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    Guys, please dont get me wrong, but i really don't like when people here call alcoholism a disease. Its not a disease its a weakness. We are weak. We dont know how to cope with every day stress thats it. My weakness is i cannot pick up a girl when i am sober even when i know that a girl likes me. I'm shy, its not disease its a weakness. The other thing is hangovers, once you start you cannot stop. Its not a disease its a weakness again. I believe if we want to stop we do not have to fight this "disease" but focus on our weaknesses first. Once we resolve them we can stay out of alcohol easily.
    Thanks for reading.

    8th day AF
    We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


    network;508924 wrote: Guys, please dont get me wrong, but i really don't like when people here call alcoholism a disease. Its not a disease its a weakness. We are weak. We dont know how to cope with every day stress thats it. My weakness is i cannot pick up a girl when i am sober even when i know that a girl likes me. I'm shy, its not disease its a weakness. The other thing is hangovers, once you start you cannot stop. Its not a disease its a weakness again. I believe if we want to stop we do not have to fight this "disease" but focus on our weaknesses first. Once we resolve them we can stay out of alcohol easily.
    Thanks for reading.

    8th day AF
    you address as 'guys' then you cannot pick a gurl up without alcohol in your system? i'm confused wot you are trying to say,, can you clarify wot it is you are saying. Weak is not always drink ,, it may be another unsolved mystery you may need to tell us.. :H




      you address as 'guys' then you cannot pick a gurl up without alcohol in your system? i'm confused wot you are trying to say,, can you clarify wot it is you are saying. Weak is not always drink ,, it may be another unsolved mystery you may need to tell us..




        what i'm trying to say here that we are fooling ourselfes thinking that we are fighting a "disease". I do not believe it. To stay AF we need to understand what makes us drink at the first place. And thats what we should be really fighting. Alcohol is only excuse for our failures. Thats why i say we are weak.

        All the best to you and be strong. I'm trying my best.
        We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.



          Wally22;508931 wrote: Rip, Is that really your score, or did somebody else play for you and you took the picture?
          Just Asking.
          sorry about highjacking the thread.
          Wally. that is a minor umbrella trick.. i have done much better than that.. Once a Lemon always.. :H



            net-work.. disease is a word that means life long illness. long term effects from abusive liquids witch includes the use of substance* alcohol ... this is wot this site is about!!! Welcome to YOUR way out of YOUR problems here from BOOZE!! it works if you work it!! :H




              Hi there Net, congrats on 8 days, you are doing great!
              I am not sure that I like to call it a weakness either, I dont think it will help me much to say if I was a stronger or better person I would be able to control my addictions.
              But anyway, does it really matter what we call it? What matters is how we deal with seem to be doing well, so keep it up!
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



                Net, I agree, we need to understand our triggers. Thing is, many people find it difficult to "pick up a girl", or whatever, but they don't drink themselves silly because of that.

                I do think that many peopl use "dutch courage" in many instances. Alcohol is a tranquilising agent. It's what happens after the first drink that counts. Most people who use alcohol to "help" them through a tough situation, stop at one or two drinks.

                I also have problems with the "disease" label. As a rule, I feel cautious about any label. I do however feel that the alcoholic has some different way of proccesing the substance. We forget about the fullstop.

                Addiction is certainly not a weakness in the sense of will power. Addiction is stronger than will power. It's the addiction that's the problem, not the will power.



                  Hi all,
                  English is not my first language and i just realised that "picking up a girl" might be offensive to someone.
                  I'm sorry
                  We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.



                    We understand the phase. I don't feel offended, because I can hear the fear that you experience.



                      We are all here because we abuse AL. There is many different ways and different levels of AL abuse. For some people the level they are at is a disease, where they need to do rehab to stop, saying that they are weak and lacking will power will not stop their physical addiction without medical intervention. I abuse AL through binge drinking at the weekends. I am trying to be strong to overcome my cravings and avoid my triggers. That is why I am here. Life is hard, and people release stress in many ways. For most of us I guess that we used AL.

                      I read in previous posts that when you drink you binge for about 10 days. If you drink to pick up a girl, surely the next 10 days would be enough to send her running. Maybe you could look into ways to overcome your shyness and build confidence around females.



                        network;508932 wrote: Ripple,
                        what i'm trying to say here that we are fooling ourselfes thinking that we are fighting a "disease". I do not believe it. To stay AF we need to understand what makes us drink at the first place. And thats what we should be really fighting. Alcohol is only excuse for our failures. Thats why i say we are weak.

                        All the best to you and be strong. I'm trying my best.

                        I am not weak.. CAN YOU stay AF? CAN YOU? then you R not weak is wot you say.. :H

                        is to NOTT explain further.. please tell .. I want to understand.. :H

                        Rippled.. 'learn" as we GO..:thanks:



                          Hi Ezzmae,
                          after the first day of drinking, the binge starts just to calm down hangovers. I just cannot deal with them. So i drink more.
                          I am trying to help myself the best i can. I know i can do it. I have nobody to talk to except people on this forum and i am trying understand myself.

                          Veritas-thank you.
                          We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.



                            is valium in yer post before helping + booze? it is morning in aussie land and time for a trott to the drink,, i must think your disease is something else? please tell. :l

                            Ripp it Is. :H



                              Network, I agree with you that alcoholism (if you want to call it that) is not a disease. Myself, I prefer to abandon the whole notion of 'alcoholism' to begin with and prefer to interpret heavy drinking as lying on a continuum. Along this continuum you find individuals ranging from the aunt or uncle who occasionally drinks too much wine and becomes obnoxious, to the fully functional family man who drinks a case a beer each night upon returning home, to the skid row drinker who is repeatedly admitted to hospital for delirium tremens. And of course, there are many other kinds of heavy drinkers who fall somewhere in between or above on the continuum.

                              If there's one thing I've learned from my own alcohol addiction is that I put myself in this mess and perpetuated the problem each time I went against my better judgment and decided to drink. Once we come to the realization that our addicted thinking will try any excuse to get us to pick up that first drink, we can recognize the futility of any inner debate pertaining to alcohol. Your body is used to getting drunk and wants to remain that way forever. The only solution, as harsh as it sounds, is to be stubborn and refuse to drink.

                              I won't pretend that I've always been successful remaining AF, because I haven't, but in each case when I've resumed drinking it was for no other reason than that I accepted a faulty chain of reasoning encouraging me to drink, which was a product of my addicted thinking. I think being aware of this is the key to success, and certainly has helped me achieve my successful AF periods.

