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Army Thread 9th January

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    Army Thread 9th January

    Yep , i understand that, thanks, Mr. G, im trying to keep the one day at a time mind frame at the mo, thinking' I wont drink tonight anyway', you know?


      Army Thread 9th January

      Hi One2 & Mr. G!
      Just as well your not in our house at the minute One2, vomit city here with my kids at the mo, just off now to wash all the bed stuff from last night.

      See you later
      There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


        Army Thread 9th January

        Cheerio folks! It's been swell. Hope everyone has a great, and safe weekend. Especially you Limer's!

        Startingover 6 mths today!.....Yay!!!

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Army Thread 9th January

          WOW oney!!!!!! good to see...... you?????... been workin on the weight thing!!!!!!! thats one MAJOR arse!!!! and one to be proud of and..... reckoned with!!!!! well done !!!!!!
          Love ya Cap


            Army Thread 9th January

            Thanks Mr. G, I will fill you in on mon. Have a great weekend yourself!


              Army Thread 9th January

              Good to see you, Captn and Bandit -

              Limers - thanks for your kind and good words re my baby girl. Also, Limers, for MANY years Friday was always such a crucial day for me when trying to stay af. Every time still when I make it through to Sunday, it is like an EXTRA special pat on me ole back...I keep a wee written journal these days, so I can see my progress in the last couple of months, and also, taped to my fridge is a pic of me and Vea and the kids, over top of a letter I tried writing to Vea the week before I stopped drinking (around early November...) I can barely decipher it but it sorta translates that "perhaps I am so depressed because I have my period"!!!! Shite, the writing alone reeks of drunkenness, what a joke - but I look at that wee pirce of writing every dam day and remember (and I DO remember) just how MISERABLE I was...

              Ones - no spewing, he didn't drink on antabuse!! Have paused the movie just now, God, I cry so easily these days! It is a very good watch!
              *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                Army Thread 9th January

                QUESTION: IS it possible to get an arse like that AND keep such a fucking TINY waist/chin/thighs/upperarms/ankles.... WITHOUT writing the check/or taking the drugs??

                ANSWER: I VERY much doubt it!

                MORAL OF STORY: FUCK the large arse, they SURELY will be out of fashion in NO time.
                *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                  Army Thread 9th January

                  Yes that is the little ANGEL driving me CRAZY only 2 more weeks of the school holidays mornings consist of ME waking her up!!!!!!! her response!!!!!!! DADDY NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you are annoying me >>> well the day just gets better:H


                    Army Thread 9th January

                    Kapo Elivis did it ( and the girdle killed him) or the stick mag while on the toilet OR the copious amounts of drugs but he did have a sort of thin at the top and thick all the way down to the ankles look sorta looked ok when he was singing Bridge over Trouble Waters but then again elvisis fat arse wasnt a good look for the fans


                      Army Thread 9th January

                      LOL, Capn - poor sad old Elvis! Ones - you are verrrry lucky to be able to keep that waist! I am reasonably happy with my physical self, and am able to eat what I want, but I HAVE to put in that exercise OFTEN, and all i need to do is LOOK at booze (which I most certainly DO NOT DO!) and the calories PILE on! I'm glad I live exercise!

                      Movie has just finished - was real nice...

                      My son is in his room singing up a storm, to berloody Cat Stevens of all artistes (!) - Shame on you, Jacob, we are PUNK ROCKERS, boy (:H)

                      Well I am headed for bed in 5 - it is 12.15am here, pissssssing down heavily (nice) and so I am going to curl up with a book - don't start work until 11am, so no alarm clock (yay!)

                      Hope you ALL have a fabulous rest of your Friday. Bless each and every one of you..

                      Oh, by the way - update on Vea - he was in the "pound" (solitary) for last 3 days, rang me earlier, and the clock it ticking! He's been in there for 4 months now - nearly half way through YAYAYAYAYAYAY~!

                      Toodle pip x x x x
                      *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                        Army Thread 9th January

                        good on you my sweet oney be healthy!!!!!! best of luck with every bit of ya body eat well and feel good about ya self no matter what any one says youre the best
                        Love cap


                          Army Thread 9th January

                          Morning all, wow this thread is moving quick this morning!! Got a busy day today. Want to get the car cleaned as it's meant to be dark blue but at the mo it's brown!! Picking erin up from school later. Oh and we have to clean the house. I had another good nights sleep, coughed a bit but nothing major.

                          Haven'y caught up on the thread, just flicked through.

                          Starts .... Well done on 6 months hun x x

                          Sweets .... Happy Birthday x x


                            Army Thread 9th January

                            Wow Oney, Great butt !!! I am off to hospital for more tests today...I pray they don't put me in one of those gowns where your BUTT sticks out..if so I will try to get pics...Maybe , if i am good, they will do a butt lift for me....out of pity
                            Oney, I will take your pics for reference
                            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                              Army Thread 9th January

                              Hi everyone!
                              LTG AF January 13, 2011


                                Army Thread 9th January

                                Good luck with the teats Evie.

                                Im going now for a while, Alex is having his b/day party for his class mates tomorrow and I have to buy party bags and a cake today. They are going to see a movie tomorrow , tale of desperardo and go to Mc Donalds afterwords. 8 are coming, so wish me luck!

