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Opinions needed...anyone

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    Opinions needed...anyone

    think what I would do and this is with similar experiences of dealing with bullies and running away, cos, to some degree that is what you are doing. I would stay in the job. I know you have said 'you will not work with her'. Try to stick it out. Why should you go cos she is a bitch and nasty?? NO YOU STAND YOUR GROUND. DO NOT LET HER WIN. AND SMILE PLEASANTLY AT HER, EVEN SPEAK TO HER COS YOU ARE A BETTER PERSON. BECAUSE WHAT IF YOU WENT TO THE NEXTJOB AND THE SAME THING HAPPENED?? YOU CAN NOT FOREVER KEEP MOVING POSTS. IT WILL PASS OVER IN THE END


      Opinions needed...anyone

      Thanks everyone...I really appreciate the advice and thoughts on the subject. I am going into work today and I will speak with the powers that boss that is, and discuss my options. Possibly talk with HR and ask for a different person to handle it...someone with a little more common sense. When I think of this there are 2 things that come to mind ,that is, the patients will continue to get poor care, and by that I can't even describe...and the people who are stuck working with her are very saddened and discouraged, one girl was actually crying over it. She has been verbally abused enough by this woman but doesn't seem to have the nerve or whatever you want to call it to come forward, so she is literally scared. I will think of both of these things when I decide what will be the best decision for everyone........


        Opinions needed...anyone

        Gumby you acted very appropriately for the situation and I comend you for that. I don't even know what I would have done.

        If I were you, I would stay where I was in my job. You are not the one that needs to leave, she does. Especially if she is abusing other staff and what is she saying to the patients when no one is around?? This stuff infuriates me. Sorry you are going through this.
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          Opinions needed...anyone

          You certainly did the right thing to report this person. As you know, clocking her would not improve anything. But I think it is pretty hard to fire someone. Sadly, repeated incidents like this might be needed. Do go to the next higher up, to make sure that all necessary documentation is in place. It is up to you to decide whether you want to hang around for the future incidents. I might be afraid that she would attack you again in revenge. Do what you need to do to keep yourself and others safe.
          My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


            Opinions needed...anyone


            There are "Workplace Violence" laws in effect in every state. The employee has the right to work in an environment that is free of actual or threatend violence. (This even applies to stress) The employer has a duty to see that this environment exists. I am not an attorney, however, I deal with these types of employment related issues every day, as part of my job. I would suggest that you author a well written letter, stating exactly what happened. Be sure your letter is brief-to the detail and factual - not emotional. State that you are concerned for the safety of others and yourself, if you are expected to interact with this individual in the future. Address this letter to your supervisor and your employers' human relations department. I would send the letter that is going to the HR dept., via US mail certified return receipt requested, so that you have proof of delivery. Be sure to keep a copy of this letter for yourself and put the return reciept with it, in the event that you need to take further action. It is your employers responsibility to be certain that neither you nor any other employee or person is put in the way of even "potential" danger. They are assuming a liability, if they do so. If you request that niether you nor others are exposed to working with this person, and this type of situation occurs again, the company can be sued for not protecting your rights to "workplace safety". Check with your State department of labor (DOL) and State department of human relations. They are there to help employees with these situations. Happy New Year! Best
            "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


              Opinions needed...anyone

              there ya go advise from best!

              omg....this abuse in your work place made my skin crawl. WITHOUT HESITATION....Do what Best says that will be good!
              Gabby :flower:


                Opinions needed...anyone

                Well I just got home from work.....I discussed this issue with my boss, expressing my disappoinment in or system etc. His hands, at this point, are tied.....I need to bring it to the next level and I will. I am doing this for the good of our Patients and my fellow employees, who have to work with her on a more frequent basis then myself. No one has come forward to the extent that I have before....of course to best of my knowledge I don't think she has physically attacked anyone...verbal for sure...but not physical. Anyway......It is amazing how a person can figure out what they can get away with, she is being allowed to return to work on a probationary basis.....joking, it is said, if she farts in the wrong direction she is gone......So basically it is up to her fellow co-workers to report any inappropriate behavoir. So I will work with her, I guess, and I will deal, as uncomfortable as it will be.... she will spiral back around we all know doesn't seem to take much and a person can only pretend for so that is where I am at I will meet with HR on Friday, otherwise she retrns on the 7th....crazy I know.


