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Milk Thistle Allergies

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    Milk Thistle Allergies

    I was wondering if anyone could provide information about allergic reactions to Milk Thistle. I'm on day 2 of taking capsules, 3 per day, a reputable brand, and although I'm certainly not suffering any life-threatening reaction, I do seem to be experiencing some type of allergic reaction to the herb. My eyes are a bit itchy and I feel a very mild sensation of discomfort in the chest, a tightness. I don't have any trouble breathing, and I'm not wheezing or anything, but I do have allergies to ragweed, pollens, etc, and this feels similar. These symptoms are not severe enough to get me to stop taking the herb, but I'm curious to know if it is safe for me to keep taking Milk Thistle given these reactions. Do reactions like this improve as my body adjusts to the herb? Or might these reactions get worse? Any info would be appreciated, as the stuff I've found online has been no help.

    Milk Thistle Allergies

    Why don't you call a health food or natural herb store and ask them? There is also an MWO member named Beatle who knows a lot about herbs and vits, but I have not seen posts from her in quite awhile. I did learn a while back that milk thistle was safe to take while breastfeeding, so it cannot be too strong. But there may be some other reaction you are having. Good luck!


      Milk Thistle Allergies

      I have a similar reaction to Milk Thistle and kudzu...I use liv 52 Goggle it and you will see that it has a great track record.
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        Milk Thistle Allergies

        Hi guys! Hmm, I have just started taking Milk Thistle today so I am interested in seeing whether I have the same reaction or not. I did not do well on the Kudzu - it gave me a reaction like the worst bladder infection ever and I had to stop taking it after only a few days!

        Evie-Lou, I hope you won't be offended if I say that every time I see you advising some to "Goggle" something it makes me giggle! Don't stop saying that though because I love it!

        All the best

