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Army thread Jan 8 2009

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    Army thread Jan 8 2009

    and great to have you back , just read your never a dull moment, hows your daughter? What a shock!! -45..bloody hell, how do you cope in that but im delighted to hear yourself and hubbs are getting on great, makes it easier to cope. Well bloody done on day 4 here and going great guns, just need to get over this first weekend.

    Kaps, congrats on the job and passing the 'test', your doing great, I admire you, I know its not easy.


      Army thread Jan 8 2009

      Ive been reading 5 peeps you meet in heaven...its such a good read, ts easier to go to bed sober when the book is so good.


        Army thread Jan 8 2009

        AK - I so VERY endorse every word of what you say! "By the simple expedient of us alkies talking to each other it is a total win-win situation! Sounds dam cold where you are! Brrrrr x
        *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


          Army thread Jan 8 2009

          Limers, you are my favorite muppet!!!!!!
          "The one true thing that I know about myself is that I will never stop learning things about myself!":nutso:

          AF SINCE 5/23/2007 - MINUS 3 DAYS!!!!


            Army thread Jan 8 2009

            And Limers - I am a HUGE evening reader - there is quite a lot of crap on the telly here mostly, and I am very grateful for a good sober read
            *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


              Army thread Jan 8 2009

              ak feeling kinda shy now!


                Army thread Jan 8 2009

                Kap, dont forget to share the good ones!


                  Army thread Jan 8 2009

                  Morning all!
                  Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                    Army thread Jan 8 2009

                    Morning All, I just had the best night sleep i've had in days!! WISHY HAD A FULL FECKIN NIGHTS SLEEP!!! YAY!! Anyways just though i would let you all know. Not a cough in sight througout the night. Even though this morning i've coughed my arse off but i slept and that all that matters.

                    Kapo .. so glad you didn't give in to the cravings. Your a strong women who i admire very much and i'm so proud of you x x x

                    Limey .... well done on day 4 .... How you feeling?

                    Starts .. What a brilliant post, it's good to write things down, really helps. Hope your boss isn't too much of a shit for you today and lets you leave. Crossing my fingers for you x

                    AK ... Welcome back!!

                    Morning to everyone else!!


                      Army thread Jan 8 2009

                      Morning Vlad, How are you today?


                        Army thread Jan 8 2009

                        Hi Vlad, Wishy, im delighted for you!


                          Army thread Jan 8 2009

                          Thanks Limey ... i feel so much better today. A good nights sleep makes such a difference.


                            Army thread Jan 8 2009

                            sure does, im feeling good myself but I couldnt wake Alex up this morning so took the two girls in and left him in bed, dont worry, he wasnt alone in the house! Hes up now tho , so as soon as he eats his coco pops I will drop him in! Hes not used to these early mornings you know!


                              Army thread Jan 8 2009

                              I was like that as a child ... mum wasn't best pleased!! Much better now though, as much as i love my sleep i'm up most mornings at 6am for work.


                                Army thread Jan 8 2009

                                Morning Oney, glad you had a good sleep. Enjoy your breakfast.

                                I'm off for a coffee now

                                Catch ya in a bit x

