so back again and started day 1 yestersay. went to see my gp cos needed extra help he was orrible and just chucked me a presrciption and said "good luck" and out i went.
but feeling positive and hopeful this time, im coming up 35 in a couple of weeks and know that i gotta do this now or im doomed!!
just thought id check in here to get some friends behind me and some inspration that i have had over the past attempts, but this time im just so hopeful it is it.
im through with the al taking control of me, i have a great hubby and 2 gorgeous girls who need me and they are so supportive of me, its crazy i couldnt do this before, i feel i let them down constantly , but hey we all know how powerful al is eh?
so heres to day 2, im off on a mammoth walk with my wee doggie then gonna start my sit ups ( gotta shift that vino belly) lol
take care all and love u lots
sweetlips xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:h
