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Army Thread 7th January

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    Army Thread 7th January

    Good morning everyone.
    I saw the thread from yesterday was still active in the early hours.
    St John, I hope you managed to beat those cravings and Cy I hope you are sleeping peacefully now...

    Please everyone, keep your fingers crossed that today is my last day at work. I really have had enough now. I think my boss is being a bit unreasonable, she is expecting me to show some interest and help her with her (my old) new job. I would probably be happy to do so if she wasnt such an unpleasant old bag when she doesnt get the response she wants immediately
    Anyway, can she not see, its me who is suffering, me who has lost my job, me who is going through this trauma :H:H

    Have a lovely day all, see you later xxx
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    Army Thread 7th January

    Morning starts .... I really hope today is your last day. Don't blame you for not wanting to help her out, she sounds like a bad one. Treat people how you want to be treated, that's the best way to be only she doesn't seemed to have adopted that approach. Stay strong Hun x

    I'm in work this morning and am actually quite busy for a change. We have 7 residents which is still not overly busy but much better than 2.

    Morning all to come, hope everyone has a good day x


      Army Thread 7th January

      Hi Wish, hows the cough, did you sleep last night?


        Army Thread 7th January

        Morning all. Managed another couple of hrs sleep till the boy next door woke me up! He really does have an irratating voice but since I shouted " shut the feck up" about half an hour ago he's been very quiet!! Result. Think I'll get up for a bit and try and have another hour later.
        Got my fingers and toes crossed for you starts. Really hope it's your last day.
        Hope everyone has a good day.
        To Infinity And Beyond!!


          Army Thread 7th January

          The cough is doing my head in. Was up at 4am coughing my arse off. Cough medicine is not working.


            Army Thread 7th January

            Morning everyone! 2 entries on my blog now!
            Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


              Army Thread 7th January

              Morning oney and vlad. Im glad you had a good kip oney.
              I would agree with the tipping it vlad. If its there, your just going to be thinking of it and fighting that mental battle. If its gone, its gone!
              To Infinity And Beyond!!


                Army Thread 7th January

                Oney , it is indeed great , tho im going to have to get used to these early mornings again. Must try that cammomile tea...


                  Army Thread 7th January

                  yes Vlad , get rid.


                    Army Thread 7th January

                    tree going down! hoo!


                      Army Thread 7th January

                      will do Oney.


                        Army Thread 7th January

                        Hi everyone- I can't sleep so I decided to get up and do some things. I can't lay there staring anymore.

                        Cy, I remembered a little while ago that I didn't respond to your post when you asked me if I was down from the weekend. I apologize for that. I don't think I'm down from the weekend as much as I am frustrated with trying to deal with a few people who are not acting respectfully in the human department. I also am trying to register my car here in CA and what do you think comes back to haunt me?????????? That's right, folks- New Orleans. I paid off my car last August and STILL don't have a title. Now they are telling me I owe thousands of dollars in taxes and penalties besides a fee for the car from the dealership in New Orleans. I almost went thru the phone but was very calm for a change. I usually chew their heads off.........

                        Besides, the sanitation dept in New Orleans has been reporting me to the credit bureau for 900 and something dollars for a sewage bill. The bill is from after I moved. I swear, I am trying to live a peaceful life but I have so much anger towards that city and how Katrina has utterly destroyed some people financially and mentally. It hasn't destoyed me but it is sure playing with me big time. I wanted to drink about 4 times last night. I even started to go get a pack of cigs. I only smoke when I drink or maybe will smoke a cig on occasion but have never been hooked. I wanted a cig earlier and I want one now. Don't have any and don't feel like driving to the store. Didn't drink. I prayed and prayed tonite. I even prayed catholic prayers. I talked to everyone. I can't rest. Also, a place I've done cooking classes for and worked events here will not pay me again. 2nd time with the same pattern. I am finished with them and tomorrow will report this woman to the labor board. I have sent e mails, called and when it is time for me to be paid, she miraculously drops off of the face of the earth. No response. Nothing. I know she is full of it and now I'm pissed. I think that is so disrespectful to ignore another in this case. I feel that she is very manipulative and I am not playing that shit.

                        Sorry, I am going off on a tangent. I will calm down. I guess I've just been screwed so much since Katrina that it really triggers me and hits a nerve when someone is screwing with me.

                        Wish- I really hope you get rid of the cough soon. I mean, how much longer can you go on?

                        Well, going to print some forms to try to get my Lousiana vehicle registration. Maybe I will make a cup of chamomille tea. I have a doc appt. at 10 am and therapy at 2. Oh boy oh boy oh boy!!!! I will really have to wire my jaw tonite so I don't drink. Today is day 4 and that is when I have a lot of trouble but I am not going to think about it this time. .

                        I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Will check in later
                        __________________________________________________ _

                        Love yourself enough to walk away from what no longer serves you.


                          Army Thread 7th January

                          Hey nz. We'll all be here tonight. Stay close and talk. It helps. Do you have any meds to help. I find that Kudz is a real help when ive got bad cravings.
                          To Infinity And Beyond!!


                            Army Thread 7th January

                            cy- no meds but L-glut and kudzu. I will take both and hopefully they will help.

                            Going to try to sleep now and will talk with all of you later

                            __________________________________________________ _

                            Love yourself enough to walk away from what no longer serves you.


                              Army Thread 7th January

                              Yeah, I need to tip it. The interesting thing is, I still have a bottle of wine (Christmas present) in the fridge untouched, a litre of rum also untouched and half a bottle of whiskey. My mindset must be changing... but I am worried about AL acumulating, could be a bad thing.
                              Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message

