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Thought for the Day.......( Thursday )

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    Thought for the Day.......( Thursday )

    You are no soldier if you ignore the facts of illegal war killing innocent children.

    Please understand, every act I take is protecting our country against future terrorism, from the children -next to- the parents that got killed today.

    I'm ashamed my taxpayer dollars have to pay for people as ignorant as you are.

    I truly encourage you to read the news, and learn the facts about our the equality and humanitarian foundation of our national declaration of independence, and our national Constitution.

    Reminder: What does this have to do with AL?


      Thought for the Day.......( Thursday )

      Boss man....I severed this country with honors.....I have a flag that was flown for me on a certain day. as a Retirey....I have come back to serve this nation and will go back to work. I hope you can say that you have done as much for this country.......As I have. IAD.
      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss


        Thought for the Day.......( Thursday )

        My Gosh IAD. Is that all you got?

        You went off, served a war, and came back?

        Even my "Ex" has more than that, came back in 1970 shot through front and back and lived through it (took six months to get the jungle juice out)...

        Is your entire politics based on Brady bunch 1970s reality? Don't you find that a bit fragile in forty years later? (Jeez am I really that old?)

        The fact that you served a war with honor in 1970, does not mean necessarily that babies killed in the name of the US today is considered the same honor by world citizens. Do you have a basic understanding of that?

        We had honor back then.

        We don't now.

        Get it?


          Thought for the Day.......( Thursday )

          Boss man, this is so stupid !.....why are we fighting ! shit....War sucks ! For what ever reason......You have family that die for this country I have family that died for this counrty crap ! let's stop drinking ! It does'nt matter if I worked for an org. that you did'nt like shit it's a USA org. ....let's make it better ! We have a new President......let's pray to god that he can fix our problem !!!! IAD.
          ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
          those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
          Dr. Seuss


            Thought for the Day.......( Thursday )

            What I want, IAD, is that no associate of mine claims pride over killing a single foreign child.

            Can you agree with me on this single point?

            In my life, My "Soldier" role, is to call out anyone who claims killing children is "normal" or "necessary".

            So, you see, I -am- a soldier. I just have different methods than using a gun.


              Thought for the Day.......( Thursday )

              I just read both of your posts, partly out of disbelief! Is this really necessary.....
              Live your life in such a way that
              when your feet hit the floor in the morning,
              Satan shudders & says...

              'Oh sh*t the B!tch is awake!!'


                Thought for the Day.......( Thursday )

                War is Hell....any death or harm of a child is terrible. IAD
                ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                Dr. Seuss


                  Thought for the Day.......( Thursday )

                  Neuro.......politics are strange bedfellows ! IAD.
                  ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                  those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                  Dr. Seuss


                    Thought for the Day.......( Thursday )

                    Paying uber taxes (as a taxpayer) to federal employees (who don't pay taxes) who never grew up and may be demonstrating they were incompetent in the first place, is also terrible.


                      Thought for the Day.......( Thursday )

                      Sorry Neuro.

                      My nerve only get's touched when it's costing me money. I'm a business owner, as my nickname suggests.

                      Some people think money comes from "trees".

                      They forget, that all tax money comes from me and people like me. The people who make business. Pressed from the customer side and the government side. Think of a grape squeezer and turn the crank.

                      I apologize if I turn the crank back to either the customer or government side. It's my prerogative to help you learn where money comes from.


                        Thought for the Day.......( Thursday )

                        Boss man... can both of us cure all the woes of the world......Noooo ! Truce then, let's be Americans and try to fiquire out how to squire away our economy !! IAD
                        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                        Dr. Seuss


                          Thought for the Day.......( Thursday )

                          Economy is gone, IAD. Sorry. You are late on that call. Your hero destroyed it.

                          Let's agree on one thing. Let's work together to try to save a single child in the Mid-East, today. Just today there are many orphans, because of your style of division and hatred politics.

                          So let's try to make a single child that you destroyed their life, now grow to live a normal life. You and me. 50/50. What do you think? We'll adopt her, you or I and raise her and pay for everything and college and all that. 50/50.

                          What do you think. Let's pick a baby in Gaza that just got her mom blown apart.

                          Male or female. There's plenty of Gaza orphans to pick from. What's your choice for a lifetime responsibility?


                            Thought for the Day.......( Thursday )

                            Please guys, please stop this....
                            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                              Thought for the Day.......( Thursday )

                              Boss Man......Your a hard person to please. Do you think that the objective of this country was to distroy all the children of this area !?1 I don't have a hero...death is terrible. Remember...I had nothing to do with any policy made by any administration....Remember I was here when Clinton was my boss. And their was a lot of death at that time too !. You need to re ajust your thinking if this country is going to come together. IAD.
                              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                              Dr. Seuss


                                Thought for the Day.......( Thursday )

                                You are a government snit with a lifetime pension at taxpayer expense. And you never grew up and tell butt jokes because you think they are funny. Please try to understand, that in the private sector on the West Coast, we left this sort of behavior behind in the early 1980s. Professionally speaking you are about 30 years out of date. As a business owner I see you as an unnecessary lifetime expense.

                                Why do -I- have to pay for -You-?

                                That's my beef. Get it?

                                BTW- To please me make the following promise: All federal, state, and local pensions and payments, social security, medicare payments, and all taxpayer paid payments for your lifetime to YOU will be turned over immediately to the Department of Treasury. That you will NOT be a recipient of taxpayer dole or "socialist" policies. If you take the promise, so will I.

