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This weekend

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    This weekend

    As some of you may know this has been a very difficult weekend for me. Only a select few can relate to what it has been like for me, but many of you have been around to help. Tomorrow my divorce papers will be sent to a judge who will hopefully sign them fairly quickly and my marriage will be over. It is something I have wanted for a long time but when the reality hit on Friday (husband had them all notarized and handed them to me at 4:30 Friday) I was much more emotional than I expected to be. It was like I was smacked in the face with the reality of being alone. The thing is I have been alone in this relationship for a very long time. But suddenly I told myself it is all up to you now. I can sink or swim but I do it on my own.
    As a side note I had a reality check today on the alone thing. Husband is off at the football game I took my sons car and for the first time all weekend left the house. I was afraid that I would not be strong enough to not buy alcohol this weekend so I just stayed in. (Funny because there is more than enough alcohol in the house if I really wanted it.) Anyway, decided to go one town away to drop the books at the library. Come to find out their library is open on Sunday. So I parked the car went in and when I came our the car would not start. Right there in the parking lot I had an emotional melt down. Thought who can I call and completely came up blank.
    But the real reason I am writing this is because I have spent a lot of time this weekend reading, posting and chatting. I just wanted to thank you all for being around when I really needed support.
    I not only learned a lot from reading, met someone in chat going through the same thing as I am (I?m sure we will be around to support each other) but I also passed the time that I would have otherwise spent alone.
    I feel better than I did on Friday and I know that I will be OK. I could not have taken this step if had I not faced my issues with alcohol. It was an important part of me realizing that I am strong enough to face challenges. I still worry all the time about letting alcohol back in my life, but I think that is a good thing. For those of you who have helped me get to this point in my life I want to say thank you for your help. You may not even know that you have helped me or someone else, but all the posts (pictures included IAD), Pm?s, e-mails, and chats have the ability to touch someone else. So I guess I just want to say thank you to everyone. The emotions are still here but I am feeling better. Thanks

    This weekend

    time 2
    I am sorry that you have felt so alone this weekend but also glad that you have come here for help and support. Also it is amazing that you did this without letting AL back in your life. that is a huge step and one you should be very proud of.

    I am thinking of you and I know that you will get through this tough time. We are all here for you.

    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      This weekend

      Hi T2, I completely understand the thoughts and emotions that you are experiencing. I divorced my ex 15 years ago....I wanted out of that marriage badly and I have never regretted my decision. But, on the day that the divorce was finalized, I too felt a little sad...etc. I definitely went through a mourning process....mourning "What could have been, what should have been".....I think that is very normal and even healthy.

      Good for you that you chose not to drink!! That took a lot of strength and resolve!! You are so right, most likely, were you still drinking, you would not be taking the steps that you need to, in order to live a happy and fulfilled life. In so many ways, Alcohol keeps us captive to unhappiness!

      Wishing you peace, happiness and that you find True Joy!
      xxx Kate
      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

      AF 12/6/2007


        This weekend

        Glad you are being "strong"! Keep the faith, every day will be better!

        "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


          This weekend

          i love you time baby stay strong and think positive .. you are doing a great job girl ..
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            This weekend

            First of all I must say that you are a strong woman to not drink through this.

            I understand what you are going through. My first hubby and I split and it was something that I wanted. Once he filed the divorce papers and had them sent to me, I felt terribly sad.

            I agree with Kate, that no matter what there is a grieving process. This was a person you have shared your life with and had loved at one time.

            Big hugs to you. xoxoxoxo


              This weekend

              Stay strong i know where you are at doing the chores bringing in wood blah blah blah hey one day at a time sometimes its one millisecond at a time car stuff puts me right over the edge no matter what hang tough thinking of you
              ps my kids laughed alot more today yeah


                This weekend

                Time2change; I am so sorry you have to go through the emotional feeling of the end of a marriage. I understand how painful it is but you are so far ahead with being AF. Stay strong and Tirgs would say and I will be there in chat anytime you need to talk.....please take care...Rusty
                :heart:AF since May 31 2008.....Happy and Healthy


                  This weekend

                  Yes, you will be OK.


                    This weekend

                    I know you'll stay strong and be okay. My best wishes are with you
                    *Let noble thoughts come to us in all directions...*

