opinions needed...anyone

                            hi gumby,sorry to here of yur situation,and yur rt she did get what she wanted,a week xrta holidays,which probably made yur staff work harder,in the medical profession they call them mr jeykl and mr hyde,when again i was in treatment a lot of yur professional people there,beleieve me when i say it most of you are over worked,maybe she has a problem and tht is her way of dealing with it,and yes you should stay at this job,or she wins,i wish you well in the new year gyco


                              Opinions needed...anyone

                              Just had another thought Gumby....would this incident have been caught on CCTV?
                              If it has been, then it is stronger evidence if you wished to proceed further!!

                              Sober since 30/06/10

