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was only sober person last night

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    was only sober person last night

    what an eye opener!
    i went out with friends to celebrate a birthday and stayed sober (with no cravings after 8 days af), while my frinds got...well, sh*tfaced! i was embarrassed for them and proud of myself at the same time. a couple of the friends are hardcore long term alcoholics and i was actually thankful to them for reminding me why i do not ever want to drink again. i wish i could help them, but i can only change myself.

    anyway, i'm here with 9 days under my belt and the l-glutamine along with a really nutritious diet and exercise seems to really help me not crave or cave!

    (with water)

    was only sober person last night


    Do you find yourself feeling dehydrated at all? I am on day six AF and thirstier than a camel!


      was only sober person last night

      well, i have been drinking alot of water and tea, so i don't think so...i've always been a big time water drinker, though.

      congrats on 6 days!!!


        was only sober person last night

        Great job to both of you!

        Keep drinking water and get as much exercise as you's very important helping your body flush the toxins. You'll start to feel great shortly.....



          was only sober person last night

          Good for you, Peacenik!!!


            was only sober person last night

            I'm on day 6 too and the thirst is incredible.

            It's because your body is sweating out all the toxins.

            Last night was the first night that I didn't sweat but I can tell my body is dehydrated as after a shower my fingers are all pruned.

            So i'm just drinking a lot of water, eating well and taking my multi-vits and vit b.

            All i know from what everyone says it will pass - just gotta not drink alcohol and it will get better.


              was only sober person last night

              Great stuff, peacenik!


                was only sober person last night

                Peacenic you are indeed a wise soul. great work.
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  was only sober person last night

                  Hey Peace! Thanks for posting about your friends! I don't EVEN want to go out with my drinking friends right now.....
                  Good job staying on top of your game!!

                  About the dehydration, I've found that is the first thing I really notice physically after I've been AF for a while! After I start drinking water, my skin starts to rehydrate and my skin is totally different!!!
                  Good thing for this old girl!!!!:H

                  Keep up with the water!!!! It's the BEST thing!!!


                    was only sober person last night

                    Way to go peace! You must feel so great! I am on day 2 and you are an inspiration. 9 days seems like an eternity!


                      was only sober person last night

                      Hey Blanchie,
                      Step in Time and I are both on Day 2. Let's stick together!


                        was only sober person last night

                        Like glue baby!
                        Hang tight for day 3!


                          was only sober person last night

                          Gotcha. There's still plenty of evening left here, though. ughhhhhh.... Where are you?


                            was only sober person last night

                            you can do it!!!

                            funny thing is i don't have drinking buddies, i'm a lone wolf drinker. often times i would be the sober-ish one out with i have to work at being sober at home!


                              was only sober person last night

                              Good post

                              I have always thought that going to parties and remaining sober and just observing everyone else drink is a whole lot more amusing that participating in the stupidity.

