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For the Moms (and Dads) - Just a quick note!

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    For the Moms (and Dads) - Just a quick note!

    This was sent to me and I thought it was worth sharing as we embark on the new year (OK, for all the dads - scratch out mother and put in father, cross out mom and put in dad, cross out mommy and put in daddy, cross out woman and put in man and cross out she and put in he):


    Real Mothers know that their kitchen utensils
    are probably in the sandbox.

    Real Mothers often have sticky floors,
    filthy ovens and happy kids.

    Real Mothers know that dried play dough
    doesn't come out of carpets.

    Real Mothers don't want to know what
    the vacuum just sucked up.

    Real Mothers sometimes ask 'Why me?'
    and get their answer when a little
    voice says, 'Because I love you best.'

    Real Mothers know that a child's growth
    is not measured by height or years or grade...
    It is marked by the progression of Mommy to Mom to Mother...

    The Images of Mother

    4 YEARS OF AGE - My Mommy can do anything!
    8 YEARS OF AGE - My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot!
    12 YEARS OF AGE - My Mother doesn't really know quite everything.
    14 YEARS OF AGE - Mom doesn't know that, either.
    16 YEARS OF AGE - My Mother? She's clueless.
    18 YEARS OF AGE - That old woman?!
    25 YEARS OF AGE - Well, she might know a little bit about it!
    35 YEARS OF AGE - Before we decide, let's get Mom's opinion.
    45 YEARS OF AGE - Wonder what Mom thinks about it?
    65 YEARS OF AGE - Wish I could talk it over with Mom.

    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she
    carries, or the way she combs her hair.
    The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes,
    because that is the doorway to her heart,
    the place where love resides.
    It is the caring that she lovingly gives,
    and the beauty of a woman with passing years only grows![/B][/B]

    For the Moms (and Dads) - Just a quick note!

    Thanks for posting!
    LTG AF January 13, 2011


      For the Moms (and Dads) - Just a quick note!

      I'm usually not sappy but this one got me teary. Also day 5 AF. Still emotions near the surface.

