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Thought for the Day.......( Thursday )
Thought for the Day.......( Thursday )
Maybe you need to go back and find your childhood, and see where you lost your ability to laugh at the world around you ! IAD.?Be who you are and say what you feel because
those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
Dr. Seuss
Thought for the Day.......( Thursday )
Boss Man....we are not here to make Enimies....we're here to stop drinking ! I don't care if you think I'm funny or not.....Look I was also an Admin guy.....I'm not an idiot ! I was a GS14 @ the National Securiity Agency ! I do what I do. It's who I am. IAD.?Be who you are and say what you feel because
those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
Dr. Seuss
Thought for the Day.......( Thursday )
Obviously given the colossal failure of our economy, our government is incompetent.
If a federally paid employee thinks butt jokes are funny then our tax dollars are desperately mismanaged.
I'm in the private sector. So are my brother's kids (I have no children of my own). I suspect that in the private sector, you'll find that taxpayer funding of federal employees to tell juvenile butt jokes is not considered humor.
Thought for the Day.......( Thursday )
Boss Mann......You are clossiall ass hole ! I don't caee about pollitics ... I served this country when called....and continued to serve for served for 35 years...went to countries that I had to go to for National Secuirity.. So ass holes like you coulld live in peace... For I'm sure you never gave up anything for this country !!! IAD.?Be who you are and say what you feel because
those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
Dr. Seuss
Thought for the Day.......( Thursday )
Boss man....Your a tipilcle bottom feeder.... You wait for everyone else to fight for your rights !! And run and hide when you have to give your life for it ! would you give up your life for what you believe in ? IAD. I Did and my Fathers Did !!?Be who you are and say what you feel because
those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
Dr. Seuss
Thought for the Day.......( Thursday )
No soldier should fight, or demand rights to fight, for an unjust war, and an administration based on lies.
No child should die in far lands, because of the political demands of the US.
I live my life to fight for freedom and justice. But that means freedom and Justice based on the principles that created this country: Equality and freedom for all.
I see you are in Virginia, and I assume in the WADC area. I see you a political animal, where a mere butt joke brings out your politics.
You are the corrupt core of the nation. And I resent every taxpayer dollar I have to pay, and I do pay, to support your broken cause. I fully resent every dollar I pay for you, and for your role in killing innocent children in foreign countries.
Taxpayer dollars for dead babies. Is that what you live for?
BTW - I don't hide. As you've obviously noticed.
Thought for the Day.......( Thursday )
My apology. I meant Maryland.
Here in the west, we find the eastern states so small its easy to mistake them. I remember as a child you could drive to 12 states in a day. You can't do that in the west. You've probably never been west of West Virginia, have you...
It's a total mistake to equate just wars with unjust wars. My Grandfather fought in WWII, but got buried only this year in LA. A bit surprising since I'm nearly 50 and his wife (my grandmother) after 77 years of marriage is doing quite well and expected to live, well, indefinitely...
Thought for the Day.......( Thursday )
It's oviuos ,,,,,,,,you can't confurm that you ever did anything to protect your country..... so your sucking from this country tit.....You should thank us soldiers that made this possible.! IAD.?Be who you are and say what you feel because
those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
Dr. Seuss