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    Well, death seems to have cursed my family recently.
    My aunty mourine died a few months ago. Her son followed. He died due to AL. He used to bindge drink, he even used to wee himself. He died a week or so after his mum. They found him dead on the front room floor. They said he's been throwing up blood in his bedroom as they found bowls full of it, he then managed to get downstairs into the living to get to the phone, a trail of blood followed and he got the phone but he couldn't call, he collaspe, blood all around him. His liver had burst, causing him to have internal bleeding. All due to AL.
    how much does someone have to drink for this to happen? It's scared the shit out of me. I drunk soo much yesterday and hit rock bottom, i layed in bed thinking about it. Really hit home.
    Instead of people thinking how he died alone, all because of AL, they are fighting over his money and property. My parents arn't tho. My dads sister said that just before he died, he said he was going to take her and make a will, stating she will get EVERYTHING... Funny that! She's such a bitch to my dad as he asked questions, all he wants is a pic from there house of the family but she'll not let him have it even tho she'll let everyone else pick whatever they want from the house.

    My uncle john gave up work as losing his sister was too much for him, losing my uncle Michael has left him bed ridden, it'll not be long till he goes.
    My grandad who i am very close with and love to bits, has just been sent home from hospital as they can't do anything more for him. It's now just making him comfortable until he passes. Not long now.

    I need to stay sober and live happy... I want to go with no or very few regrets! Living life sober and not havin something control me and take away my happiness!


    Oh, wow... that is a lot of emotional trauma you are going through.

    I, am sorry that you have to endure all of this.

    I can tell you one thing though. Reading about death due to alcohol is enough to take these fleeting cravings away. I don't think that many people get the opportunity to read just how serious this problem is; and what happens when you die from it. OR that you CAN die from it.

    Your post scared me silly. Big hugs to you; I am sorry you are in so much pain at the moment. Thank you for sharing, though. I think many will really benefit from the reality of death due to AL.



      Yeah that's what i hope. I think the subject of death by AL is not known by most but it is infact one of the most horrible ways to die and many die by this alone just like my uncle Michael. He was such a kind person but always had a drinking problem.
      I hope it's enough to kick me into shape and i hope people read my post and yes i hope it scares and shocks people enough to help when they get cravings. If anything, just to make people aware of what can and will happen if they drink heavy for many years. He was only 42.
      I hope this post stays with everyone




        I, too, want to thank you for posting the story of your Uncle. What a horrible way to die.

        I am sorry you have been going through so much pain.

        AF April 9, 2016




          I am so sorry for your heart ache. It is a tragic story. This will help many take note, I am sure. Can you get the picture from the house, have it copied and give to your Dad? That way mum will think that you wanted it, you will still have the original and your dad will have his momento. Just a thought. Stay strong, dearest. Hugs, Best
          "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008



            (((LilMichelle))) My heart goes out to you hon.



              Mich .... I'm so very sorry to hear this. Thoughts are with you, stay strong x x x



                Lil are going through alot honey...but one thing I have learned...and I lost loved ones as they are still gone and the pain is still there when you sober up. You can not drink the pain away. You can not stay drunk forever. At some point, we must face the pain of life and live. Unfortunately, death is part of life. AND yes some of us will see more than others and that REALLY SUCKS, but you are still alive honey...LIVE....
                Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear



                  hi Lil M, my heart goes out to you, I hope you find peace.
                  Progress, not perfection!!!
                  A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!



                    Lil Michelle,
                    That is so sad. I honestly did not even know your liver could burst (maybe I'm naive) but yes, that did definitly scare me.

                    I am so sorry for the pain you are going through. I wish I could take it all away.

                    thanks for sharing with us.

                    Love and Hugs,
                    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.




                      What tragedy you are living with. I am so sorry. Please stay strong and sober and let us be there for you. Your uncle was probably a very nice and good man. AL can take over and tragically kill even the best of us. Thanks for telling us his story. I'm sorry this had to happen to him.

                      Take good care of yourself.
                      Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.



                        I have just now seen your post, but if I wasn't preparing for a funeral myself, I would have been on here more today. Your pain is palpable, and I hope that the good thing that will come out of it is that it will be the bad choices of others that will ultimately cause you and many of us reading to make the best choices possible. It is so painful to keep on going with joy and happiness when others around us are sick and dying. I know. I am amazed how many of us here know. I want the rest of my life to be the best of my life!

                        Much compassion and understanding,
                        If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.

