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Am i an alcoholic?

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    Am i an alcoholic?

    I am the same way. Recently I quit for 3 months. It was relatively easy to do. However, here I am again on day 2. Hopefully I am a little wiser this time and quit for good.



      Am i an alcoholic?

      I gave into myself and i should have never started up again. although i doo know i am not taking in the amount i once did. we learn how to cope with cravings and situations that drive us to drink to begin with. i no longer get into trouble while drinking, and it does not take much, i am down for the count. i am not designed to drink anymore so i am most certainly alcoholic. My body is telling me NO .. after an event i am so exhausted i could sleep for days .. sooner or later we just say ... i can't doo this anymore.



        Am i an alcoholic?

        hi guys, well im 50 this year and have been drinking since i was about 15, the only times i have had any periods of not drinking in all those years was when i couldnt for some reason. i often have days off because bad hangovers, or have days where i only have 2 or 3 pints (i dont get pissed up every night, because im on the road a lot, perhaps in your local lol) but in general if i stay in im happy with say 4 cans of beer, but since i stopped 4 days ago i am craving and never manage to get passed a week, but im going to try and if i mess up will get straight back to trying. my main problem is drinking in company as i drink faster and i drink a lot more, god its all a curse.


          Am i an alcoholic?

          Mickeylondon - my father-in-law said as he was dying that the pub is a falacy. He would know, he spent a lot of time there. When he died very few of his so-called friends showed up for the funeral.

          Hang in there network. The best thing is to not just recognise your triggers but to avoid them at all costs.


            Am i an alcoholic?

            Your problem is clear: when you start drinking, you can't stop, and the results are bad. You have no cravings when you don't drink. So why do you drink again? Or maybe you do have cravings, or you would not drink again. I know alcohol is pretty complex, but you sound like you pretty much know that you just should not drink again. You are very fortunate if you do not expereince cravings; quitting should be easier for you. But then, nothing is easy and there are many illusions where alcohol is concerned.
            My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


              Am i an alcoholic?

              Ok i think i must come clear here. I'm single.The only time i get back to booze when i need to pick up a girl. I'm a shy person, alcohol gives me confidence and the problem is it works. I also hate people asking all this questions why i am not drinking. Its your birthday mate, have few drinks, but the truth is i dont want to drink, im afraid of alcohol. It gives me the worst withdrawals. When i start i cannot stop. If i wake up in the morning, no withdrawals i can stop drinking no problems.
              We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


                Am i an alcoholic?

                BTW day 8th AF and feeling great
                We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


                  Am i an alcoholic?

                  you are right ezzmae, i only associate people in the pub as people in the pub, but i must say when my uncle finiane died he was bang on the drink in fact he was hanging about in grave yards etc drinking with the other winos, but at his funeral they all turned up bless em and they done their best to dress up as well. anyway im on my 6th day, and i did go to a pub yesterday but i had 2 cokes, but i do keep having little niggling thoughts in my mind, and this week will be hard as i drive to scotland every week from london in a lorry so i have a couple of nights out, and my usual thing to do is have a couple of beers in the evening somewhere up north in fact i have regular pubs all over the place, but i have a lap top, and tv so hope i can get by

