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2nd Day of Chantix

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    2nd Day of Chantix

    No noticeble side affects so far, although I was quite restless trying to fall asleep but then again I have a lot on my mind right now so really cant put it down to the Chantix.
    I have been off work for the past month with health problems (neuropathy & a pinched Sciatic nearve) and have had no income coming in, so things are getting quite desperate.
    It looks like I am going to have to swallow my pride and go to the food bank as the cupboards and fridge are bare. I hope to return to work this week but it will be a couple of weeks before I get a pay check. Hopefully I will be able to get some foods high in protein to get me through. Sometimes I feel like I get one step ahead and then two behind I am doing my best to stay positive. The main thing is I havent had to drink over it all.
    I will keep coming back here as you people are the only support I have.
    Good luck to everyone trying to quit the smokes.
    It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice

    2nd Day of Chantix

    Sounds just right on the Chantix Sean. Did you sign up on the support website? It's quite good as far as letting you know what to expect ... side effects, cravings, etc. Unless it has changed since I was there, there was no discussion board like here but still I would not hesitate to recommend you register there in order to take advantage of the above and GOOD LUCK with quitting the smokes. On top of everything else you will love the extra money you will have.
    vegan zombies want your grains


      2nd Day of Chantix

      Ah, Sean. I feel for you. I know how hard times can be. Going to the food bank isn't a bad thing. You need to eat, and you are not working at the moment.

      Quitting smoking is awesome. I, myself am on day 3 and I am managing pretty well so far. It isnt' the first attempt for me. Last year I managed to not smoke for several weeks. This time I am dead serious about it. I am chewing the 2mg Nicorette gum. Last time I was on the 4mg gum, but I was chewing so much of it, all of that nicotine made me sick. IF this doesn't work, then I may check into Chantix. My mother tried it and it worked very well for her.

      Keep that positive attitude. You are doing great! xoxoxo


        2nd Day of Chantix

        Sean, just wanted to pop in and tell you that I too will be rooting for you on your smoking quit! I quit cold turkey nearly 2 years ago and it was one of the most difficult things I've ever done, but it was SO WORTH IT!! I know you will feel the same way once you get past these difficult early stages. I've heard really good things about Chantix too.

        Do NOT feel bad about going to the food bank. Those resources are THERE for us - thank goodness - in times of hardship.

        I like this saying - A craving won't kill you but a cigarette will. Best wishes and stand TOUGH.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          2nd Day of Chantix

          Good luck Sean and I stopped in November using Chantix and the nicorette gum. Don't even have a desire to have one at all.
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            2nd Day of Chantix

            Good luck Sean, it sounds like you have a lot on your plate at the moment and the fact you are also stopping smoking is a hell of an achievement. Your breathing will thank you for it very soon.
            I stopped using the gum, I feel so much better, even though I am still chewing.
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              2nd Day of Chantix

              Dearest Sean,
              You have a lot going on right now. I am glad your back is improving(?) as you mention going back to work soon. The food bank is resource for times like this. You need food to keep up your strength. You are such an inspiration to me as you maintain your sobriety and your wonderful spirit!

              " little by little, we travel far "
              - Tolkein


                2nd Day of Chantix

                Hi Sean how is day three going for you? Hope you are doing well with the stop smoking and finding something nutritious to eat.
                vegan zombies want your grains


                  2nd Day of Chantix

                  Day 3 of chantix done..

                  Thank you all of you for the wonderful words of encouragement. I cleaned my apartment from top to bottom today in an effort to make me feel better about myself. I have been having a hard time feeling melancholie( I teared up over an old bloody t-shirt today) I figured it out though, it's the bleedin steroids they gave me for my back. I was getting the same feelings I had when I was a kid when I thought about Christmas being over (that sad little twinge I used to get in my belly) I know sounds weird huh? I have been battling some depression lately. I miss the U.K. even though I have been here 30 years I still miss it a lot.
                  I keep thinking I have nothing here in the states anymore. I wish I could go home and live my life out back home, but I wouldnt know were to begin. My brothers and I have not spoken in years and they have there own life's. I wouldnt want to move back to Liverpool as there are to many memories I'd rather forget. Thursday I will be 55. I,m bloody lonely, I'm a recovering alcoholic with emphysema somehow I don't guess there are to many women looking for someone with my credentials. I have this awful fear of dying a lonely old man with emphysema. I have to pull myself up by the boot straps and make something work for me, but at this time I am at a loss. Sorry to just blurt all this out but I had to tell someone. I come across sometimes as having my s**t together but sometimes I am inch's from falling apart at the seams. As they say I will just have to" keep , keeping on"
                  Thanks again everybody,
                  P.S. Your prayers gratefully accepted....
                  It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice


                    2nd Day of Chantix

                    Sean, can I just say that most women would would be really happy to have a caring, intelligent man. The fact that you have some health issues..well, thats part of you too. Its made you what you are...a strong, hardworking, determined man. You are probably seeing yourself as not worth it because you are depressed and then you get more depressed and your picture gets even a viscious circle. From what you have posted so far, you seem to be a very likeable man and that is a wonderful trait to have! So yes, your tablets might be causing some depression, along with your illness. But I can see many positves that absolutely shine through with you.
                    I think with depression (i suffer too) and recovering from addictions, we really need to work even harder at our happiness than most.
                    For the last couple of weeks, I have been up and down like a yo-yo, yes I am sober, but sometimes I really do feel very low. This morning I woke up hoping to feel brighter, and I didnt. So I laid in bed for a while counting my blessings (of which there are many...but when I am depressed, I simply dont see them) Just little things, like I am sober, I am in control, I am looking forward to a nice cup of coffee I have a warm bed etc and as I was doing this, my mood was lifting a little. Its hard work, but it does work..
                    And now, do you know what? you have helped me too, just by writing stuff down I feel more thank you!
                    I hope you feel a bit brighter today, you are in my prayers...take care x
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                      2nd Day of Chantix

                      To starting over...

                      Thank you.
                      Kiss for your hand X
                      It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice


                        2nd Day of Chantix

                        Hi Sean: Good luck with quitting smoking. I, too, am a smoker and am 55 years old. Been smoking for a very long time. I need to quit, but right now with trying to quit drinking, I just can't face it. I am taking steps to make smoking a little more difficult. Just little things like not taking my cigs and lighter to the den when I watch TV or not taking them with me when I go out running errands. My husband is trying to quit, too. It's easier when you have a job. When I was working, I smoked less than a pack a day. Now, whew, I smoke like a chimney. I've only known one person who tried Chantix, and she had some depression and psychotic issues (but I think she had those before she started the Chantix). She did quit smoking though. Good luck to you. Kay