                  Opinions needed...anyone

                  Thanks Janie!!Happy New Year!


                    Opinions needed...anyone

                    gumby you shouldnt have to put up with her stand firm and be counted if she assaulted you you should get in touch with the authorities if in the uk a patient assaults a medical practitioner of anysort theyre going to jail they do not pass go and dont collect?2oo so a nurse bullies a nurse god knows what the situation would be shes supposed to be a responsible proffesional not a common playground bully shes picking on your weakness thats what bullies do
                    report her to the cops and let them do there work thats why we pay our taxes to get rid of scum like them strong words but true
                    obviously shes got problems at home and taking it out on you
                    feck her gumby
                    dont quit your job coz of a scumball remember"what comes around goes around"
                    god i hate bullies and if i was over working with you id give her a bloody hard time i know what its like to be on the receiving end through experience
                    best of luck gumby 2009
                    Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.


                      Opinions needed...anyone

                      as has been said this was an assault, take it to the police she may not be able to work there with a criminal record, what a bitch


                        Opinions needed...anyone

                        I have not read everyone elses responses...I will start by saying that. I manage 30 employees, in a healthcare setting. We are not RN's , but we are all professional...hold AA or BA degrees. I will tell you that I would NEVER tolerate this behavior fromANY employee. I don't care if she/he was loved by everyone and he/she shined daily. You do not put your hands on a fellow employee and curse them out under any circumstance. I am assuming she admitted to it since she is "sorry". There is NO excuse for this behavior. Never is this behavior OK.....after review of the incident she should have been terminated...

                        TAKE THIS OVER YOUR BOSSES HEAD...GO TO HR...
                        Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                          Opinions needed...anyone

                          So here is an update.

                          I don't understand what has happened in this system, but it seems sooo wrong. This individual will be returning to work today, after being counseled on how to "behave". The reasoning I am given per my HR department and upper management is she has 17 years of service that we need to consider. Unfortunately this is a pretty lame excuse in my book, in fact I would have felt better if they just lied, or maybe told the truth. This explanation cannot be the truth. It merely means 17 years of bad service, she has a very thick file....and not because she is a good employee. Everyone is outraged.........I think she has a Lawyer, it is the only thing that makes any sense. How can this be........

                          I have decided to return to my position and do my one day a week with her, I will carry on with business as usual as I have been asked to do. We as a group have been individually counseled and we are told that any out of the norm behaviors are to be reported, no extra pay for the Baby Sitting services we will be providing, but maybe there is a ultimate plan here I’m not seeing. Seems she is being set up for failure. Her options are to quit, as in resign willfully, or be fired for any misconduct. Ultimately this is what will happen, really we are all humans and we all have our breaking points. We work in a rather high stress area, and this tends to bring the best out in people, so in time she will fall. However, I still feel as though HR is not doing their job in providing a safe and comfortable work environment. I have shared my feelings with them, as well as my upper management, for which they tell me, because she has 17 years of service, we felt she needs to have one more chance! WTF....the only thing this does for me is offer a sense of job security, seems you can get away with quite a bit, violence included! So that is where it is at! Thank you all for listening/reading… it nice to have outside opinions even though it is a no-brainer… I think that’s the pissah


                            Opinions needed...anyone

                            Wow Gumby!! I had something somewhat similar happen although it was a social worker and it was only verbal abuse not physical like yours. Unbelieveable! I too was standing up for the greater good of the patient and we had opposing views on what was going on. We had a verbal run in later. I had tried to understand her side of it and went to quietly talk to her so we could work it out and she started screaming at me (in front of everyone- Drs., nurses, patients, etc.) telling me
                            I hadn't acted professionally. Who's calling the pot a kettle here? Nothing professional about lambasting a peer in public.
                            I felt the same way you do. I was told her boss was very weak and would not do anything. I decided to just try to forgive her and not stay on the negative energy path. Actually heard a spiritual guy on Oprah speak yesterday and he talked about hiding in the circumstances of difficulty is the unfoldment of the soul. I liked that. Challenges in our lives help us to grow spirtually...I believe that. So, it was a lesson that day in forgiveness for me.
                            The next time I saw her she looked up and smiled at me. I smiled back.
                            I have seen her since then and avoid her when possible but interact cordially and professionally when I have to talk to her about a patient.
                            My advice. Don't run. She lose.
                            Hugs to you.
                            "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                            ~Jack Welsh~:h

                            God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:

