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Chantix day 5 and what the Doctor saw

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    Chantix day 5 and what the Doctor saw

    Slept well last night , few strange dreams, then again what is strange?
    Saw the Doctor today. B*****d tricked me when I told him I wanted to return to work, he threw his pen on the floor and asked me to pick it up for him...needless to say he didn't let me return. I have to go see a neurologist and be able to touch my toes before he will even consider letting me go back to work.
    I called Metlife to find out when I will see anything from my short term disability claim.They told me they are waiting for more info from my Doctor (and the circle go's around and around) I will lose telephone service this Thursday unless something quick happens. I was given a number to call tomorrow about telephone assistance programme(keep your fingers crossed people) I am getting e mail every morning from with tips and helpful suggestions. I also found a website called sober it may be helpful for people seeking help as it has links for treatment facilities all over the country plus A.A. meeting schedules country wide (so if someone comes on looking guys maybe we can give them that site to check out also.
    Well that's about it for now. 1 year, 3 months,15 days sober I may be down a bit, but I will never be out !!
    It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice

    Chantix day 5 and what the Doctor saw

    Hi Sean,

    I'm sorry that the doctor's appointment did not go as planned. I was hoping it would go better for you. I'm glad that you are having success with Chantix though. And that was a helpful hint about the email address.

    Great job on the sober time!
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      Chantix day 5 and what the Doctor saw

      Hey Sean,
      Was just thinking about you and was wondering how you were doing. I am sorry that you can't go back to work just yet, but you know that going back prematurely could do more harm than good. Waiting for disability Sucks. I have been there. My state is not real helpful when you are down on your luck. I hope yours is better.
      Day one on the Chantix for me and I don't know if it's the Chantix or all the crap that is on my mind but I have been high anxiety today. I am glad that you are sleeping better. I hope that I will sleep, but just like the sleepless nights going AF; it will not KILL me, but Cigarettes and Alcohol will. Stay strong.
      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


        Chantix day 5 and what the Doctor saw

        Way to go on the sober time. Woo-Hoo!!


          Chantix day 5 and what the Doctor saw

          yeah the dreams do get strange on the Chantix if you just go with them I found them to be quite entertaining! Have your nicotine cravings started to lessen at all? Keep hanging in there good luck with it all.
          vegan zombies want your grains


            Chantix day 5 and what the Doctor saw

            Sean, I have everything crossed that you get some good news about your claim soon. You have a great attitude though, that will help see you through this tough phase. Take care
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              Chantix day 5 and what the Doctor saw

              Hang in there Sean!

              I know you are frustrated--but, man! Look at you days AF. You so totally rock! Sorry for your pain and troubles but--believeme--do not go back to work too soon. I know how boring it is, and how frustrating--hang in there. Use the time to "do good" as we say. You can always write long supportive messages to me! God knows I need them.

