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Smoke Free Lifesytle

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    Smoke Free Lifesytle

    Hi y'all!
    Seems that many of us want to quit smoking - NOW. Let's use this thread to post questions, plans, and successes, okay? Here is what I have done so far:

    Talked to my doc
    Cut down from 30 - 40 smokes a day to 12 - 15
    Cleaned interior of both vehicles - still smoke free
    Wiped down entire house and throw out ashtrays, keeping just one for the garage
    No smoking in my house - only outside or in the garage
    No smoking around the grandkids, anywhere
    Starting patches Jan 16
    LTG AF January 13, 2011

    Smoke Free Lifesytle

    I left the ciggies behind December 29th. December 30th was my first full day. I quit before a million times like the alcohol but I am determined to not smoke or drink for the year of 2009 and take it from there.

    LTG, you will be on the patch? I think it is a great idea to cut down first. I can't believe you use to smoke 30-40 smokes a day! Actually I smoked probably just as many when I was drinking. I am using the gum. I might, on Friday when I see this new doctor that I just got ask for Chantix to be on the safe side. I have heard many great things about.

    Good for you! I will be routing you on come January 16th!


      Smoke Free Lifesytle

      I've had wellbutrin for a few months, but haven't taken it yet. Good luck to you guys!! Keep it posted how goes it. Im still mustering the courage to make my start. I might cut down like LTG. Thats been on my mind a lot.


        Smoke Free Lifesytle

        Before I cut down, I tried the patch @ 21 mg. I lasted 2 feckin' hours...LOL!! My husband has cut back from 20 to 8 so that helps me too. The hard times are when he is at home and not working. He hogs the computer to play WoW and I can't get here. If his bonus comes through Friday, I am getting a lap top. A pink on so she won't use it...LOL!!
        LTG AF January 13, 2011


          Smoke Free Lifesytle

          Thanks for kicking this off LTG
          I am on Day 2 with Chantix. I am cutting down each day on how many I smoke. I used to keep a journal. Maybe I will start that up again. I used to go to a support group "Freedom from Smoking" and they had us keep a smoking journal. We used to rate our cigs in order of importance, and eliminate the ones that were low in rating or just out of habit. Chantix has a support site too. I will check that out too. Need all the help I can get.
          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


            Smoke Free Lifesytle

            I like the journal idea. Maybe I can come up with something to share.
            LTG AF January 13, 2011


              Smoke Free Lifesytle

              "No drink today, and ciggies thrown away..."

              ... singing here - sorry! :H

              I started Champix on Saturday, official quit day is tomorrow. I don't FEEL any different with the Champix! Except, I did cut down a little as well, and not necessarily on purpose. From 25 a day to... dunno, but 2 packs lasted me 3 days.

              The real benefit will be that I'll HAVE TO EXERCISE now. I've already gained 10lbs over the last 3 months from regular meals and no exercise (I used to hardly eat and muck stalls, lug 50lbs feed bags, etc.) plus, I'm eating way more now during the day since I'm not drinking.

              AFM, how did it go - your first few days? What is there to expect?

              Montana, I've been the same - I've had the Champix for over 6 months. It was actually my partner who mentioned quitting - so we're going at it together now.

              Well, good luck to all of us!
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                Smoke Free Lifesytle

                Just wanted to pop in here and give you guys some moral support!
                I started quitting smoking on February 29th. I quit for real on June 1st, and f*(%ed up one time after that.
                It is hard, but it's no BS it does get easier!! I only smoked when I drank, so that's why I quit drinking too.
                You will never regret quitting, it is so worth for so many reasons. I just hope I didn't wait too long to quit. A friend of mine is having a repeat catscan in 3 months because they found some "spots" on her lungs.
                You can do this!!
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  Smoke Free Lifesytle

                  LVT, how did you quit?
                  LTG AF January 13, 2011


                    Smoke Free Lifesytle

                    A pink laptop! That is coooool and he won't use it, is right!

                    I have been on Wellbutrin for almost a year now and found that it really did cut down on my consumption of cigarettes. I use it for depression, and I know it is used for smoking cessation as well, but it didn't seem to have much effect for me. That is me though.

                    Now I am wondering about the Chantix with the Wellbutrin. Hmmmm.... I might not be able to take the Chantix then. I will have to ask the doctor on Friday.

                    I do find the gum is great for me though. The cigarette I miss the most is the first in the morning with my coffee. My jaw is a bit stiff from chewing all day the day before and it is hard to lube it up with that first piece of gum in the morning. Once I can get past the missing of that smoke, things will get easier, I believe.


                      Smoke Free Lifesytle

                      gg, my first few days were good! I did miss the morning smoke. I find it is hard after the first week. Only because the novelty wears off for me, or someone comes around, like my evil mother and convinces me that I will never quit.

                      So, I am staying FAR away from my mother, and I am going to stay determined to quit. I think the journal idea is a great one!!!! Seriously! It will remind me why I quit in the first place; and everything I hated about smoking. Kind of like drinking..... our pros and cons list. There are no pros.... really.

                      I am not as edgy as I expected. I do have a lot more time on my hands and I get so much accomplished now during the day.


                        Smoke Free Lifesytle

                        Yes, first thing in the morning with coffee. That's a must for me. Good you are talking to you doc about taking both meds. I hope you can :h
                        LTG AF January 13, 2011


                          Smoke Free Lifesytle

                          LTG--I'm not sure it matters, but I was not your typical smoker. I never smoked in the morning (unless I was drinking, lol) and never after meals (unless I was drinking, lol). But after work with a 12 pack of beer, I would smoke AT LEAST 1/2 a pack. On weekends or bigger binges alot more.
                          I seriously tried to quit the first time when I was 40-8 years ago! I tried Wellbutrin and the gum. This time I did it completely different. I got Alan Carr's book, and a couple of different self hypnosis/positive affirmation cd's. Another book I read was How to Quit smoking if you don't want to, or something like that. I guess I pretty much followed Alan Carr's plan, and my last pack was some shitty generic cigarettes. I was already to the point where I wasn't enjoying them like I used to. I had to go outside to smoke, all the bars went smoke free, my in laws quit....the time was right for me. Oh, I also joined "Quitnet" which was kinda cool, but I never got into the forums like I did here. I got a lot of support from my MWO friends that had quit smoking. I had to stay clear the hell away from my smoking friends for awhile. And most importantly I HAD to give up beer.
                          I started a thread way back then, I'll bump it up for you, ok? It's in the "Focus on Fitness" forum.
                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                            Smoke Free Lifesytle

                            Good for you, all of you! FWIW, my own experience quitting smoking (long ago) was a lot different than quitting drinking... Once I got a couple of weeks or so into being NF, I never was plagued with urges and cravings to start up again. It just became un-thinkable. I truly became a non-smoker (and I used that phrase to talk to myself, a lot, at the beginning: "I don't smoke").

                            Be strong!


                              Smoke Free Lifesytle

                              Good luck to all of you trying to quit smoking! I did it and if anyone can do they say I used Chantix and I have said over and over I consider it a miracle drug. Of course I had a huge desire to quit so maybe that is why it was so effective for me but by day six I was literally forcing myself to smoke and by day seven, which was my target quit date I put the cigs down and never looked back. I never had a nicotine craving after that. (I wish giving up the booze was that easy! haha) Best wishes you all I know how badly you want to give it up because it is every smoker's wish to be free of the habit.
                              vegan zombies want your grains

