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Army Thread 3rd January 2009

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    Army Thread 3rd January 2009

    Wow, thats the first time I have written 2009 ! Feels strange...but good.

    Well, I have just had the crappiest night sleep I have had in ages, no idea why but it doesnt matter because if I am tired I can get my head down later on. So might as well get moving, got an essay to finish and I might, just might treat myself to a new 40inch flat screen tv in the sales later....hmmm..we'll see.

    Have a great day all, see you later.

    Oh yes, has anyone heard from Kapo? Missing her positve vibes lately...Kapo, if you are reading, just let us know you are OK...
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    Army Thread 3rd January 2009

    Morning all, i've been up since half 5. Not a good morning at all, in fact it's been feckin awful . On my second cup of coffee for what use it is doing i'm not sure. Sorry for moaning.

    Starts ... i haven't heard from kapo in a while either. Hope you have a good day, starts x


      Army Thread 3rd January 2009

      hiya wishy, you moan away girl, thats exactly what I feel like doing too...
      You still feeling poorly? Or just down in the dumps?
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Army Thread 3rd January 2009

        Morning all. Erin and I had a serious lie in this morning. Didnt get up till 10.30.
        Lovely morning here in wales.
        Think Wishy had some serious family problems last night everyone, and will need all our support today. Ill leave it to her to talk if she wants to, but it wasnt the best of nights for her.
        Take care all, and let us know your o.k Kap. x
        To Infinity And Beyond!!


          Army Thread 3rd January 2009

          Hello all, Im off into town today to get Alexs birthday pressie and a look in the sales and tomorrow the whole clan are arriving on my doorstep for his party so I will have to get organised. Then on monday its head down , ive a 2,500 word essay to write by friday!! Back to normal wth a bang then , except for monday is his actual birthday so I have to squeeze in a trip to the cinema to see madasgar 2 as well, forgot about that...emmm. That bloody essay, will worry about it on monday me thinks.

          Wishy, whats wrong love , your having a rough ride lately.

          Starting , its old age , dont worry about it , your sleep patterns will get worse.

          Oney, get the rugrats out of your bed or you will end up like do you really want that????

          Cy, grow your hair back and wear it loud and proud , soon hair will be growing in all the wrong places.

          Positive vibes I send to one and all!


            Army Thread 3rd January 2009

            Yer, i think im going to shave my mohawk off and grow it long again from scratch.
            To Infinity And Beyond!!


              Army Thread 3rd January 2009

              Good idea! Lmao. Im sure your mohawk is very you look like a wreatler?


                Army Thread 3rd January 2009

                Starts that weird RAT???Avartar is well!!! weird!!!!!


                  Army Thread 3rd January 2009

                  Whats the essay limers what subject


                    Army Thread 3rd January 2009

                    Well fair to middilin my sweet i forgot to add oney to my heart


                      Army Thread 3rd January 2009

                      Capt, its a project really on cf kids......whats up Capt? We love ya matey.


                        Army Thread 3rd January 2009

                        Hi Capt. How ya doin?
                        What t.v u looking for starts? Any particular make or model?
                        To Infinity And Beyond!!


                          Army Thread 3rd January 2009

                          Good ......I love my sweet IRISH heart forever


                            Army Thread 3rd January 2009

                            No oney, text him and e mailed, but havent seen him on facebook, msm or here for ages. Im worried about him to be honest. Hope he checks in soon.
                            To Infinity And Beyond!!


                              Army Thread 3rd January 2009

                              Thanks limey! lots to look forward to then havent I????
                              No idea about the tv yet, just fancied a big one!
                              Cap, whats wrong with my avi? I guess you'd have preferred the rubinesque ladies I had just before new year?
                              Oney, sleep is a wonderful thing, I need more!!

                              Wishy, prayers are with you and your family x
                              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

