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Good Short Memoir

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    Good Short Memoir

    Jim Atkinson wrote a very nice short memoir today in the New York Times; here is an excerpt. Click this link for the whole thing.

    JANUARY 5, 2009, 9:00 PM
    The Give and the Take

    I drank booze for a very long time, and I drank quite a lot of it. Interesting, but I never truly thought about why until I quit 16 years ago. There must have been reasons. But what were they? ?

    In my early days of drinking, alcohol gave me something that nothing else in my life ? not relationships, not career ? could? Myself, I always felt that alcohol was the one thing that made me feel safe. And that gave me a particular kind of energy, a fortitude, really. I was more willing to stand up for myself and to take creative risks when I was packing a certain amount of alcohol in me?

    I came to know alcohol as a form of self-medication. Once medicated, I felt, I could then pursue my chosen craft of writing with more confidence, verve and stamina. And it seemed to work?

    I achieved a measure of success in my 20?s and 30?s as a magazine writer and as an author of two books? All of this gave booze the aura of a magic potion to me? I believed that a certain modicum of it was needed ? like food, water or oxygen ? for me to lead a happy and successful life. In retrospect, I knew that I was over-drinking by the time I was 30. But I figured that I was a ?high performance? alcoholic ? an interesting oxymoron, if there ever was one?

    In time, my relationships with loved ones, especially my wife, my career, my health ? all began to spiral down in a death dive. Even though I knew booze was the culprit, I just ordered another because that?s what I did when I had a problem: I drank. At the root of this twisted thinking was the absurd belief that I?d just lost my touch when it came to the bottle, misplaced my ability to find that ?sweet spot? of inebriation where there?s a perfect balance between disinhibition and control, euphoria and calm. I just needed to get my swing back.

    As with a marriage gone sour, I didn?t want to admit that my relationship with booze was suddenly doing me more harm than good. And like a battered spouse, I didn?t know whom else to be with.

    If I?d been clear-headed enough to take stock, I could have seen what was going on very clearly: Feeling ?normal? was requiring progressively larger amounts of the stuff. And while it had become a kind of lifeblood to me, in the real world, alcohol was still basically just a poison (it?s what we put on a wound to kill invading bacteria, one of the most effective destroyers of human tissue known to biochemistry). The body and mind and spirit could handle a bit of it, even on a regular basis. But I was literally and figuratively drowning myself in it. While once it had given me things that nothing else could, now it was taking away the two things everyone needs to lead a life that even has a chance of being complete: my dignity and my good health.

    In retrospect, like many drunks, I had reached a stage with alcohol where I was paralyzed, frozen in time, stuck in a tiny crevasse between what had been my best friend and what had become my worst enemy. I needed to find a true bottom before I could begin to regain control of my life.

    It finally came one night in February, 1993, when I found myself in a drunk tank at the county jail with a bunch of guys you really wouldn?t want to meet, wondering how I?d wound up there.

    I entered treatment a week after I hit bottom, on February 11, 1993. Alcohol had finally crowded me into a corner from which there were only two escapes ? sobriety or death? I finally grasped what the stakes were ? what they?d always been. And while, at the time, I still wasn?t sure what all this sobriety business would entail, where it would lead me ? whether, indeed, I could do it ? I did know that I didn?t want to die. That turned out to be enough of an epiphany, I guess, because I haven?t had a drink since.

    Good Short Memoir

    thanks, i can never get enough of reading about other people's struggles with is encouraging and "sobering" all at once.


      Good Short Memoir

      Good post WIP, and a good reminder that we must be willing to go to ANY lengths to beat this problem. As the OP stated, people don't want to admit to it but often our very lives are at stake....
      Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


        Good Short Memoir

        Thanks WIP.
        To Infinity And Beyond!!


          Good Short Memoir

          Nice quote WIP,

          I've referred to it as self medicating too... that's all it was for me, it was not helping with any thing else, only a temporary escape.
          Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


            Good Short Memoir

            Wip, didn't you post something else by this guy? Because I realized I have one of his books.


              Good Short Memoir

              Yes, CS, I did, he is the one who wrote the little piece about drinking on New Year's Eve, I think... he writes regularly for the NY Times...

              Which book do you have? Is it good?


                Good Short Memoir

                Thanks, WIP going to copy this for my hubby
                Toughen up!


                  Good Short Memoir

                  Thanks again WIP. By now I have read so many of these stories and they all read like autobiography to me with a few changes in detail. Scary stuff and painful to remember. There are some things we never can and probably never totally should put totally behind us. It is our reality and our past and is part of who we are. No need to run from it (although we would like to). Maybe we can possibly learn something it. I hope so.

                  I'm glad this author found help in rehab. That is a remarkable story with a happy ending. Most people don't and they relapse. We all know that. I tried a lot for years. I was able to be sober for a few years, but would have never stayed sober without my support I have here. I thank everyone here.

                  I just hope people learn from this article how important sobriety is. It really means everything. Thanks for posting it WIP.
                  Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                    Good Short Memoir

                    Thanks WIP for posting. Inspirational story. Thanks for sharing.

                    " little by little, we travel far "
                    - Tolkein


                      Good Short Memoir

                      WIP, I have never actually read the whole book. It's called The View from Nowhere and it's about his tour across the US to celebrate the "serious drinking bars of America," published in 1987. My husband's brother bought it for him for Christmas a few years ago, and the only part I have read was where he was in my city. I'm sure it's hilarious. But I am afraid to go there.


                        Good Short Memoir

                        ahhhh, he did mention writing that book in the article... he wrote that while he was still drinking, I think? Yeah... I wouldn't want to go there, either. I had a similar book written in and about pubs in Ireland, and never did read it...


                          Good Short Memoir

                          Oh yeah -- it's over 20 years ago. Hard to write a book about bars if you're not drinking (well I guess you could....) Maybe I will read it as further resolution for myself, while I am waiting for A. Burroughs and A. Marlatt to come from the library.


                            Good Short Memoir

                            good post wip,dr bob did the same for many years b4 contributing to AA,READ BUT COULDNT FIGURE IT OUT,YOUR GEICO


                              Good Short Memoir

                              Wow, all of our story

