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    Hi All
    I don't know anything about brain chemistry,or many of the other physical aspects of our problem. I do know that it takes WILLPOWER to break the grip of al.
    The only way to break the hold in the beginning is WILLPOWER .
    Yes use all the tools we talk about but realize the beginning is hard and it takes determination to not have that first drink.
    It will get easier after a couple of months and the tools are very helpful to live a sober lifestyle.
    Get motivated for the hardest challenge of your life but the most important.Your life depends on it.

    Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
    AF 5-16-08
    Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
    AF 5-16-08


    Right On Caysea!
    You must want to stay sober MORE than you want to drink, and you must go to ANY lengths to not take that first drink.
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)




      Great post, I beleive at this point my life depends on it.

      Sorry technical difficulty.
      AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
      Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:



        Screw will power...
        I have run 90kms ultra marathons.

        I have more will power than you could ever know.. yet, when it comes to addiction, will power is laughable..

        I have messed up tonight..
        It took one phone call..
        "come and join us"



          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..



            AMEN...from someone who has LITERALLY tried it ALL...and I mean ALL......from AA, to Lenair, to VODOO (just kidding but if I thought it would work honey I'd have tried a poking needles in my eyes) what works is SHEER WILLPOWER. NONE of it will work if you don't want it to....none of it.
            Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear



              Veritas, will-power (or self-control) in one area of life does not necessarily translate into another area. One great stigma about addiction arises out of the commonly held idea that addicts have no will-power, and are therefore morally weak. Many people in AA, despite the "disease model," believe that alcoholics have "defects of character."

              You will find many, many people here on MWO (and in any recovery group) who have achieved many things that required enormous self-control... but who struggle over their impulses to drink alcohol. The brain chemistry involved in using alcohol is a huge part of the reason why that would be so; and genetic differences play a large role, as well. I have often said that if everyone wanted to drink, the way alcoholics want to drink... then everyone would have a huge alcohol problem. Alcoholics, or alcohol-dependent people, for reasons that are not fully understood, simply want to drink much more than "normal" people do. It is not so much a matter of "enjoying" it as it is a matter of "wanting" it (and different brain circuitry is involved in these two types of processes).

              So, various interventions are required, to help alcoholics to learn how to train themselves to not give into the very strong impulses, cravings, etc. In some ways it is like training for a marathon, or completing a degree program at a university... you have to really want it, and you have to tolerate the pain and discomfort and inconvenience of slogging through all the work it takes to get what you really want. It helps tremendously to have a support system, and we must be committed to getting the stuff out of our lives... It really is about self-control... will-power... applied to the goal of living life without alcohol...



                I am so glad I am using my self control tonite. : )
                Gabby :flower:



                  Hiya Veritas..I'm in the southern hemishere too. What you up to there?

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-



                    I need to read this tomorrow..(I am South African so this is early hours of morning)

                    in terms of will power and self control

                    I have 4 post grad degrees
                    I have run about, I say, "about", not to brag, but to cry..
                    I have run possibly 15 ultra distance marathons
                    about 100 plus less.. in terms of half marathons.

                    but, today,
                    one little phone call,
                    come and join us tonight
                    and I just screwed up so badly..

                    what am I trying to say?
                    Just that, will power means nothing to me..



                      Veritas. Don't stress. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and back on that wagon. Now, get out there and kick some arse!.......Have a great New year!.....G.

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-



                        From anyone else, I would say, "piss off" but from you, I know from where it comes..



                          Great post again WIP...we so appreciate your knowledge here, it ALWAYS gives me hope.

                          I think along with willpower, we need a deep determination as well. When that urge hits us, we need to think of it in the terms WIP put it, that we simply "want it" as opposed to enjoying it. I know this is true for me, I ONLY drink to get drunk, and I DO NOT enjoy it. How sad, indeed.

                          I hope today finds you feeling better veritas. Happy New Year!

                          Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius



                            I am not actually new here as I have been lurking for several months. I have tried and failed many times to stop. I am hopeful that this time will be different. I appreciate the inspiring and positive messages many post here. I especially appreciate hearing from people who have made it long term. That gives me hope. It does take willpower and when we fall, the willingness to pick up and start over. I will never give up.

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.



                              Thank you for your insight once again WIP.
                              I feel your pain veritas.

                              " little by little, we travel far "
                              - Tolkein

