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Yay! I made it! Happy New Year!

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    Yay! I made it! Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all had a good and sober time. Here is to more memorable moments- and I MEAN MEMORABLE.

    First sober New Year in 15 years. So proud! I must say, it was rather uneventful but I'm just glad I got through it without a hangover and have a clear head on this, the first day of 2009. New Year has never really been my favourite celebration, I find it to be very forced with a big build up to a big bang and then......

    Was in bed by 00:20 and up at 08:20. New Year only REALLY starts on the 2nd doesn't it?

    Good Luck to you all and I wish you all love and happiness FOREVER!

    Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
    Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-

    Yay! I made it! Happy New Year!

    Woo Hoo Dei!

    Congrats on your sober new year's eve. :goodjob: Even if it was uneventful, it was special.

    Some people would think I am crazy but I cleaned out boxes of old stuff in my garage, put up another shower curtain, threw away papers I didn't need anymore and washed clothes. My drink of choice was water. I watched the Honeymooners marathon and laughed. I played with my cats. I didn't feel lonely. I actually didn't feel like talking to anyone. I only picked up the phone once when I saw one of my best friends was calling.

    It is 1 am here and I am now going to sleep very proud of myself and at peace.

    Waking up w/o a hangover is a wonderful thing!
    __________________________________________________ _

    Love yourself enough to walk away from what no longer serves you.


      Yay! I made it! Happy New Year!

      Great going Deilight and Zen!
      Happy New year to both of you! Feels good being sober doesnt it? I had a few longings when they broke out the whiskey last night but they passed pretty quickly and its the first new year I havent passed out early for many many years!
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Yay! I made it! Happy New Year!

        Congratulations Dei & everyone!
        I made it too and am soooo happy. Played board games all night & watched a movie with my kid.
        Nothing like starting a new year fresh.
        Wishing everyone the best for 2009 and keep up the good work!!

