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Day 3

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    Day 3

    Well I made it home from work without a drink so far.... But today seems so hard... I guess because I had to give up something else (won't go into it yet) but to give up drinking I had to let this thing go also. There are so many bad habits I have formed through years that involve or resulted in drinking... And some of them are hard to let go. Tonight on a "normal" night.. I would be drinking wine and laughing with friends... But tonight I am home by myself.. I'm ok I guess. A little sad (ok... very sad) but I don't want to dwell on it or feel sorry for myself.. I want to get through the night and I look forward to waking up in the morning feeling good and proud of myself... But I will say that some things along with alcohol are so hard to give up.... even though it is best.... Just tell me that this sadness will go away soon and I will quit feeling tired and the heartburn will go away and my face will start to glow and my heartbeat won't race... etc.. etc... LOL...... Sorry for rambling... But it really does suck right now....Thanks in advance for your support and I am looking so forward to the day that I can help someone who is feeling this way..... The day that I can type words on this site that inspire someone like so many of you have done for me.... :h

    Day 3

    THD I can't promise that every day will be fabulous when you get settled into not drinking BUT I can tell you that it will definitely get better after you get through the first 4-5 days or so... AND that not drinking, for those of us who have serious problems, makes everything else that is good in life, possible. So, for me at least, it is a necessary pre-requisite to having a good, meaningful life (with some fabulous days, from time to time!)...


      Day 3

      I know how you feel hon. It will get better soon.

      You will feel like you are missing out for a w while. I won't lie to you. It is something that is very necessary in order to change your lifestyle.

      It temporarily sucks. I know. Hang in there though.


        Day 3

        I spend alot more time at home, alone these days, and I know that there are ways that I can change that. I need to get motivated. There are lots of enjoyable things to do sober. Hang in there!! It does get better.
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          Day 3

          Is rapid heartbeat a sign of detox? I have drank almost every night for a couple of years solid.. Maybe 12 beers, 2 bottles of wine.... more on weekends.... I am extremely emotional.... This sucks... What a rollercoaster ride.... I think I will take a hot bath... All I want to do is cry.. :upset::upset: This too shall pass.....


            Day 3

            THD, increased heart rate might be part of detox but given everything that you have been saying, there is probably a very significant anxiety component that is contributing to it. Taking a nice long bath is a great idea. Focus on the feeling of the water... use any kind of distraction you can think of... eat something, drink a large glass of water... And realize that you will never have to go through this again!


              Day 3

              TeeHayDal;513401 wrote: Is rapid heartbeat a sign of detox? I have drank almost every night for a couple of years solid.. Maybe 12 beers, 2 bottles of wine.... more on weekends.... I am extremely emotional.... This sucks... What a rollercoaster ride.... I think I will take a hot bath... All I want to do is cry.. :upset::upset: This too shall
              Yes, this is part of the detox process for many. I have gone through the same thing a couple of times now.

              You will feel better in a couple of days. Drink lots of water, and eat healthy foods. Try to get some sleep tonight. Do you have magnesium? It helps. Also if you have something to help you sleep, take it. Melatonin, Valerian, Benedryl?

              It sucks; and it is painful. We are here for you. :l


                Day 3

                Thank you.. I'm going to lay down now... But I didn't drink.... That is what counts....You guys are so nice.. Thanks again...



                  Day 3

                  THD, accountable is completely on the nose, it does suck, and it is so painful!! But I will personally guarantee that you will feel better tomorrow, either physically or mentally, first one then the other. It only takes one to get the ball rolling!!
                  "The one true thing that I know about myself is that I will never stop learning things about myself!":nutso:

                  AF SINCE 5/23/2007 - MINUS 3 DAYS!!!!


                    Day 3

                    Good Morning. I made it... I feel ok... Just a little sleepy. I guess it is my body trying to heal from the inside. I could use some prayers or well wishes to get me through this day.. It is going to be hard because I have to go to a social event where all we do is drink tonight... But my plan is to not drink... Thank you all and have a great day..



                      Day 3

                      Hey THD. Well done on the full 3 days. these first couple of days are tough. But it will get better. Maybe start engaging in some other activities at night? Gym, etc.?!
                      AF since 15th March 2010

                      The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.

