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Just a few small changes....

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    Just a few small changes....

    ...may help our outlook!

    Here is what I did today to help myself:

    1) got up at a decent hour to take baby to the dr's office for shots. I could have scheduled it for the afternoon, but decided that getting up and at'em and out of the house was a good thing. I was up before 8, before baby and hubby, made coffee and we were at the dr. by 10.

    2) backing up witching hour. I love to crack a beer at 5:00. Switch to wine later. But I have been putting it off to 6 or 6:30. Remember the Lemon Water Thread from the summer -- well I have been trying that and it helps.

    3) I was upstairs watching ER -- my favorite show. Usually I would fold and put and put away the laundry that had accumulated in baskets in the bedroom, cause you can't just watch TV -- you have to be doing something else. Well the laundry was done, so i got out my Avon foot lotion and special socks, relaxed and watched my show. NICE!

    4) I also cleaned out my nice vitamin thingy with all the big compartments and am ready to start anew - I think. The fact that I addressed it is key for me.

    Thank you all for listening and being my friends.
    Love, CS

    p.s. I realized I said "nice" twice -- oh no, starting to sound like the CD guy!!!! Someone get me a hummock!

    Just a few small changes....

    Hey, my friend, that sounds like a good plan. I know I tried to stay out of the kitchen at that time of the day, because I that is where I drank (or outside). Never in the bedroom or living room. The basement could be a problem too.
    You can do this, I know it!!:h
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      Just a few small changes....

      Excellent CS!! Good for you! Taking the time to take the steps to get ready to "Go fo It", is a very wise move.....but, then are a wise woman!!

      I want to be your head "cheerleader"!!

      XXX Kate
      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

      AF 12/6/2007


        Just a few small changes....

        CS -- That is great. I too have found that making small changes can make a HUGE difference. Then those small changes can be stretched and for some of us, it makes the journey to AF a little easier.

        May you have another fabulous day tomorrow!
        If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


          Just a few small changes....

          Hey I wanna be cheerleader too. (guys can do that right? )

          Cs, so glad you are taking the time to care a little extra for yourself. that's a good sign. We all deserve a good quality of life.
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Just a few small changes....

            That's fantastic, CS! Changing our routines is critical to success... and doing it in a way that makes it pleasant (and not like some kind of punishment!) is best of all!


              Just a few small changes....

              A Work in Progress;514711 wrote: That's fantastic, CS! Changing our routines is critical to success... and doing it in a way that makes it pleasant (and not like some kind of punishment!) is best of all!
              WIP that is such a key point: being AF is NOT punishment! it's amazing how my twisted tortured mind actually thought that it was for some time.

              being AF has been like walking out of a jail when I finally realized there was no lock on the door.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Just a few small changes....

                Determinator;515075 wrote: being AF has been like walking out of a jail when I finally realized there was no lock on the door.
                Ain't that the truth! AMEN!


                  Just a few small changes....

                  CS, thank you for that! I am going to follow your advice too. Making small changes to my daily routine will do me the power of good. In fact just putting more thought into my daily activities will help me..
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    Just a few small changes....

                    Yeah, but who am I kidding. I need BIG changes and I know it, and I have been hiding from making those changes. There has been a lot of discussion on these boards about truthfulness and Identity (multiple screen names, etc.) and I don't mean to represent myself as something I am not. I have always had the same screen name, but I have not been successful with my battle with AL.


                      Just a few small changes....

                      you are doing a great job cs my pie.. you are and will make all the changes you need to be successful.. like thesaying goes .. one hour at a time .one day at a time .. and you are doing it all takes time and that what you have make the most of you ..
                      stay strong and think positive
                      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                        Just a few small changes....

                        CS my friend, one thing that has humbled me in my year here is that there are so many ways out of the clutches of alcohol. There are definitely people who succeed only with baby steps, and it sounds like you are taking some.
                        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                          Just a few small changes....

                          CS...only you know when you are ready.....and you will make these changesd in your own time. Soem of us quit cold turkey, no supps no help...WHAM, some need all the tools in the world.....we are all different. You will tweak it to your own sucess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                          Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                            Just a few small changes....

                            Well, I stayed AF tonight and went to an AA meeting -- at 9:30 PM -- all on a Friday. During a snowstorm (well it's not a blizzard but it's really coming down). So maybe my small changes yesterday did help. I am worried that I won't be able to sleep tonight.

                            Part of what helped me today, too, is as I was watching Oprah -- she has been doing this "Best Life" thing this week, with shows on weight, health, spirituality, money and sex -- she said that the key to getting any of those issues under control is to be honest with yourself. And for me, all 5 of those issues are connected with truth and my marriage. I am not articulating this very well, but since I found out that there was this "young sobriety" meeting tonight at 9:30, I would have to tell hubby I was going. Other meetings I have gone to were during the day, and I was on my way home from work, so I wouldn't have to admit to anybody that I went. (although months later I did tell hubby that I had gone.) So I need to work on the truth and honesty piece and how it threads into those other issues, including AL.

                            I don't know what I'm doing about tomorrow, but at least I've had today.


                              Just a few small changes....

                              CS, that is fabulous news dear xxxxxx

                              I agree, honesty and knowing ourself are critical.
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

