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When do you stop counting AF days?

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    When do you stop counting AF days?

    Hi everyone
    I'm on day 69 of my latest AF stint (I once did 107 days earlier last year and then it all went wrong when I tried to mod - and I've had several other brief spells of a few AF days at a time , max 22). However I have to look in my diary to check what day i'm on - i'm not quite as obsessed with day counting as I have been previously - not sure why. I am however very wary of the "abstinence violation effect" ie where it is the run of AF days and the build up of high no's that keeps me going!

    Just wondered - particuarly you long term abstainers who have weeks, months, years of sobriety -at what point do you stop counting individual days - presumably with time you look at monthly anniversaries ie x no of AF months, then yearly etc - or do some of you with 1yr + sobriety still count it in yrs and days?

    I will definitely count days til I'm well passed 107 (where I went wrong before) possibly up to 6 months - possibly a year -not sure yet, but after that -I just don't know.

    What is everyone's view on this?

    Have a good AF day

    Sausage xx

    When do you stop counting AF days?

    Seems like after 90 days it just gets easier to go by months. Easier to figure out when the next month "anniversary" date rolls around.

    I agree about being cautious with getting overly attached to the numbers... The way I look at it is this: I'm happy that it's been xx number of months (or days or whatever)... but that number is not the most important aspect of me, or of my recovery... I've screwed up and started back at "Day 1" many times over the years, and I guess I needed every bit of that misery in order to get fully aware of how poisonous alcohol is to me...


      When do you stop counting AF days?

      just keep on the way you are ..yes keeping track of the days is helpful .. but just keep it in the back of your mind ..
      a number really doesnt make any deferene..
      its all one day at a time ,one moment at a time..
      stay strong and think positive ..
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        When do you stop counting AF days?

        Counting days drove me insane. I have marked my official quit date on the calendar and will go months. I get too sucked in with the day counting. I am quite obsessive.

        That's just me though!


          When do you stop counting AF days?

          sausage that is a good question,think about it would a normal person even think about it,you have to make a 1st step,you mite have a problem,if someone told you couldn't eat peanut butter,which by the way is my favourite,it will kill you,would you,we or as i say i,abuse,that is why were here,and i get to meet nc people like you hahhaa have a good day gyco


            When do you stop counting AF days?

            I am celebrating 3 months today, I want my milestone to be 121 days, so that I can say I went 1/3 of a Year without AL.
            1/3 year sounds SOO long !
            Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
            And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

            • Yesterday is History
              Today is a Mystery
              Tomorrow is a GIFT


              When do you stop counting AF days?

              Hi All
              I the beginning i used the drink tracker and counting days was important and motivating for me.Around 100 it didn't seem that important to count.I do have my start date in my posts more to motivate others.
              I have stooped celebrating "anniversaries".I don't want to draw attention to any one day making it more important than any other day in this fight.Plus anniversaries in the past were spent drinking to celebrate what ever.Now my special anniversaries are celebrated with activities.
              On T first shout out of the year I did go to AA and plugged in my start date and it gave me my total sober days which was helpful to start off the year.

              Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
              AF 5-16-08
              Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
              AF 5-16-08


                When do you stop counting AF days?

                I think I stopped counting days at around the 90-120 day mark...then it was just by the month. After awhile, being AF isn't something you're's just the way you are.



                  When do you stop counting AF days?

                  I stopped counting after 365 days AF. One trip around the Sun seemed about right for me.

                  I agree with Chief's observation.



                    When do you stop counting AF days?

                    Kinda reminds me of when babies are born. At first we measure their age in days. Then weeks and half weeks. Then, by about 3 months, we start using months and half months. Then they are a year old! Then there is the 18 month mark. Then, some people use "19 mos, 20 mos"..... then they are 2! At about this point, we lose the "months" designation. Young children still like the "half-year;" I remember when being 7 1/2 was a much bigger deal than just being 7. Of course by teens and adulthood, we lose the "halves", and then there are those of us who just consider ourselves "of a certain age." (ha ha -- that's not me!)

                    Anyway, my point is that it is all relative. I am still in single digits, but we all find our "own way" of measuring our progress.


                      When do you stop counting AF days?

                      Well........ ummmmm........ I count because of my peppermint ice cream reward.

                      Just months and 100 day annies though.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        When do you stop counting AF days?

                        Thanks everyone - particularly liked your comment CS04 relating to babies' ages - having got 2 young children who were recently babies, I can really relate to what you're saying!

                        Think i'll count til well passed 107 days (where I slipped up last time) - then probably in months once I get passed 6 months - then years once I reach my 1 yr anniversary. After that though I'm hoping I'm just accepting I'm a "non drinker" and the time will be irrelevant!

